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06 May 2012

The Re-Collaring of the Bonds

[16:30]  Hania Rae: smiles watching nods to Rajaah
[16:30]  rajaah: tells his girl to come forward to him
[16:31]  SolaraLove: "Aye my Jarl"..solara responds smiling softly as she moved forward toward her Jarl
[16:32]  rajaah: on this day i remove this collar as he reaches for her tender neck taking off this collar
[16:33]  SolaraLove: looking towards him she leane dher head forward feeling her crimson hair cascade to the side...his strong hands working his way through her collar....her heart taking louder beats her legs seemingly weak
[16:33]  rajaah: now in honor of the new village an our new home to a sweet begining of these lands an our home i'm giving you a new collar
[16:34]  rajaah: now kneel before for me an submit to me
[16:35]  SolaraLove: "Aye my Jarl"..she whispers...her eyes glistening in emerald splendor filling with joyful tears...lowering to the furs beneath her speaking proudly..."On this day my Jarl i submit mind body and soul to You"
[16:35]  rajaah: do you solara submit to me freely
[16:35]  SolaraLove: "Yes my Jarl i do completely"
[16:36]  rajaah: smiles to his girl an nods placing the new collar apon her neck
[16:36]  SolaraLove: a single tear trailed down her soft pink cheeks as she felt the new cool steel caress her neck
[16:36]  Hania Rae: smiles watching knowing that they belong together and the New beginning for them and the village
[16:36]  rajaah: now you are truly mine and welcome you to our new home
[16:36]  SolaraLove: "Thank You my Jarl i shall serve You and this village with all that i am"
[16:37]  rajaah: an a great life as live out our time
solara's collaring
[16:37]  Tala Moonwing looks on, smiling softly as she gazes over at the sister of her heart as she receieves the greatest blessing a bond can receive
[16:37]  SolaraLove: smiles brightly her heart leaping for joy
[16:37]  rajaah: then lock the collar on her neck
[16:37]  rajaah: now you may stand mine
[16:38]  SolaraLove: the sound of the lock echoing the hall as she looked up proudly to her Jarl and Master..."Yes my Jarl"
[16:38]  Hania Rae: claps and nods to Rajaah
[16:38]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) nods her own approvement, smiles
[16:38]  rajaah: grins to a new life
[16:38]  SolaraLove: bite sher bottom lip looking over to her village family
[16:38]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles at solara
[16:38]  Tala Moonwing grins and catches her sister's heart as it bounces with joy and tosses it to her Jarl for safe keeping with a wink
[16:38]  rajaah: stand girl
[16:38]  SolaraLove: giggles
[16:39]  SolaraLove: "Yes my Jarl"
[16:39]  Hania Rae: smiles watching the hugs
[16:39]  rajaah: then gives her a warm hug
[16:39]  SolaraLove: wraps her arms tightly around her Jarl so happy
[16:40]  rajaah: now looks to his brother "it's your turn" an grins
[16:40]  Tala Moonwing: chuckles softly
[16:40]  Hania Rae: walk to the center of the room
[16:41]  Hania Rae: smiles calls my girl to stand in front of me
[16:41]  Tala Moonwing looks to her sister cly with a softly smile
[16:42]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) looks up to her Jarl as she approaches him
[16:42]  Hania Rae: looks to my girl and smiles take the key and unlock the collar and throw it on the floor
[16:43]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) bites her lower lip feeling the steel removed from her slender neck as she watches him
[16:43]  Hania Rae: look my cly in her eyes "and kneel girl submit to me"
[16:44]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles witnessing the wonderful event since she wasn't able the first time, her eyes lightens up bright
cly's collaring
[16:44]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): yes my Jarl...she spoke softly as she melts down to her knees raising her arms up and spoke gently....girl submits to her Jarl
[16:45]  Hania Rae: take out a steel collar and places on her solf neck and with pride wrap it around her neck cly "with the start of this new village and our new Home I collar you to a new life here in Rondvik"
[16:46]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): yes my Jarl, i'll do my best to serve you and this village for as long as i live
[16:46]  Hania Rae: closes the steel collar and lock it smiles
[16:46]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) shivers feeling the steel and lock
[16:47]  Hania Rae: stand girl and be the frist girl of this village
[16:47]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) looks up at him smiles gently...yes my Jarl...gently rises to her feet
[16:47]  rajaah: claps his hands an grins to his brother an the first girl
[16:48]  Hania Rae: hugs my girl tight and kisses her lips
[16:48]  Hania Rae: stand to my left girl
[16:48]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) purrs into the kiss as she hold onto him
[16:48]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): yes my Jarl
[16:48]  Tala Moonwing smiles with joy as she sees her sister newly collared to their Jarl and their new home
[16:48]  Hania Rae: smiles looking to tala "come girl"
[16:49]  Tala Moonwing moves quickly to stand before Him "yes my Jarl"
[16:49]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles watching tala walk by
[16:49]  rajaah: pulls solara closer to him
[16:49]  Tala Moonwing stands before Him and gaze up at Him with love shining from her emerald eyes
tala's collaring
[16:49]  Hania Rae: smiles as tala reaches me and I take my key and unlock the collar and throw it on the floor
[16:50]  Hania Rae: looks to my girl "submit to me girl"
[16:50]  Tala Moonwing winces slightly as the collar is removed, her stomach clenching out of nervousness and slips to her knees, raising her arms and crossing her wrists
[16:51]  Tala Moonwing speaks firmly "i willingly subit to You my Jarl and i vow to serve You and this village till the end of my life"
[16:51]  Hania Rae: place the steel collar around tala neck "and I now collar you to Me and the new village of Rondvik and to a new start here in our home"
[16:52]  Tala Moonwing beams brightly, tears of happiness shining from her eyes "i thank You my Jarl for this honor. I will not dissapoint You"
[16:53]  rajaah: smiles seeing tala getting her new collar place upon her an grins to the cheftian
[16:53]  Hania Rae: lock the collar in place and place the 2nd girl tag on the collar know that she be a great 2nd girl to the village
[16:53]  SolaraLove: nuzzling into her Jarls arms looking on proudly over her sisters' happiness knowing its feeling
[16:54]  Hania Rae: stand girl welcome to our new home
[16:54]  Tala Moonwing feels her heart swell with love and pride as the new collar and locked in place and rises to her feet once more, pressing a soft kiss against His lips and hugging Him tightly.
[16:54]  Hania Rae: hugs the girl tight and kisses her lips
[16:54]  Tala Moonwing moves to stand beside her sister to make room for her sister nadie
[16:55]  Hania Rae: stand by your sister
[16:55]  Hania Rae: looks to my girl nadie "come here girl"
[16:55]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles softly as her blue eyes twinkle gliding to her Jarl
[16:56]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) smiles as she hugs tala, hr steely eyes gleaming as she turns and watchees
[16:56]  Tala Moonwing returns the hug and then lets her soft gaze rest once more on her Jarl and her sister as she too is welcomed to their new home and her new life as their Jarl's girl.
[16:56]  Hania Rae: "last but not lease" looks at nadie and take my key and unlock the collar and throw it on the floor
nadie;s collaring
[16:57]  nadie (dab.snowfield) feeling the weight of the collar being lifted she holds still
[16:57]  Hania Rae: now submit to me girl
[16:57]  nadie (dab.snowfield) floats to her knees bring her arms up over her head tucking her head between her elbows stretching her arms outward
[16:58]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles in a soft voice 'my Jarl i submit to you with mind body and soul'
[16:59]  Hania Rae: take outa steel collar and wrap it around nadie small neck "and I collar you to me and the village of Rondvik and to our new home here in the Northern Forest of Gor"
[17:00]  Hania Rae: lock the collar in place and smiles to my girl nadie "stand and stay where you are at"
[17:00]  rajaah: grins as half pint submit to her jarl an wink to the cheftian an claps agian as i look to all the girls, "welcome to the new birth of our new home here at rondvilk an your new collars girls"....claps louder
[17:00]  nadie (dab.snowfield) moves her arms slightly feeling the collar wrapping around her neck closing her eyes as the metal touches her neck holding the tears back as she wanted to jump up and hold her Jarl
[17:01]  Tala Moonwing grins widely as she watches her newest sister embrace her new life eagerly.
[17:01]  Hania Rae: step to the side and motion solara to come to me
[17:02]  SolaraLove: "Aye Chieftain"..walking over to the Chieftain
[17:02]  Hania Rae: pull out a 3rd girl tag and reaches for solara collar and place the tag on her collar and smiles "you are now the thrid girl of the village"
[17:03]  Hania Rae: step back to nadie
[17:03]  SolaraLove: smiles brightly feeling the Chieftain as he gavve her a title.."Aye Chieftain i won't let You down"
[17:03]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiels winking to solara
[17:03]  SolaraLove: winks to nadie her smile ever so bright
[17:03]  rajaah: grin seeing his girl get a tag place on her collar an claps
[17:05]  Hania Rae: pull out a tag of of 4th girl and places on the collar of nadie "and now you are 4th girl of the village so you have some things that you have to do to help the village"
[17:05]  Hania Rae: looks to onyx "come here girl"
[17:06]  SolaraLove: mouth drops open and smiles brightly to nadie wanting to pounce on her and hug her tightly
[17:06]  nadie (dab.snowfield) looks to her right seeing her sisters with their new collars, hearing her Jarl she looks at him surprised and shock blinking a few times 'aye my Jarl i'll do my very best to make the village and you proud'
[17:06]  Tala Moonwing stiffles a giggle of excitement
[17:06]  σηуx (xeian.nateas) quickly makes her way over to the Chieftain but careful as not to step on anyone Standing before Him Sapphire eyes lowered to the ground
[17:07]  nadie (dab.snowfield) quickly moves to tala and watches
[17:07]  Hania Rae: nadie stand by your sisters
[17:07]  Tala Moonwing grins and pulls her sister close winking to her yet remaining quiet
[17:07]  Hania Rae: pull out a village collar and looks to the girl "submit girl"
[17:07]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles wrapping her arm around tala
onyx collaring
[17:08]  SolaraLove: smiles softly to Onyx
[17:09]  rajaah: looks to his girl , this be a great new beginning here tonight
[17:09]  σηуx (xeian.nateas) falls to her knees bringing slender arms above her head crossing her wrists, she speaks in a voice barely above a whisper but firm "I willingly Submit to The Village and will do everything in my power to Help it grow and thrive and I will do my best to Please You Jarl Chieftain
[17:10]  SolaraLove: whispers over to her Jarl.."Aye my Jarl Odin has blessed us greatly"
[17:10]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles bring her hand up gently wiping her tears of joy away
[17:10]  Hania Rae: place the village collar around the neck of the bond called onyx and lock it in place and smiles to the girl "welcome to the village and your new home"
[17:11]  Hania Rae shouts: smiles shouting "welcome Home everyone!!"
[17:11]  rajaah: claps loudly seeing all the girls in there new collar
[17:11]  σηуx (xeian.nateas) beams happily feeling the collar placed on her neck hearing the lock click firmly in place her heart racing as she finally feels at Home
[17:11]  Hania Rae: claps
[17:11]  Tala Moonwing claps loudly now that the need for quiet is no more and squeezes her sisters tightly one by one
[17:11]  rajaah: hear hear to our new home
[17:12]  nadie (dab.snowfield) bounces lightly hugging tala
[17:12]  SolaraLove: claps so excited looking proudly about seeing her family
[17:12]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) smiles with pride
[17:12]  Hania Rae: now some music ans dancing and ale
[17:12]  Tala Moonwing grins
[17:12]  Tala Moonwing: indeed my Jarl
[17:12]  σηуx (xeian.nateas) smiles and blows kisses to her sisters

Ceremony Tonight

"He then drew with the handle of his ax a circle, some twenty feet in diameter, in the dirt  floor of the circle.
It was a bond-maid circle."....."Go to the bond-maid circle," said Ivar Forkbeard, indicating the circle he had drawn in the dirt.
The women cried out in misery. To enter  the circle, if one is a female, is, by the laws of Torvaldsland, to declare oneself a bond-maid.  A woman, of course, need  not to enter the circle of her own free will.  She may, for example, be thrown within it, naked and bound.  Howsoever she enters the circle, voluntarily, or by force, free or secured, she emerges from it, by the laws of Torvaldsland, as a bond-maid."
                                                                                               -Marauders of Gor

"Look up at me," said the smith.
The slender, blond girl, tears in her eyes, looked up at him.
He opened the hinged collar of black iron, about a half inch in height. He put it about her throat. It also contained a welded ring, suitable for the attachment of a chain.
"Put your head beside the anvil," he said.
He took her hair and threw it forward, and thrust her  neck against the left side of the anvil. Over the anvil lay the joining ends of the two pieces of the collar. The inside of the collar was separated by a quarter of an inch from her neck. I saw the fine hairs on the back of her neck. On one part of the collar are two, small, flat, thick rings. On the other is a slngle such ring. These rings, when the wings of the collar are joined, are aligned, those on one wing on top and bottom, that on the other in the center. They fit closely together, one on top of the other. The holes in each, about three-eighths of an inch in diameter, too, of course, are perfectly aligned. The smith, with his thumb, forcibly, pushed a metal rivet through the three holes. The rivet fits snugly.
"Do not move your head, Bond-maid," said the smith.
Then, with great blows of the iron hammer, he riveted the iron collar about her throat. A man then pulled her by the hair from the anvil and threw her to one side. She lay there weeping, a naked bondmaid, marked and collared."
                                                                                                -Marauders of Gor

That's right, tonight between 5 or 6 eastern time or 2 or 3 secondlife time, there will be a ceremony of special sort. As part of opening the new land of Rondvik, both the Chieftain and the First Ax has decided to do a re-collaring of all the bonds within the village. Plus, the freeing of a brave thrall shall also be brought to light tonight. 

Hail to Odin and the Priest-Kings to all Gorean hearts for this coming night upon this land.

Weapons, Shields and Helmets


Shortsword / Gladius

Approximately 20 to 24 inches in length from hilt tip to blade tip and 3 to 4 inches wide, descending to a pointed tip. The grip is generally either of polished wood or leather. This is the basic weapon of the warrior in Gor, it is generally carried, in a sheath slung over the shoulder,or worn at the hip.


The longsword is used mostly by those of Torvaldsland. It's blade is approximately 30 to 36 inches in length. It is carried in a belt scabbard or strapped across its user's back. The blade is forged in the Damascus manner, steel, both hard and soft are beaten together under heat and folded within itself and beaten flat again. This creates a blade that is both flexible and virtually unbreakable.


The sword of choice in the Tahari, This razor sharp, curved blade is generally about 30 to 36 inches long. The back 3-8 inches has a false edge that can be sharpened for back slashes. Like the longsword it has better reach, which can be an advantage when mounted upon the kailla. Slower to draw and slower to wield than the shortsword it is still a deadly weapon.



Usually part of a set of seven such weapons, it has a narrow double edged blade 9 to 12 inches in length with a handle of wood, bone, or horn. Its razor sharp blade tapers to a needle point. Designed for use primarily as a missile weapon, the quiva is also used as a hand weapon and general utility knife. The steel used in making the quiva comes from the foundries of Ar. Also known as the Tuchuk Saddle Knife, the quiva is a dagger favored by the Wagon People, but carried by most FreeWomen and many Warriors, sheathed and hung on the side of a warrior's saddle.

Killing knife

A small dagger with a blade from 4 to 6 inches long. Unlike the quiva it is tapered only on one side and not double edged. Carried by many due to its small size.

Hook knife

The hook knife is very similar to the utility knife found on earth. A short, wide blade, narrowing to a downward curve, ending in a sharp point. When used in recreational spars, the knife remains sheathed so as not to injure the opponent. The knife is seldom used for other than stadium fighting, weather sheathed or not.

Sleen knife

This is a broad bladed, flat, double edged utility knife equipped with a simple stubby crossguard and unadorned grip . Rather than tapering down to a needle like point like the quiva it's point is more rounded.

Tarn knife

This is a short bladed, single edged utility knife typically used by tarnsmen and generally included among their saddle equipment. Some knives are designed so that the blade folds into the handle for safety when not in use. Often equipped with a lanyard so that it may be lashed to the tarnsman's saddle or belt.


Great Bow / Long Bow

The bow is not commonly favored by Gorean warriors, but all must respect it. It is the height of a tall man; its back, away from the bowman, is flat; its belly, facing the bowman, is half-rounded; it is something like an inch and a half wide and an inch and a quarter thick at the center; it has considerable force and requires considerable strength to draw; many men, incidentally, even some warriors, cannot draw the bow; nine of its arrows can be fired aloft before the first falls again to the earth; at point-blank range it can be fired completely through a four-inch beam; at two hundred yards it can pin a man to a wall; at four hundred yards it can kill the huge, shambling bosk; its rate of fire is nineteen arrows in a Gorean Ehn, about eighty Earth seconds; and a skilled bowman, but not an extraordinary one, is expected to be able to place these nineteen arrows in one Ehn into a target, the size of a man, each a hit, at a range of some two hundred and fifty yards. Yet, as a weapon, it has serious disadvantages, and on Gor the crossbow, inferior in accuracy, range and rate of fire, with its heavy cable and its leaves of steel, tends to be generally favored. The long bow cannot well be used except in a standing, or at least kneeling, position, thus making more of a target of the archer; the long bow is difficult to use from the saddle; it is impractical in close quarters, as in defensive warfare or in fighting from room to room; and it cannot be kept set, loaded like a firearm, as can the crossbow;...

Horn bow / Short bow

About four feet long there are a number of varities of this bow on Gor. the best known, most popular is of course the horn bow of the Wagon People, The Red savages use one made of layered wood banded together as do the northern peoples, these often called ship bows. While not as powerful as the long bow or cross bow they have a big advantage over the long bow in their ability to be used in tight places, their rate of fire is much faster than the crossbow. A Wagon Person can fire twenty arrows in half an Ehn. The Red Savages use a small bow and there is no other bow that can match its rate of fire. It is very maneuverable and can be easily concealed.

Crossbow, standard

A standard weapon of Gor. It consists of a heavy, flexible bow of tempered steel, 18" across mounted on a heavy wooden stock about two feet long, with a trigger mechanism at the bottom. Striking with enough force to penetrate wooden walls, doors or human bodies with relative ease. It has an effective range of approximately 150 yards. Slow to reload, it is commonly redrawn through use of a goat's-foot hook or a crank.

Calvary crossbow

Much like the larger crossbow, instead of possessing a metal bow, it has a much lighter bow of wood or horn. Slightly smaller in size, it is still a powerful weapon. It is equipped with a metal stirrup at the firing end, allowing it to be more quickly restrung while on the back of a tarn or kaiila.


War spear

One of the most common weapons on Gor, its versatility makes it a very popular weapon, used for fighting and hunting.

Kaiili lance

The lances of both the wagons people and the red savages are much the same. The red savages tend to decorate and carve theirs more than the wagon people.

Tharlarion lance

More a spear than a true lance, it is usually fashioned of ka-la-na or needle wood. About ten to fourteen feet long. It has a lanceolate metal tip that is about four inches in width and is often fluted. Carried couched beneath the right arm of the user, often supported by a lance rest which is either attached to the saddle or worn strapped to the user's chest. Can also be thrown, though not designed for it.


Three pronged spearing fork used by fishermen of Gor. The trident can be used as both a thrusting weapon and as a weapon to be thrown. often used with the net, it is about seven feet in length, with 3 prongs 12 to 16 inches long. Often used with a line attached, for retrieval should it be thrown


A spear fitted with a barbed head and used with line attached to assist in retrieval.


Great Axe

Similar to the Torvaldslander Battle Axe, but much larger, with a handle up to four feet in length. The axe blade is also much larger. This axe must be used two handed as it is too big to be weilded effectivly with one.


Bosk Whip

Much like an earth bull whip. Made of Bosk hide plaited together. This whip can be anywhere from 8 to 12 feet long.

Kurt Whip

A slave whip with five broad, pliant straps. Each strap is about two and a half feet long and one and a half inches wide. The handle is eighteen inches long. Though it may leave a welt, it doesn't permanently mark a victim.

Snake Whip

A single-bladed whip, weighted, of leather. It is about eight feet long and half an inch to one inch thick. It is sometimes set with tiny particles of metal. It is a deadly whip and can easily strip flesh from the body. It can kill a Man.

Whip Knife

The whip knife, unique to Port Kar, is a delicate weapon. It is a whip, but set into its final 18 inches, on 5 tassels or strips of hide, arranged in sets of four, are twenty thin, narrow blades. Their tips vary. Some have a double-edged blade of seven to eight inches at the tip while others have a stunning lead.


Knife Gauntlet

A pair of leather gauntlets, upon which are mounted knife blades. Sometimes used by gladiators in arena combats. These are seldom used as weapons of war.

Goad, tarn or slave

While not truly weapons,the tarn goad can stun. The slave goad on the other hand can kill.


A favorite weapon of the Wagon People . fighting mainly from the backs of their kaiila, they become very proficient with the use of this weapon. used for both hunting and battle .

War Club

A carved, shaped club of wood or bone, often mounted with stone or metal projections such as sharp pieces of flint, nails or knife blades driven into the wood . This weapon is about two or three feet in length. Used mostly by the Red Savages.



Common Shield

A round shield; generally about 24 to 36 inches in diameter, the shield is sufficient in size to cover the main part of the torso. The shield is made of 7-9 layers of bosk hide stretched over a lightweight framework of wood, iron or horn. It has two straps on the inside that one's arm would slide through, holding it at the forarm and wrist. This is the most common type of shield on Gor .

Turian Shield

An oval shield about 24 inches by 36 inches, this shield is also constructed of hide like it's round cousin.


A small oval shield about 16 to 18 inches. While this shield was made of steel on earth, on Gor it is, like all other shields made of leather.


Common Helmet

Above the shield was a suspended helmet, again reminiscent of a Greek helmet, perhaps of the Homeric period. It had a somewhat 'Y'-shaped slot for the eyes, nose, and mouth in the nearly solid metal.

Northern Helmet

The helmets of the north are commonly conical, with a nose-guard, that can slip up and down. At the neck and sides, attached by rings, usually hangs a mantle of linked chain. The helmet of Thorgard himself, however, covered his neck and the sides of his face. It was horned.

Helmet of the Wagon Peoples

A conical, fur-rimmed iron helmet, a net of colored chains depending from the helmet protecting his face, leaving only holes for the eyes.

Captain's Helmet

Carved in wood, high on the chair, was the helmet with crest of sleen-fur, the mark of the captain.

Assassin's Helmet

On the left temple of the black helmet was the golden slash of the messenge

For the Bondmaids and Thralls
"I saw four small milk bosk grazing on the short grass. In the distance, above the acres, I could see mountains, snow capped. A flock of verr, herded by a maid with a stick, turned, bleating on the sloping hillside. She shaded her eyes. She was blond; she was barefoot; she wore an ankle-length white kirtle, of white wool, sleeveless, split to her belly. About her neck I could see a dark ring."
-Marauders of Gor

"Men in the fields wore short tunics of white wool; some carried hoes; their hair was close cropped; about their throats had been hammered bands of black iron, with a welded ring attached. They did not leave the fields; such a departure, without permission, might mean their death; they were thralls."

-Marauders of Gor