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15 August 2012

Attending the Hall After the Jarls' Drunken Night (13 August)

[20:34]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) slips into the hall, sighing as she sees the sight before her within the dim long hall, keeping the doors open to let in some light and to air out what seems to be vomit smell she shook her head as she sets to work on the impossible task that was laid out before her by the two drunken Jarls who is now suffering with major hangover this morning, gently she removes her kirtle so not to ruin it she turns abotu and starts by lighting the torches and rekindling the firepit within the hearth to start the morning cooking and such to prepare for the day
[20:37]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) moving closer to the rugs she looks them over, vomit stained the fur and that wasnt going to be easy to clean, for the smell alone was turning her stomach, biting her lip she takes the corners of two of teh rugs and drags them outside, gasping and coughing, she fans the air before her face as she turns back inside for the rest of the rugs, grumbling about the college boys back at her own home world was bad with such, she shook her head again causing the ginger locks of her hair to flow about her shoulders as she moves
[20:43]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) turns about int teh room she gathers all teh dirty dishes and takes them to the sink area of teh kitchen and places them into the basin as she moves and fills the kettle with water to heat for mopping and scrubbing, straightening the benches as she walks about teh hall, she curses loudly as she suddenly trip over a discarded tankard under one of teh benches, wincing she takes it and tosses it to the side, wincing again as the clay strucked the wall, shattering, groans about the added mess she just made, she got back to her feet, hobbles a little as she fetches teh broom and starts to sweep up the mess and dust, disposing the broken takard making a mental note ot have it replaced, she moves back to teh kettle, pouring half into teh sink basin to soak the dishes, while she adds teh other half into a pail to mop the floors, fetching a tospit she gently peels away the sides and squeezes the juice from it, adding a little fresh sent to the water to help freshen the hall
[20:48]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) smiling she goes and gets teh scrub brushes and starts on the task of scrubbing out the floors, moving across the planks on her hands and knees, she hums to herself as she works, smiles as she soon reaches the end of teh floor as she peers out the doors to see the sun rising high, nodding she uses the waterin the pail to help rince some of teh rugs before taking them down to teh river for a good scrubbing as she splashes the water over them, sighing she turns back into the hall and to work on the dishes that was still soaking in teh basin, using a rep clothe she scrubs and polishes each peice til there was no grime to be seen, setting them upon their shelves before deciding that its time to tend to the vomite covered rugs that laid outside
[20:53]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) stepping out she kept the doors open so to let the hall to finish airing out as she grabs the rugs and drags them down to teh river, ignoring the fact that she wasnt wearing a kirtle she tosses the rugs into teh water, cursing as a small wave splashes upon her, rolling her eyes she dunks the rugs into the water several times rinsing out the rugs as she makes sure that the vomit was no longer upon the fur rugs, nodding in approval she drags the heavy soaked furs over to the clothesline for them to drip dry before they have to be replaced for the evening meal
[20:55]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) nodding as she took all in accounted for she heads back up to the hall to fetch her kirtle to dawn back on once she takes a thorough soaking at the water hole and before anyone takes note of her absence

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