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14 March 2012

Tending the Animals (14 March)

[05:27 AM]  Tala Moonwing rises from her furs and stretches her body, hoping to remove the stiffness from her body. Shaking out her furs and fluffing the pillows she tidied up her spot in the corner and then left the cabin to do her morning chores.
[05:35 AM]  Tala Moonwing makes her way to the barn to tend to the beasts, stopping along the way at the dry storage to fetch a bucket of grain for the vulo.
[05:38 AM]  Tala Moonwing sighs softly as she picks her way through the damp grass to the barn, moving to the corner of the barn at her arrival and retrieving the wheelbarrow that was parked out of sight.
[05:42 AM]  Tala Moonwing collects a shovel and begins the laborous task of mucking out the stalls, filling the wheelbarrow time after time with damp, smelly straw and wheeling it to the compost pile behind the blacksmith building. Armful after armful of clean straw was laid out to replace the bedding, and then she quickly filled the water trough and the grain bin for the beasts.
[05:43 AM]  Tala Moonwing: Turning her attention to the vulo pen, she collected a large wicker basket and painfully plucked the eggs from the nests, trying to avoid being pecked and end up with bloody fingers in the process.
[05:48 AM]  Tala Moonwing scowls at a particularly violent bird, and shoos it out the way to retrieve the last egg. As with the stalls for the larger animals, she replaced the bedding in the vulo pen, laughing softly as the bird squabbled over nesting rights.
[05:50 AM]  Tala Moonwing moves to where the bosk were complaining loudly about their discomfort and with practiced ease milked them both, taking slow measured steps back to the bakery to store the fresh milk. With the animals taken well care of for the day she moved on to her next set of chores in the long hall