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28 February 2012

NLS Translations

Bazitee Kanne    *    Bazi Tea        *    31  
Bazieeblaetter    *    Bazi Tea Leaves        *    31   
Blackwine Kanne    *    Blackwine        *    31    
Blackwinebohne    *    Blackwine Bean        *    31    
Blackwine Pulver*    Blackwine Powder    *    186   
Boskfleisch    *    Bosk Steak        *    31   
Boskkadaver    *    Raw Bosk        *    31  
Butter        *    Butter            *    93   
Cherry Candy    *    Cherry Candy        *    93    
Dattel        *    Dates            *    31   
Fischfilet    *    Fish Filet        *    21   
Holzscheite    *    Log            *    186
Honig        *    Honey            *    186    
Ka-La-Na Kelch    *    Ka-La-Na Wine        *    186    
Ka-La-Na Tranben*    Ka-La-Na Grapes        *    31
Kaesestueck    *    Cheese Piece        *    31
Larma        *    Apple            *    31
Lavinia Flowers    *    Lavinia Flowers        *    31
Lavinia Pulver    *     Lavinia Powder        *    186
Lavinia Saft    *    Lavinia Saft        *    45
Maringold    *    Marigold        *    31    
Maringold Pulver*    Marigold Powder        *    186
Maringold Saft    *    Marigold Saft        *    45
Mehl        *    Flour            *    31
Milchschale    *    Milk            *    31
Olivenzweig    *    Olive Branch        *    31
Paga        *    Beer            *    186
Rambeere Candy    *    Strawberry Bonbon    *    93
Rambeere    *    Strawberry        *    31
Rence        *    Reed            *    31
Sa-tarna Brot    *    Bread            *    21    
Sa-tarna    *    Wheat            *    93
Salzfass    *    Salt Jar        *    186
Salzkorn    *    Salt Grain        *    93
Schwarze Olive    *    Olive            *    45
Slavebrei    *    Slave Gruel        *    31
Spiritus    *    Spirit            *    186
Sul        *    Potato            *    45
Sul-Paga    *    Grog            *    186
Sunflower     *    Sunflower        *    31
Sunflower Pulver*    Sunflower Powder    *    186
Sunflower Saft    *    Sunflower Saft        *    45
Torian Cherry    *    Cherry            *    31
Toter Fisch    *    Raw Fish        *    10
Trockener Boskdung*    Cowdung            *    186
Verr Roh    *    Raw Sheep        *    31
Verrschenkel    *    Sheep Limb        *    31
Vulo Ei        *    Egg            *    31
Vulo Roh    *    Raw Chicken        *    31
Vulo Spiegelei    *    Fried Egg        *    31
Vuloschenkel    *    Chicken Wing        *    31
Wasserschale    *    Water            *    186
Wolle        *    Wool            *    186
Zuckerfass    *    Sugar Jar        *    186
Zuckerrohr    *    Sugarcane        *    31    

Preparing Baths ((28 Feb))

[02:35]  clysa Dragoone hums softly to herself an old urth tune that she havent thought of for whaa seem to be ages, cly slips from her Jarl's hut, blinking her steely eyes to adjust to the brightness of the new day sun she makes her way towards the bakery with an idea, lately with the move and all thebuilding thats been happening bythe Jarls, extra laundryneeds to be done as well as scrubbing ofthe flesh, going to the storage within the bakery, cly found several size wash basins, including two huge ones that can be used, lifting oe to its side she rolls it towards the stairs, only pausing breifly to catch her breath before continuing her task of pushing the large wooden basin up the stairs, feeling thedroplets of sweat forming as she took each step up, pausing at the top panting she looksfor thebest place for thesoon to be tub, smiles seeing a spot inthe back, turning the basin slightly she rolls it to the back just under the ladder, careful not to drop it upon her toes she lowers the basin down toteh floor, jumping back alittle as
cly preparing the tubs for the Jarls' 
[02:35]  clysa Dragoone:  she finally lets go, panting she slips down toher knees and pushes it into its final place, closing her eyes she leans back against the tub to catch her breath before going back down tofetch the other basin to add asecond tub....
[02:55]  clysa Dragoone tearing a small piece of her kirtle she ties her long light auburn brown hair back from her flushed face, she rises back to her feet to make her wayback down to fetch the second basin, smiles lightly she pauses inher small task to add some firewood to the hearth to heat up some water after she gets everything set, the warth sooths her before she turns and picks up the last large wooden basin, placing it on the side she rolls it to the stairs like she did tothe other, only pausing to catch herbreath befre doing the straining task of pushing the heavy tub up the stairs, reaching the top, cly rolls the last tub over by the first, lining them up she nods to herself as she steps back to admire her work....there, now we can care for two Jarl at once....she mused to herself beore turning and heading back downthe stairs for the final part of her task, filling each tub with water, fetching a yoke and two wooden pales, cly heads towards the well at the cener of teh village, hoisting the bucket up from the well she
[02:55]  clysa Dragoone:  fills each pail and places them upon the hooks of the yoke, she makes her wayback up to the bakery, wincing a little with the yoke over her shoulders she took to the task of filling the iron kettles with the the water as she sets them to boil, cly took severalmore trips to the well and back til the two large kettles are full, taking time to rest as the water heats, she moves about he bakery with a broom, sweeping at the floor, shechecks the water several times, noting the bubbles she uses a pale to dish out teh hot water and starts to care it up the stairs to fill teh tubs, trudging several time up and down the stair planks, she starts humming again to help move her work along, smiles as she pours the last bucketful, she nods in approval as she skips back down to let the Jarls know that there are now bathing tubs ready for their use