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14 July 2012

Gorean Dictionary: T

ta (preposition): to; as in Ta-Sardar-Gor 'to the Priest-Kings of Gor'

tabor (noun): small hand drum; it's drumhead is made of verrskin. The tension is adjusted by tightening or loosening small pegs around it's perimeter.

Tabor, island of (noun): the island in the Thassa south of Teletus.

tabuk! (exposition): this tarn command is used by the tarnsman on long flights, and does not want to free the bird to find prey. When he spots a tabuk or other animal, he cries, 'Tabuk!' and this is the signal for the tarn to hunt. The bird makes it's kill and feeds and the flight resumes with the tarnsman in the saddle.

tabuk, common (noun): a kind of antelope, yellow in color with a single horn found in many area's of Gor. It travels in fleet footed herds and haunts the ka-la-na thickets of the planet occasionally venturing daintily into the meadows in search of berries and salt. It's meat is used as food by men (often as tabuk steak) and animals. It is a favorite prey of Tarns.

tabuk, northern (noun): massive tawny and swift is much larger than its smaller southern variety; standing ten hands at the shoulders. They have a single spiralling ivory horn, which at it's base can be 2 1/2 inches in diameter and over a yard in length. The Red Hunters are irrecovably tired to the tabuk for sustenance and the devices of daily living much like the Wagon Peoples and the bosk, and the Red Savages and the kailiauk.

tabuk, prairie (noun): described as tawny and gazelle-like with a single horn, it responds to threat by scurrying away or lying down. Presumably this reponse is useful because of the high grass of the Barrens as most predators depend on vision to detect and locate it's prey.

ta-grape (noun) : A Gorean grape from which Ta_wine is made , usually associated with the terraces of Cos but not limited to such they being grown in various locales in similar latitude.

Tahari Tribes (noun): Kavars & Aretai and their  Vassal Tribes: The Char, The Kashani, The Ta`Kara, The Raviri, The Tashid, The Lunaz, and The Bakahs.

Tajuks (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai.

Ta'Kara (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Kavars.

Tal (noun): a common gorean greeting often accompanied with a salute performed by raising the right hand to shoulder level, palm inward.

talender (noun): delicate and yellow petaled, a fragrant meadow flower; when worn in a slave girl's hair, it is a symbol of deep submission and emotional attachment to her owner.  It is also the symbol of love and is worn during FreeCompanionship rituals.

talmit (noun): headband

talmit, kajira (noun): headband worn by work slaves; it can denote girls with authority over other slaves.

talu (noun): a unit a measure equaling 2 gallons.

taluna (noun; lit. 'panther girl'): a free woman who lives as a hunter in small tribes of 15-100 members; they roam the northern forests of Gor.

tarn (noun): crested hawk-like bird large enough to be saddled and flown, it is used in battle and in racing and is bred for swiftness and aggressiveness.

tarn cot (noun): building in which domesticated tarns are housed.

tarn cot, faction (noun): a tarn cot for use by numerous owners involved in a faction.

tarn death (noun): each limb of a person is attached by rope or chain to different tarns and the person is flown aloft then torn apart.

tarn disk, copper (noun): a unit of currency.

tarn disk, gold (noun): a unit of currency of the highest value on Gor; also made in double- weight; many cities on Gor mint their own money but the gold tarn disk of Ar is the standard for much of Gor.

tarn drums (noun): drums used in a march during war; the signals are used to control flying tarn armies.

tarn goad (noun): an electrical device much like a cattle prod used for controlling tarns; is c. 20 inches long.

tarn keeper (noun): one that oversees tarn handling.

Tarn Keepers, Caste of (noun): Those working and training tarns.

tarn ship (noun): a type of ram-ship being long and narrow with a shallow draft a straight keel a single lateen-rigged mast and a single bank of oars; at the prow below the waterline is a ram shaped like a tarn's head; it also carries light catapults shearing blades and other weaponry.

tarn whistle (noun): tarns on the planet Gor are trained to respond to the shrill, piercing call of the tarn whistle or tarn call; a means of summoning.

tarn wire (noun): razor wire strung between the walls of a city to protect it from aerial attack.

tarna (noun): daughter; as in Sa-Tarna 'Life Daughter'.

Tarnburg (noun): a city in the southern, more civilized, ranges of the Voltai, it is essentially a mountain fortress located two hundred pasangs to the north and east of Hochburg.

tarntauros (noun): a legendary creature which is half man and half tarn.

tarsk (noun): fat, grunting, brindled, shaggy-maned, hoofed, flat-snorted, rooting, short-legged quadruped, having a bristly mane which runs down its spine to the base of the tail. In the wild, it is viciously aggressive. A common source of meat, and is often roasted whole. Market of Semris is famed for it's tarsk markets.

tarsk bit (noun): a large coin worth from 1/10 to 1/4 of a copper tarsk depending on the city which mints the coin.

tarsk, copper (noun): a copper coin.

tarsk, giant (noun): presumably similar to the common tarsk, however it stands 10 hands at the shoulder and is hunted with lances from tarnback.

tarsk, silver (noun): a coin considered to be of much value by most goreans. It is worth 100 copper tarks in most cities. Ten silver tarks is the equivalent of one gold piece of one of the high cities. Many gold pieces are standardized against the golden tarn disk of Ar.

Ta-Sardar-Gor (phrase: lit. 'To the Priest-Kings of Gor'): a libation which varies in formality from the simple statement, loudly proclaimed to a ritual in which a few grains of meal colored salt and a few drops of wine are placed in a fire.

Ta-Sardar-Var (noun): directional division of a Gorean map.

Tashid (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai.

Tassa powder (noun): a reddish powder, usually mixed with red wine, which renders the consumer unconscious

tassna (noun): mother; as in Sa-Tassna 'Life-Mother'.

tasta (noun): Stick candy, soft rounded succulent candies, usually covered with a coating of syrup or fudge, rather in the nature of the caramel apple, but much smaller, and, like a caramel apple, mounted on sticks. The candy is prepared and then the stick, from the bottom, is thrust up, deeply, into it.

ta-teera (noun): a one-piece sleeveless short slave garment, torn here and there; also called a slave rag.

Ta-Thassa (phrase; lit. 'to the sea'): ritual phrase invoked during a libation offering of wine oil and salt made to Thassa.

Ta-Thassa Mountains (noun): a mountain range in the southern hemisphere of Gor, it marks the southern border of the rainforest between it and the southern prairies. It's western border is the shores of the Thassa.

tatrix (noun): a Gorean word for a female ruler.

Tau (noun): letter of the Gorean alphabet.

ta-wine (noun): wines from the ta-grape grown on the terraces of Cos. The color is not described, but the grape is purple.

Tef (noun): a unit of measure, consisting of a handful with the five fingers closed, not open of whatever produce (such as dates) is being weighed; 6 tefs equal one tefa.

Tefa (noun): 1) a unit of measure equaling 6 tefs, or handfuls; 5 tefas equal 1 hada; 2) a small basket.

telekint (noun): a plant of the Tahari, its roots mashed and mixed with water provide a red dye.

tem (noun): a tree which produces a black wood that is very strong.

Temus (noun): A brewer of paga in Ar, it's paga packaged in bottles.

teslik (noun): a plant whose extract is the active ingredient in breeding wine.

Tetrapoli (noun): means "Four Cities" - "Four Towns" in gorean.

tharlarion (noun): one of several types of large reptiles, some of which have been domesticated, it's fat is rendered to provide lamp.

tharlarion boots (noun): high boots of soft leather worn by riders of high tharlarion to protect their legs from the abrasive hides of their mounts.

tharlarion, broad (noun): sluggish tharlarion used as draft animals; herbivorous.

tharlarion, high (noun): agile tharlarion used as a mount for riding. They have very short almost useless forelegs; carnivorous.

tharlarion, land (noun): land dwelling tharlarion used for towing. The land tharlarion can swim, though not as efficiently as the river tharlarion.

tharlarion, marsh (noun): inhabitants of the marshes that comprise the delta of the Vosk; similar to crocodile.

tharlarion, racing (noun): these high tharlarions are bred and registered for racing. Unlike the animals used as cavalry, these are chosen from 'medium class' tharlarion, being smaller and ligher.

tharlarion, river (1) (noun): extremely large, herbivorous, web-footed lizards used by bargemen of the Cartius River to pull barges.

tharlarion, river (2) (noun): crocodile-type animal; implied to be carnivorous and very similar to the marsh tharlarion.

tharlarion, rock (noun): a small reptile of the Tahari

tharlarion saddle (noun): constructed with the leather seat mounted on a hydraulic fitting which floats in a thick lubricant. This saddle is made to absorb shock with the added ability of the seat always being parallel to the ground.

tharlarion, water; tiny (noun): described as not much more than 'teeth and tail', this tiny scavenger follows in the wake of the larger water tharlarion and is not more than 6 inches long. It inhabits the marshes.

Tharna (noun) city: major - ruled by a Tatrix; Caste of Poets are outlawed in Tharna;  If a man is within the city of Tharna for more than 10 hrs- It means one is made welcome in Tharna and this means one is sent to the Great Farms to be a Field Slave, to cultivate the soil of Tharna in chains till one dies.

Tharna Tie (noun): ankles crossed and bound, the head tied down, fastened by a short tether running back to ankles, hands tied behind the back (can be used with chains, collar, etc).

Thassa (noun): the sea

Thentis (noun): located in the Thentis Mountains, it is renowned for raising tarn flocks and growing blackwine beans.

thief's scar (noun): a tiny, three-pronged brand burned onto the upper right cheekbone of the Caste of Thieves. Port Kar the only City to recognize this Caste.

Thieves, Caste of (noun): Those who make their living by stealing, robbery, picking pockets, etc.; exists only in Port Kar.

thrall (noun): a male slave in Torvaldsland.

throat strap (noun): the throat strap is used to guide the tarn in flight via six leather streamers or reins. They are attached to it and strung through a metal ring on the forward part of the saddle. These straps, when pulled by the tarnsman, will exert pressure on a corresponding ring on the throat strap, hence communicating to the tarn which way to move.

throwing stick (noun): a buoyant curved stick used in the marshes to hunt and kill birds.

Ti (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari, they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai.

tibit (noun): a small, thin legged bird which lives on tiny mollusks found on the shores of Thassa.

tile dance (noun): dance performed on red tiles. It commonly signifies the restlessness of a love-starved slave girl.

tindel, fruit (noun): brightly plumaged bird living in the second level of the rainforest near Schendi.

toos (noun): a crab like organism with overlapping plating; inhabits the Nest and scavenges on discarded fungus spores

tor (noun): light; as in Tor-Tu-Gor 'Light Upon the Home Stone'.

Tor Shrub (noun): bright shrub or shrub of light: - abundance of bright flowers; - yellow or white - does not grow above a man's waist.

Tor-tu-Gor (noun): Light Upon the Home Stone (more common expression for the sun).

torturers, clan of (noun): found only among the Wagon Peoples, they are trained as carefully as scribes or physicians in the arts of detaining life. Though some are famous for services rendered to Initiates and Ubars, they are always hooded. The hood is removed only when the sentence is death, so that only condemned men have seen what lies beneath it.

Torvald, steam of (noun): a warm current, pasangs wide, it moves eastward to the coast of Torvaldsland and then north. It's warm temperature enables communication and re-supply of between the various small farms and communities of this bleak area. Those of Torvaldsland regard the stream as a gift of Thor, bestowed upon Torvald, legendary hero of the land, in exchange for a ring of gold.

Torvaldsland (noun): cruel, harsh, rocky land located NW of the Hrimgar Mountains, above the Northern Forests and below the Polar Plain with which it shares the shores of the Arctic Sea. There are many inlets, cliffs and mountains and little arable land. Good soil is rare and highly prized. The Torvaldslanders are seamen, travelling in their oared Serpent ships in search of parsit fish. Their men, fierce and aggresive warriors, prefer the great axe as their weapon.

torvis (noun): fire; as in Lar-Torvis 'The Central Fire'.

tospit (noun): a small, wrinkled yellowish white peach like fruit, about the size of a plum, which grows on the tospit bush,  patches of which are indigenous to the drier valleys of the western Cartius. They are bitter but edible.

Tower Slave (noun): a state slave girl in any of the cities of Gor; her duties in the apartment cylinders are largely domestic; traditionally, she kneels with her knees together & with her wrists crossed in front of her, as if for binding.

Tower Slave Position (position): The position in which a slave kneels back on her heels, thighs closed, wrists crossed before her, head up and eyes lowered.

Treve (noun): warlike city; city rich in plunder, lofty, inaccessible and impregnable as a tarn's nest - known as the "Tarn of the Voltai"  located somewhere in the Voltai Range; alleged to lie above Ar about 700 pasangs toward the Sardar/

Trident (noun): 3 pronged fish spear, used by the arena fighters called Fishermen;

tu (phrase): you are.

Tuchuk (noun): Dreaded - shield is small, round, and black   - carries lance, horn bow, coiled rope of braided bosk hide, and a three weighted bola  - skillful and vain  - Tuchuk standard, the sign of the four bosk horns. Set in such manner as to somewhat resemble the letter "H," is about an an inch high.

tufted fisher (noun): a water bird which inhabits the rivers of the rain forests inland of Schendi

tumit (noun): large flightless bird, about the size of an ostrich, having an 18'-long hooked beak; carnivorous.

tun (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.

tun (noun): directional division of a Gorean map.

Turia (noun): a major city-state of Gor situated south of the equator on the plains of Turia. Turia is said to be named for the Tur tree, especially one found near a stream. Turia counts it years from summer solstice to summer solstice. It's wealth and opulence is well known and the city is often referred to as the 'Ar of the south'. At the time of Tarl Cabot's first visit inside the walled, nine-gated stronghold, she had never been conquered. For hundreds of years, she had maintained an uneasy trade relationship with the inhabitants of the plains, the nomadic Tribes of the Wagon Peoples. Sacked and conquered by Kamchak, the eventual Ubar San of the Wagon Peoples, she was ultimately spared, her Home Stone untouched out of sentiment.

Turmus (noun): last major port on the Vosk before the marshes.

Tur-Pah: (noun) : a Tree parasite, cultivated in host orchards of Tur trees.

turtle, Vosk (noun): can grow to be gigantic, these animals are carnivorous, aggressive and persistent. Can be difficult to kill.

two strap (noun): one of a series of straps used in the navigation of a Tarn, namely to climb steadily and to the right.

Tyros (noun): 400 pasangs west of Port Kar - hundred pasangs south of Cos - famed for vart caves - trained varts (bat-like creatures) size of small dog used for weapons - rugged island with mountains - capital city - Kasra.