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19 June 2012

Gorean Dictionary: D

da (conj.): Gorean term for "here".

dance, placatory (noun): a dance intended to assuage the anger of a Master. It is usually free-form, depending on the situation.

dar (adj.): Gorean term for "holy".

Dar-Kosis (noun; lit. 'holy disease'): Holy disease , or Sacred Affliction, is a virulent wasting disease of Gor. Those afflicted with it may not enter into normal society. They wander the countryside in shroud like yellow rags, beating a wooden clapping device to warn men from there path: some of them volunteer to be placed in Darkosis pits where they are fed and given drink and are isolated. The disease is extremely contagious and those who contract it are regarded by the law as legally dead.

Dar-Kosis Pit (noun): a place where those afflicted with Dar-Kosis may voluntarily incarcerate themselves while they die. These huge pits have rudimentary shelter and a well. Once within, the sufferer may never leave. Food and necessities are thrown down from tarnback to help the diseased.

Dates (noun): fruit. a staple of the diet of the Tahari Tribesmen.  sold in bricks.

deck cage (noun): small cages fastened to the deck of a ship to transport slaves not kept in hold.

deck stones (noun): white smooth soft stones used for sanding boards and decks on ships.

degradation stripe (noun): a 2" wide band shaved into the hair of men captured by talunas, or panther girls; it runs from the forehead to the nape of the neck.

delka (noun): 4th letter of the gorean alphabet - formed identically to the 4th letter of the greek letter "delta" - in gorean the delta of a river is referred to as it's "delka" - resemblance of a delta region to a cartographical triangle.

Delta Brigade (noun): a rebel group which quietly fought Cosians with 'resistance' tactics during their occupation of Ar. Their trademark was a bloody 'delka' mark often slashed into the skin of their victims.

dice (noun): many forms of dice games exist on Gor, ranging from those played with a single die to five dice. Various symbols are usually painted on their surfaces. Some are sold in sealed boxes bearing their cities imprint.

dina (noun): a small, short stemmed flower indigenous to hillsides; sometimes called the 'slave flower', it is often used as a design for slave brands; sometimes used as a slave name .

display chain (noun): slave girls who are sold in groups are put into a chain which may be fastened taut at either end; the girls are spaced on the chain so that they don't crowd together and be more easily displayed.

display slave (noun): a slave girl whose primary purpose is for the display of her beauty to reflect the affluence of her master. often chained in coffle with other display slaves behind the palanquin or other transport of her master.

dock eel (noun): a black freshwater fish, 4' long & weighing 8-10 lbs.; carnivorous; they inhabit the shallow waters around the dock and wharves of river ports.

Double Knowledge (noun): the two forms of knowledge provided on Gor; the simpler knowledge is taught to the lower castes, the more esoteric knowledge is taught to the higher castes.

double leashing (noun): a method of slave control. Either two collars with leashes are affixed to her neck, or a collar with a leash on opposite sides is used.

Drum, Red Hunters (noun):  large heavy handled, disklike. Frame made of wood, cover of Tabuk hide, struck on frame with stick, giving the drum an old resonance sound.

Dust Legs (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens; so called because they were the last tribe to domesticate kaiila.

Duty of the Twelve Joys (noun): Muls (slaves to the Priest-Kings) wash completely 12 times a day, this is known as the duty of the twelve joys.