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05 May 2012

NLS Illnesses and Cures

Magenprobleme    *    Nausea        *    Lavinia   *
Grippe        *    Influenza    *    Sunflower *
Husten        *    Cough        *    Sunflower *
Schnupfen    *    Sniffles    *    Sunflower *
Meningitis    *    Meningitis    *    Sunflower *
Infektion    *    Infection    *    Maringold *
Borreliose    *    Lyme Disease    *    Maringold *
Lebensmittelvergiftung* Food Poisoning    *    Maringold *
Dar Kosis    *    Dar Kosis    *    No Cure   *
Bazi Pest    *    Bazi Plague    *    No Cure      *

            Medicine Recipes

NOTE: it is important to gather only one item at a time.. stand..
and let the plant re-initialize before picking from it again.
STORE raw materials in Pulverized format (lasts 6 months)

    *Sunflower Saft (lasts 30 days):

Gather sunflower leafs x 4 Pulverize x 4 Process into Saft
(takes 4 Pulverized sunflower to make one Saft) - Requires fire

    *Lavina Saft (lasts 30 days):

Gather lavina leafs x 4 Pulverize x 4 Process into Saft
(takes 4 Pulverized lavina to make one Saft) - Requires fire

    *Marigold Saft (lasts 30 days):

Gather marigold leafs x 4 Pulverize x 4 Process into Saft
(takes 4 Pulverized marigold to make one Saft) - Requires fire

NLS Tools and Fuel

            Tool Translations

Tools        *    Translation    *    Usage
Axt        *    Axe        *    Wood          *
Hornschaufel    *    Horn Shovel    *Sul,             *               
                             *                              *Baziteablaetter,    *               
                              *                             *Rambeere, pumpkins,  *
                               *                          *karotten, blackwine  *
 Obstfluecker    *    Fruit Picker    *Larma, Olives,       *
                            *                               *Cherry, Tospits      *
Rancher        *    Smoker        *    Honey          *
Schaufer    *    Knife Shovel    *    Dung          *
Schere        *    Scissors    *La-la-na Trauben,    *
                     *                          *Dattel, Cacaobean    *
Sence        *    Scythe        *Rence, Sa-tarna      *                
                    *                       *Zuckerrohr (sugar)   * ***************************************************************
Spitzhacke    *    Pickaxe        *Metalerz,           *
                            *                       *Salzkorn (Salt)      *

    *Fire:2 Holzcheite (log) or 2 Boskdung
    *Spiritus:5 Suls (potatoes) + Wasserchale (water)
        *Spiritus Lamp (Physician's Office):
            1 Oel or 1 Spiritus

Caste Status

Know that the Caste structure is rigid, but it is not impossible to raise in station. Most often this occurs in the years of training, when one shows potential to excel or struggles with sufficient understanding for the higher Caste. The changes to Caste, who are taught what is considered as ‘First Knowledge’, not ‘Second Knowledge’.
Thus, are more inclined to seek to follow magical ways or hide their real names with a use name. The Lower Castes, are purposefully given macerate information about Gor at times, for example, is led to believe that Gor is a flat disk, rather than a spherical planet with truth taught in the ‘Second Knowledge’.

The five High or Scholarly Castes, are represented at the government building. There Castes in ranking order are:
-Initiates: Recognized by the white robes and shaved heads, the Initiates are responsible for guiding the spiritual life of Goreans, through their rituals and prayers to the Priest-Kings. Besides not eating meat or imbibe alcohol, they are also required by their Caste codes to be celibate.
-Scribes: Recognized by the blue robes, within this Caste are the scholars and record keepers of Gorean society. They tend to be serious and studious, with an attention for details and a passion for knowledge.
-Builders: Noted for the yellow tunics, this Caste concerns themselves with the creation of physical and engineering marvels of Gor.
-Physicians: This Caste only concerns themselves with the healing arts and is universally recognized as a non-combatants during times of war. Can be picked out by their green robes.
 -Warriors: Noted by the red tunics, this Caste is noted not only as combatants, but is effective as guardsmen for the cities, or can work effectively in any Caste with Knowledge.

Now, there are many Lower Castes with sub-divisions or sub-castes. These are as followed:

 -Merchants: Dealing with sales and trade of merchandise, for a profit. It has almost as many sub-castes as there are products.
-Money Lenders
-Bounty Collectors or Debt Collectors
-Milk Venders
-River Fishermen
-Thassa Fishermen
-Net Makers
-Artisans (creators of any hand-made goods, no matter its use)
-Players : Regarded based on the level of skills within the Kaissa game. Technically not a Caste, but a guild. Have blanket immunity to prosecution and slavery.
-Potters or Pot Makers
-Saddle Makers: Handles the saddlery, harness and tack of all the riding and draft beasts of Gor.
-Metal Workers
-Sword Makers
-Jewelry Makers
-Leather Workers: Also, piercing of the ears and noses of slaves, as well as leather-working.
-Torturers: Mostly found among the Wagon People
-Cloth Workers
-Rug Makers
-Rope Makers
-Sail Makers
-Municipal Servants
-Guardsmen: Patrols the city streets, making arrests and insuring the well-being of the city and it’s inhabitants.
-Lamp Lighters
-Waste Collectors
-Animal Handlers: Many sub-castes that oversees the use and care of domestic animals.
-Tarns Keepers: Responsible for the care, feeding and training of the fierce winged saddle bird; both racing and war tarns.
-Vart Trainers: Found on the island Ubarate of Tyros, responsible fore the care of the bat-like creatures, often used as weapons.
-Goat Keepers: Responsible for the care and maintance of goats and other animals, such as the wooly hurt.
-Sleen Trainers: Handles the six-legged, furred hunting reptiles oh Gor.
-Woodsmen: Protects and manage the vast resources of Gorean forests, claimed by a particular city.
-Wood Carriers
-Wood Carvers
-Forest Hunters
-Forest Marshals
-Forest Trackers
-Oil Makers
-Lubrications and fuel oils
-Charcoal Makers
-Perfumers: Often works with Oil Makers to create scented oils, or Charcoal Makers and Spice Merchants to make incense.
-Hair Dressers
-Assassins: Recognized by the black tunics. Required by the Caste codes to renounce all family ties and friendships, to claim no Home Stone. They are feared and despised by all.
-Rence-Growers: Dwellers upon great floating islands within Marshes and swamps, harvesting Rence (similar to rice). Very territorial and secretive.
-Peasants: Recognized by either the brown tunics or robes, they are the farmers of Gor. Though a Low Caste, they follow strict Caste codes and master peasant weaponry, such as the quarter staff and great bow.
-Thieves: Only from the city of Port Kar, are noted and identified by a tiny, black three-pronged or trident tattoo upon the cheekbone.

Quote from Explorers of Gor

BtB Pleasure Slave Training

The training of a Pleasure Slave, is long and arduous. On the first week, a slave does nothing, but kneel before a mirror in the position of a pleasure slave (kneeling in nadu) for several Ahn a day.

The second week, she will kneel the same way, but repeats out loud, ?La Kajira? (?I am a slave girl?). During the third and forth weeks, she will learn the laws of natural order, relation of the sexes, and that women are natural slaves. Of course, the girl is allowed to argue and debate, during this time. Also, during the forth week, the girl will learn to respond to certain questions, some of them being quite complex.

In the fifth week, kneeling again, repeating the questions and answers, she learned. And in the sixth week, she kneels and repeats out loud, ?I love being a slave girl.?

The next few weeks will include, a period of exercises. Barbarians (Earth girls), learns Gorean, when not being trained. After the exercise training, they?ll learn how to stand, walk, kneel, recline, eat and drink. They also learn domestic chores, as well as dances, songs, variety of kisses, caresses and sexual techniques.

Now, most slaves will learn how to respond to various questions. Here is an example of common questions and answers:

What are you?

*A slave girl.

What is a slave girl?

*A girl who is owned.

Are you a slave girl?

*Yes, Master.

Who owns you?

*My Master owns me.

Who trains you?

*Everyone I interact with, gives me an opportunity to learn, in a formal way, my Master may choose anyone to train his slave.

Do you have a brand?

*No, Master.


*Because, I have not yet proven my slavery.

Do you wear a collar?

*Yes, Master.

What sort of collar do you wear?

*A personal collar, Master, it shows that I belong fully to my Master and he may do whatever he wishes with his slave.

What is the common purpose of a collar?

*The collar has four common purposes, Master.

*First, it visibly designates me as a slave, as a brand might not, if it should be covered by clothing.

*Second, it impresses my slavery upon me.

*Thirdly, it identifies my Master.

*Fourthly, it makes it easier to leash me.

Do you like being a slave girl?

*Yes, Master.

What does a slave girl want more than anything?

*To please her Master.

What are you?

*A slave girl.

What do you want more than anything?

*For my Owner to find me pleasing.

Return of Rondvik, For the Better

Thats right travelers. Rondvik has returned. Brought up from thee ashes, the Chieftain and council sought out the land thought gone and started rebuilding the old Village and trading post/training center.
Plus, with thee growing masses, Noir Avenir was kinda getting crowded, so here we are. Rebuilding, growing and prospering into a land and family worth to any Gorean heart.

Seek us out and safe paths.