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15 August 2012

Barn Cleaned (12 August)

[07:18]  Ysamadouce: after talking to chieftain she walks soflty trough the wood to do her daily chore
[07:20]  Ysamadouce: the sun looks as beautifuls as always , touching her sofnesst hair as if he wants to carress her
[07:24]  Ysamadouce: an eagle passes by she stops to observe how he flyes in a round way, his perfect wings moves over the sky "hi brother eagle always in the sky, have you seen the great spirit today?"
[07:26]  Ysamadouce: the eagle look down to see who is the one that suddenly interrupt his fly " Good day beautiful girl of blue eyes and onix hair, do you know that the great spirit is always there?, in everything you see, touch and smells"
[07:27]  Ysamadouce: "He is out and he is inside of you , with every beat of your heart, so dont ask me again if I have seen him today"
[07:28]  Ysamadouce: smiles to the wise eagle that have given her the first lesson of the day
[07:29]  Ysamadouce: approachs to the barn to check is everything is ok
[07:31]  Ysamadouce: good day my sweet butterfly, good day young goat, does mama feed you today?
[07:32]  Ysamadouce: mamagoat moves to her so she can place her hands over her head " sweet mamagoat let me clean your place , give you some food and fresh water"
[07:37]  Ysamadouce: takes a broom and begins to clean the stable
[07:40]  Ysamadouce: collects the dung and places over the basket to get them dry,
[07:41]  Ysamadouce: walks delicately towards butterfly... lets take some milks , you looks great today
[07:50]  Ysamadouce: after milking the dosk she makes the last look and place the fresh water to all animals

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