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30 June 2012

Quote from Dancer of Gor

Gorean Dictionary: J

jard (noun): a small, yellow winged scavenger bird of the rain forest inland of Schendi.

Jarl (noun): the title for a leader of warriors in Torvaldsland; also, the title by which all free men of Torvaldsland are addressed by slaves.

jit monkey (noun): a simian mammal which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.

justice wagon (noun): a form of execution which involved tar and tallow, the contents from a wagon's grease bucket, and fire.

28 June 2012

Gorean Dictionary: I

ice house (noun): a place Goreans can go to purchase ice during the summer, although most Goreans cannot afford this luxury. the ice is cut from ponds in the winter and is stored under saw dust until use.

ice wagon (noun): a wagon specifically built to transport ice from ice houses to the residents of those Goreans wealthy enough to afford ice for the summer.

Iglu (noun): Innuit word; meaning dwelling or house.

Ihn (noun): the Gorean second, of which there are 80 in an ehn (minute) slightly less than an earth second.

Immunity of the herald (custom): a tradition that an individual bearing a message between warring parties is immune from enslavement.

Impalement (verb): the impalement of a person on the pole lance or spear with the dying body raised for all to view.

ina (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.

Inititates, Caste of (noun): the representatives of the Priest-Kings in Gorean society; the Initiates are one of the five High Castes, and are the religious branch of  the government; their caste color is white. Initiates never eat meat or beans nor ever touch women. Their heads are shaved.

initiatory whipping (noun): the beating, usually of about 10 strokes, which a slave girl receives upon being brought into a new household, to remind her that she is a slave and under discipline.

Intimacy Veil (noun): quite diaphanous; opacity is a function of how many times it is wrapped about the face.

Innuit (noun): means "The People", live in the Polar Basin, live in scattered isolated communities, found refuge at the world's end. Their language is also called "Innuit".

insulae (noun): on the whole, tenements.

iron belt (noun): commonly consisting of a horizontal metal bar or strap that snugly encircles a girl's waist with a vertical component attached to the front of this horizontal bar with a hinge. The vertical component is then swung up between a slave's legs and all are fastened at the small of the back with a padlock. Locked around a girl, it ensures that she will not be sexually used by any, save the one with the key.

Iron Master (noun): one who is skilled at piercing ears and noses, branding, and affixing collars to slaves.

iron pens (noun): the subterranean retention facilities in a Slaver's house where slaves are kept for training and prior to sale.

Isanna (noun): the Little Knife Band of the Kaiila Tribe of the Red Savages.

Isbu Band (noun): a sub-group of the All Comrades.

Itancanka (noun): Kaiila and Dust Leg word meaning Master.

ivory-billed woodpecker (noun): bird found in the lower canopies of the rainforests near Schendi.

26 June 2012

Gorean Dictionary: H

haik (noun): a loose, dark, head to toe garb of the Tahari. There is a small lace or mesh covered aperture for the wearer to look through, yet still be concealed.

Hail (interjection): greeting for Freepersons that is usually reserved for recognized experts or champions in a particular field, from sword fighting to game playing.

hair position (command): in this position a girl stands, crouching slightly behind the Master and deeply bows her head. From this position, she may be led, for example, or moved to another position or simply, controlled.

hand (noun): the Gorean week, consisting of five days.

Hand, Kur (noun): name of a military unit in Kurii which consists of six Blood.

hand signs, Red Savage (noun): A mode of communication common to all the tribes of the Barren, sign is simple, easy to learn and adequate for relaying information.

handle tie (noun): a girl's ankles are ties together with 12 inches between them and her wrists are bound before her with a lengthy tether; this tether is then drawn between her legs and tied about her neck forming a 'handle' that a Free Person can use to lead her.

Harl ring (noun): a form of slave chain which consists of an ankle ring with a welded ring in back and a yard of in front; the chains terminates in a locking device which can be attached to another Harl ring, around a post, or to itself in order the secure the slave who wears it.

Harpoon, light (noun):  used with a beaded throwing board, foreshaft of bone with a bone head and point.

Harpoon, long (noun):  8' in length, 2 1/2" in diameter, major shaft of wood, foreshaft of bone.

har-ta (command): faster!

Harriga (noun): A Bosk Wagon (used by the Wagon People).

haruspex (noun): soothsayer; omen taker.

heel position (command): the slave follows the Master at his heel. Slightly behind and to his left or right, depending on which side is his weapon hand. The distance behind varies. A coffle of girls being led through a city, may follow inches behind, while in an open field, she may be 5 to 10 feet following.

helmet, assassin's (noun): black helmet sometimes marked with the golden slash of the messenger.

helmet, captain's (noun): a helmet made identifiable by the crest of sleen fur at the top.

helmet, common (noun): a plain helmet similar to the Greek helmets with a Y-shaped opening for eyes nose and mouth and cushioned with rolls of leather.

helmet, northern (noun): conical shaped with a nose guard that can slip up and down; about the neck it usually has chain mail dangling from rings.

helmet, Wagon Peoples (noun): conical iron helmet fur-rimmed a net of colorful chains dangling before the face to protect leaving only an opening for the eyes.

herlit (noun): Gorean eagle, having a wingspan of 6-8 feet; is carnivorous, and has yellow feathers tipped with black; also called 'Sun-Striker' or 'out-of-the-sun-it-strikes', from its habit of striking with the sun above and behind it; inhabits the Barrens.

Hesius (noun): the planet Jupiter; named for a legendary hero of Ar - month of Hesius was named for him - second month of the year in Ar - follows the 1st passage hand - new year begins with the vernal equinox.

High Caste (noun): upper caste system of Gor specifically the Initiates, Scribes, Builders, Physicians and Warriors. They are allowed Second Knowledge.

high-harness position (noun): a display position in which a kneeling slave is braceleted and leashed and commanded to hold her head very high exposing her neck.

high tharlarion (noun): agile tharlarion used as a mount for riding. They have very short almost useless forelegs; carnivorous.

hinti (noun, plural): small, flea like insects; unlike fleas, they are not parasites.

hith (noun): many-banded gorean python.

hith, golden (noun): a rare Gorean python, so large, it would be difficult for a man to encircle it's body with his arms.

Ho (noun): gorean word, a common prefix indicating a lineage.

Hogarthe tree (noun): a tree of the Barrens named for one of the early explorers of the area. They tend to grow on the banks of small streams or muddy, sluggish rivers. similar to poplar trees of Earth.

homan (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.

Home Stone (noun): 1) a stone, often circular and flat, that is sacred to each dwelling, and is to be defended ferociously by even the meanest peasant; placed in center of dwelling; carved with family sign - symbol of sovereignty, territory; 2) a similar stone that represents the soul of a city; to be without a Home Stone is to lack citizenship; Home Stones of villages were placed in the market; Home Stones of cities were placed on top of the highest tower.

hook billed gort (noun): a carnivorous hunting bird of the rain forests inland of Schendi; preys on ground urts.

hook knife (noun): a common knife with a curved blade used in slave competitions or hand-to-hand combat

hopa (adj): red savage term meaning pretty or attractive.

Hope of Tina (noun): melody of Cos - an expression of the yearning, or hope, of a young girl that she may be so beautiful, and so feminine, and marvelous, that she will prove acceptable as a slave.

Horn Bow (noun): weapon; small, for use from the saddle, lacks the range and power of the Gorean longbow or crossbow; still, at close range, with considerable force, firing rapidly, arrow after arrow, it is a fearsome weapon.

horn, signal (noun): curved, bronze signal horns used by the men of Torvaldsland for communication, primarily between ships. There are about 40 codes of sound signals, such as, 'Attack,' 'Heave to,' 'Regroup,' and 'Communication desired'.

hort (noun): a measure of distance equal to 1- 1/4 inches.

hortator (noun): also known as a keleustes; on an oared ship, the man responsible for beating time for rowers on a copper drum or wooden block.

hou (phrase): a form of greeting for Red Savages.

house marshal (noun): a position within a free woman's home responsible for security and/or travel.

house slave (noun): one whose primary duties are inside the residence. Duties range from personal serving girls to kettle and mat girls.

house veil (noun): the next-to-last veil worn by free women, esp. when in the company of men not of her own family; worn over the pride veil, and under the street veil upon leaving the house.

huda (noun): a measurement equaling 5 tefa; a tefa equals six tef and a tef equals a handful with five fingers closed.

Hunjer Whale (noun):  black, cylindrical, toothed whale.

Hunters Catch (noun): slave garb made of netting.

hunting sleen (noun): the hunting sleen is a hunter of men. It is 20 feet in length and weighs eleven hundred pounds. This domesticated forest sleen is double-fanged and six-footed. It's tail tends to switch back and forth, getting rigid, as it hunts, it's ears flatten against it's head just prior to it's final 'charge' attack on it's prey.

hurt (noun): a domesticated marsupial raised in large numbers in the environs of several of Gor's northern cities. raised for wool.

hydria (noun): described as a high handled water vessel, something similar is used by slave girls to dip paga from simmering kettles.

23 June 2012

Quote from Blood Brothers of Gor

Gorean Dictionary: G

game of favors (noun): a game played by Free Woman at the Carnival where each woman is given ten scarves and must run about asking for the men to accept her favor; the goal to be the first to get rid of the scarves and run back.

gant, artic (noun): migratory bird; nest in the mountains of the Hrimgar and in steep, rocky outcroppings, called bird cliffs. The egg of the artic gant when frozen are eaten like apples.

gant, jungle (noun): a bird, related to the marsh gant, which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.

gant, marsh (noun): a small, horned, web-footed aquatic fowl, broad-billed and broad winged. long legged with a piping cry.

garbage death (noun): the death for a slave where a slave is bound naked, and thrown to canal urts, as in Port Kar.

garden, walled (noun): term used for the place highborn Free women are raised in until a suitable suitor is found.

giani (noun): a large mammal of solitary habits which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi

gieron (noun): a drug, an allergen, which causes a yellowing of the whites of the eyes; in combination with sajel, it reproduces the symptoms of the Bazi plague.

gim, horned (noun): a small owl like bird, c. 4 oz.. in weight, which inhabits the forests of northern Gor.

gim, lang  (noun): an insectivorous bird which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.

gim, yellow (noun): a bird, related to the horned gim, which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.

gint (noun): a tiny (6") freshwater fish which inhabits the rivers of the rain forests inland of Schendi; it has bulbous eyes & flipper like fins; is amphibious, having both lungs & gills; is capable of walking on its pectoral fins; often found in the company of tharlarion, feeding off the scraps of their kills.

gint, giant (noun): a large cousin of the gint found in western Gor, similar in appearance, but with a 4-spined dorsal fin; is also amphibious and capable of walking on its pectoral fins.

girl catch (noun): female slave is placed in an enclosure - hands bound behind back, hooded, belled (common bells at collar, wrist, and ankles) guide bell (with particular note) attached at left hip - men are added to enclosure - hooded or blindfolded (hunters and quarry are not permitted to see each other) - girl cannot remain still for more than a certain interval - usually a few ihn - controlled by referee and his whip - game or one of its rounds end when girl is caught - victor's prize: use of the slave.

girl-capture chain (noun): short chain used specifically to capture without serious damage; similar to the garrote in use but with chain in place of thin wire.

girl yoke (noun): (commonly called the Northern Yoke)  a narrow piece of wood c. 5' long with holes drilled in the middle and at each end; to secure a girl in this yoke, a thong is tied around one wrist, the end of the thong then being passed through the hole in one end of the yoke; the thong is then passed through the middle hole of the yoke, wrapped around the girl's neck 2 times, then passed back out through the same hole, after which it is passed through the hole at the other end of the yoke, so that her other wrist may be tied to the yoke; 'shorter (2 1/2' long) versions are sometimes used while the girl is serving her master's pleasure; used mostly among the Red Savages of the Barrens.

girth cloth (noun): feed sacks, made of rough cloth are cut into strips, hemmed and sewn together to create a cloth ten feet long and one yard wide, This cloth is used to wrap newly hatched tharlarions as they emerge from the hot sand.

gitch (noun): biting insect; description is vague, although it is used near mention of roaches.

gladius (noun): a short double-edged Gorean sword.

glana (adv): a female who is no longer a virgin or 'glana' preceded by the state of 'profalarina' indicating a female who is about to be 'falarina' and before that by 'meta glana' one who looks forward to her deflowering.

Glass of the Builders (noun): telescope.

Glaves (noun): lighter poles; bladed; used to cut through rushes and sedge.

Golden Beetle: (noun) about the size of a rhinoceros, glowing eyes, two multiply hooked, tubular, hollow pincer like extensions that met at the tips perhaps a yard beyond its body. They seemed clearly some aberrant mutation of its jaw, its antennae, unlike those of Priest-Kings, were very short. They curved and were tipped with a fluff of golden hair. Most strangely perhaps were several long, golden strands, almost a mane, which extended from the creature's head over its domed, golden back and fell almost to the floor behind it. The back itself seemed divided into two thick casings which might once, ages before, have been horny wings, but now the tissues had, at the points of touching together, fused in such a way as to form what was for all practical purposes a thick, immobile golden shell.

golden eating prong (noun): an eating utensil used in Turia, it has a single tine.

golden hith (noun): a rare Gorean python, so large, it would be difficult for a man to encircle it's body with his arms.

golden slash (noun): a golden sash or scarf tied around the forehead of an assassin, this is the symbol that he is a messenger only, and not to be detained in any way.

gor (noun): it meaning "Home Stone".

grasshopper, red (noun): beyond color, this insect is described as weighing around 4 ounces.

Great Theatre (noun): technically "The Theatre of Pentilicus Tallux"- over 100 yards in width, some 20 yards in depth - lent itself to large-scale productions - circus' and specticles - stage can easily accomadate 1000 actors.

grub borer (noun): an insectivorous bird which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.

grunt (noun): a large, carnivorous, salt-water fish which inhabits Thassa; is often attracted by the blood of a wounded creature; similar to the shark of Earth.

grunt, blue (noun): a small, voracious, carnivorous freshwater fish, related to the Thassa grunt; like its larger cousin, it is attracted by blood.

grunt, great speckled (noun): a fish inhabiting the Thassa and caught as food for sailors.

grunt, white-bellied (noun): a large game fish which haunts the plankton beds in the Polar North to feed on parsit fish. It's eggs are considered a rare delicacy.

guernon monkey (noun) found in the jungle along the Ua river; recognized by their chattering sound.

gull, coasting (noun): found in Torvaldsland is this broad winged bird with black tips on its wings and tail feathers, similar to the Vosk gull. It's feathers are used on the war arrows of Torvladsland.

gull, Schendi (noun): inhabiting the area around Schendi on the Thassa, they nest on land at night.

gull, vosk (noun): a gull of the Vosk Delta and Vosk River, it apparently has a loud or insistent cry, which is imitated by the rence people as a means of surreptitious communication at night. It's feathers are used on sheaf arrows.

gunni (noun): training devices used by arena fighters which consist of lead weights with handles, each weighing about the same as a sledge hammer. They are held during training for muscle strengthening.

Gur (noun): a thin, white honey like liquid secreted in the Nest by a large, gray domesticated arthropod which feeds on Sim plants; when fermented in the social stomachs of somnolent Priest-Kings, it is ritually fed to the Mother of the Nest on the Feast of Tola.

Gur Carriers (noun): mutated Muls who can climb walls and who gather the fermented Gur for the Feast of Tola.

22 June 2012

Gorean Dictionary: F

face strip (verb): to remove the veil(s) worn by a free woman; to do so usually means that she is to be enslaved.

Fair of En'Kara (holiday); one of four great fairs held in the shadow of the Sardar range in the first month of the Gorean year.

Falarian (noun): an exquisite, rare, fabulously expensive wine, it's cost would purchase a city. It's existence is only rumored among collectors.

falarina (adv): a female who is no longer a virgin or 'glana' preceded by the state of 'profalarina' indicating a female who is about to be 'falarina' and before that by 'meta glana' one who looks forward to her deflowering.

fan palm (noun): found in the jungles of Schendi more than 20 feet high which spreads it's leaves in the form of an opened fan; an excellent source of water; as much as a liter at the base of each leaf's cupped stem.

Feast of Tola (noun): the Priest-King festival celebrating the anniversary of the Nuptial Flight of the Mother.

Feast of Tolam (noun): the Priest-King festival celebrating the anniversary of the Deposition of the First Egg.

Feast of Tolama (noun): the Priest-King festival celebrating the anniversary of the Hatching of the First Egg.

Fetters (slave bracelets of Torvaldsland): consist of curved, hinged bands of black iron, three quarters of an inch in width and a quarter inch in thickness. On one of each of the two curved pieces consituting a bracelet there is a welded ring; the two welded rings are joined by a single link, about an inch in width, counting both sides, each of which is about a quarter of an inch in diameter, and three inches long.

field slave (noun): one who works outdoors, usually gardening, fetching wood or water, etc. She is commonly dressed in plain, sturdy slave tunics. Her hair is shorn.

Fighting Hearts (noun): see All Comrades

finch, whistling (noun): flighted bird found at the ground level of the rainforest it is insectivorous.

fire maker (noun): a small device consisting of a small reservoir of tharlarion oil, a wick, a thumb activated, ratcheted steel wheel, and a splinter of flint; not unlike an old-fashioned cigarette lighter.

fire-maker, cylindrical (noun): a small silverish tube used for igniting cooking fires. When the cap is removed, and the implement inside is exposed to the air, it glows a fiery red.

first girl (noun): slave appointed by the Master to oversee other usually younger or less experienced girls; she rules when FreePersons are not present as the Master, but she is subject to his total authority.

First Knowledge (noun): the education available to the lower castes, such as the Peasants; it is practical, if occasionally deliberately erroneous (i.e. it purports that Gor is a flat disk).

First Spear (noun): the designated leader of a unit of spearmen.

First Sword (noun): the leader of the Guards in a given City or House.

Fisherman (noun): he who fights with net and trident (arena fighters).

flahdah (noun): flat-topped umbrella’s on crooked sticks, not more than 20 feet high, they are narrow branched with lanceolate leaves.

Flame Death (noun): a form of capital punishment imposed by the Priest-Kings and triggered from the Sardar; in it, the victim seems to spontaneously erupt in blue flames.

flame opals (noun): reddish and blue in color. Because they are much more rare on Gor they are of more value than those of Earth.

flaminium (noun): scarlet, large budded, five petaled flower.

fleer (noun): large, hook billed bird which hunts at night.

Fleer (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens.

fleer, long-billed (noun): a bird inhabitant of the emergent level of the rainforest.

fleer, prairie (noun): yellow bird with long wings and a sharp bill; sometimes called the 'maize bird' or 'corn bird' from the belief that it is usually the first bird to find food.

Flower Tree: (noun)  lovely dangling loops of interwoven blossoms which hang from curved branches. Trees are bred so that the clustered flowers emerge in subtle delicate patterns of shades and hues.

flute girl (noun): a slave trained in the art of music, specifically the playing of the double flute. They perform at various functions and are available for sexual use by those free men of their audience.

flute, double (noun): a wind instrument.

Foot (noun); a unit of measurement equal to 10 horts, or 12 1/2 Earth inches; Merchant Foot/Gorean Foot - metal rod kept at the Sardar (same as the Stone).

fora (noun): chain; plural is fori (chains)

Forest Sleen (noun):  double fanged, six legged mammal, 20' in length, 1100 lbs. in weight.

fountain, higher bowl (noun): the portion of the public fountains from which free persons drink. There is a lower level is available for the use of animals and slaves.

fountain, lower bowl (noun): a portion of public fountains allotted for the watering of animals and slaves. Slaves caught drinking from the upper bowl face punishment by the magistrates of the city.

four chains (noun): method of chaining a girl used frequently in taverns of Port Kar.

four-strap (noun): one of a series of straps used in the navigation of a Tarn, namely descent in preparation to land.

Frame of Humiliation (noun): wooden frame to which the condemned person is tied before it is set adrift in the Vosk River, so that he may die of exposure and/or dehydration, if he is not eaten by tharlarion or other carnivorous reptiles

Free Companion (noun): spouse; consort

Free Companionship (noun): the Gorean equivalent of marriage; must be renewed annually

Free Islands (noun): also known as exchange islands, they are administered as Free Ports by the Merchants. Included are Teletus, Tabor, and Scagnar. Others were Farnacium, Hulneth and Asperiche. In the south are Anango and Ianda, and in the far north, Hunger and Skjern, west of Torvaldsland. These islands, and free ports on the coast such as Lydius and Helmutsport, Schendi and Bazi make possible the commerce between Cos and Tyros and cities of the mainland.

Free Ports (noun): the 4 free ports maintained on the Thassa north and south of the gorean equator are Lydius, Helmutsport, Schend, and Bazi.

Freewomen, enslavement of (noun): all women on Gor are subject to the dominance and order of men. Free women may lose their status, if strict rules of dress and decorum are not followed. Lacivious dress or behavior usually results in a sentence of slavery.

frevet (noun): small quick mammal, an insectivore that is kept in some homes for insect control.

Frobicain (noun): drug used for transportation during acquisition.

fruit tindel (noun): a bird? which inhabits the rain forests of the Schendi area

Fulvians (noun): foothills of the Voltai Mountains, northeast of Ar. The villa district of Ar is found here.

21 June 2012

Quote from Magicians of Gor

Gorean Dictionary: E

eel (noun): a voracious animal which can maim or kill a slave in moments. Some varieties are edible and considered a gorean delicacy. Varieties include: river eel, black eel, and spotted eel.

Ehn (noun): the Gorean minute, of which there are 40 in an ahn (hour); it consists of 80 ihn (seconds).

en (adj.): Gorean term for "first ".

energy bulb (noun): Gorean source of light, similar to the light bulb of earth.

En'Kara (noun; lit. 'first turning'): the first month of the Gorean calendar, which is the Gorean new year; roughly equivalent to the Earth calendar month of March . The month of Vernal Equinox - En`Kara or The First Kara; full expression; En`Kara - Lar - Torvis; Literally means: The First Turning of the Central Fire.

En'Var (noun; lit. 'first resting'): the fourth month of the Gorean calendar, that of the summer solstice, roughly equivalent with the Earth calendar month of June . En`Var -The First Resting; full expression; En`Var - Lar - Torvis; Literally means: The First Resting of the Central Fire.

Equinox, autumnal (noun): (lit. The Second Turning of the Central Fire ); the month of Autumnal Equinox is Se`Kara or The Second Kara; also called Se`Kara Lar-Torvis.

Equinox, vernal (noun): (lit. The First Turning of the Central Fire); the month of Vernal Equinox is En'Kara or the First Kara; also called En`Kara Lar-Torvis.

eta (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet; corresponds to the Earth letter 'E' (?);  sometimes used as a name for slave girls.

exile, ritual of (noun): a man being exiled for whatever reason is publicly refused bread and salt, and is then ordered to leave the city by sundown under penalty of death. The exiled one may not come within ten pasangs of the city from that day forward.

exotic (noun): a slave male or female bred for special purposes producing quaint or unusual purposes; an example is the passion slave.

Eye (rank): in the Kuriian military organization the leader of a Hand consisting of six beasts is called an 'Eye'.

19 June 2012

Gorean Dictionary: D

da (conj.): Gorean term for "here".

dance, placatory (noun): a dance intended to assuage the anger of a Master. It is usually free-form, depending on the situation.

dar (adj.): Gorean term for "holy".

Dar-Kosis (noun; lit. 'holy disease'): Holy disease , or Sacred Affliction, is a virulent wasting disease of Gor. Those afflicted with it may not enter into normal society. They wander the countryside in shroud like yellow rags, beating a wooden clapping device to warn men from there path: some of them volunteer to be placed in Darkosis pits where they are fed and given drink and are isolated. The disease is extremely contagious and those who contract it are regarded by the law as legally dead.

Dar-Kosis Pit (noun): a place where those afflicted with Dar-Kosis may voluntarily incarcerate themselves while they die. These huge pits have rudimentary shelter and a well. Once within, the sufferer may never leave. Food and necessities are thrown down from tarnback to help the diseased.

Dates (noun): fruit. a staple of the diet of the Tahari Tribesmen.  sold in bricks.

deck cage (noun): small cages fastened to the deck of a ship to transport slaves not kept in hold.

deck stones (noun): white smooth soft stones used for sanding boards and decks on ships.

degradation stripe (noun): a 2" wide band shaved into the hair of men captured by talunas, or panther girls; it runs from the forehead to the nape of the neck.

delka (noun): 4th letter of the gorean alphabet - formed identically to the 4th letter of the greek letter "delta" - in gorean the delta of a river is referred to as it's "delka" - resemblance of a delta region to a cartographical triangle.

Delta Brigade (noun): a rebel group which quietly fought Cosians with 'resistance' tactics during their occupation of Ar. Their trademark was a bloody 'delka' mark often slashed into the skin of their victims.

dice (noun): many forms of dice games exist on Gor, ranging from those played with a single die to five dice. Various symbols are usually painted on their surfaces. Some are sold in sealed boxes bearing their cities imprint.

dina (noun): a small, short stemmed flower indigenous to hillsides; sometimes called the 'slave flower', it is often used as a design for slave brands; sometimes used as a slave name .

display chain (noun): slave girls who are sold in groups are put into a chain which may be fastened taut at either end; the girls are spaced on the chain so that they don't crowd together and be more easily displayed.

display slave (noun): a slave girl whose primary purpose is for the display of her beauty to reflect the affluence of her master. often chained in coffle with other display slaves behind the palanquin or other transport of her master.

dock eel (noun): a black freshwater fish, 4' long & weighing 8-10 lbs.; carnivorous; they inhabit the shallow waters around the dock and wharves of river ports.

Double Knowledge (noun): the two forms of knowledge provided on Gor; the simpler knowledge is taught to the lower castes, the more esoteric knowledge is taught to the higher castes.

double leashing (noun): a method of slave control. Either two collars with leashes are affixed to her neck, or a collar with a leash on opposite sides is used.

Drum, Red Hunters (noun):  large heavy handled, disklike. Frame made of wood, cover of Tabuk hide, struck on frame with stick, giving the drum an old resonance sound.

Dust Legs (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens; so called because they were the last tribe to domesticate kaiila.

Duty of the Twelve Joys (noun): Muls (slaves to the Priest-Kings) wash completely 12 times a day, this is known as the duty of the twelve joys.

17 June 2012

Gorean Dictionary: C

cage, plastic (noun): a means of exhibiting slave girls outside a slaver's establishment, suspended from the roof of the portico or in a tier of cages with a comely wench inside.

Camerius (noun): the third month of the Gorean calendar (in Ar and some other cities).

camisk (noun): simple, slave garment, about 18" wide: simple rectangle of cloth, containing in its center, a circular opening, worn like a poncho, belted with binding fiber or a light chain, flanks and brand are bared.

camisk, Turian (noun): a style of camisk worn by slaves in Turia. it consists of a piece of cloth shaped like an inverted 'T' with a beveled crossbar; it fastens behind the neck & falls before the wearer's body; the crossbar then passes between her legs & is then brought forward snugly at the hips; it is held in place by a single cord that binds it at the back of the neck, behind the back, & in front at the waist.

canjellne (verb): Gorean word for challenge.

capture knot (noun): a knot recognized for it's unique turnings as rope or binding fiber tied by a Warrior. usually used in the capture of a slave girl but also used on any likely foe.

capture scent (noun): like chloroform, it is used to sedate, emediately, a person who is forced to breath it.

Carnarium (noun): refuse pit outside the walls of Ar.

carpet plant (noun): a plant of the rain forest area inland of Schendi, having tendrils that are sometimes used as a source of drinking water.

cart (direction): a gorean compass point equivalent to south west; the river Cartius was so named because of it's direction from Ar southwest.

cart, leather-slung fee (noun): a public or rented 'coach' for transportation of passengers with seats facing each other. Its carriage is suspended by strong leather which causes a swaying, many times bringing on motion-sickness for passengers. Large hides are often suspended underneath to store items, as is a grease bucket for greasing the axles.

Cartius River (noun): broad, fast-flowing tributary that flows into the Vosk river far to the south and west of Ar. It is composed of three rivers, the Cartius Proper, Subequatorial Cartius, and Thassa Cartius.

Casmu Band (noun): a sub-group of the Yellow Kaiila Riders.

Caste Codes (noun): ethical teachings of Gor whose origins are lost in antiquity.

Caste Sanctuary (noun): similar to seeking Sanctuary in a church. in times of need a caste member can ask for sanctuary under another caste member's roof.

Caste, System (noun): rigid social structure which is conferred by birth on Goreans except for slaves, outlaws, and Initiates. There are 5 high castes (Initiates, Scribes, Builders, Physicians, Warriors), privileged by their status to be privy to Double Knowledge, unlike the many lower castes (tradesmen, craftsmen, artisans, artists, etc.) who may know only First Knowledge. Governments are elected and administered by High Caste members only. The Caste is a source of life long pride and brotherhood. The welfare of the Caste takes precedent over individual members. It is possible to change caste, but it is rarely done. To lose Caste is the ultimate in dishonor.

cat's cradle (noun): a popular game. girls faced one another, kneeling, and, with string and their fingers, played an intricate cat's-cradle game. Northern girls, incidentally, were very skilled at this game.

chain luck (noun): the attempt to capture a slave girl without having a particular target in mind.

chalwar (noun): high tight vest of silk (normally red), with 2 - 4 hooks, leaving midriff bare; the sashed chalwar is a sashed, diaphanous trousered garment, full but gathered in, closely at the ankles.

chamber slave (noun): slave of the Priest Kings restricted to use within a particular chamber; these slaves cannot leave the chamber and are to serve the Freeperson living there fully.

Char (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Kavars.

chatka (noun): long narrow strip of black leather, fits over the curla in the front, passes under, and then again, from the inside, passes over the curla in the back, worn by the slave girls of the Wagon Peoples.

Chocolate (noun): same as Earth chocolate.  Originally brought over on a voyage of acquisition.

Chronometers (noun): (rare and valuable) variety of devices used to keep time; - (marked or calibrated) candles, sun dials, sand glasses, clepsydras, and oil clocks.

Cities of Dust (noun): the Gorean land of the dead, or underworld.

clad Kajir (phrase): among the Wagon Peoples, this phrase refers to slaves who wear four articles; the curla, chatka, kalmak and koora.

clock, Kaissa sand (noun): a device used for timing kaiisa moves, it has a spigot arrangement to enable the flow of sand. When it is open for one player, it is off for the other. Each player enables it, as his play is completed.

clock, oil (noun): mentioned as an example of the chronometer technology available on Gor.

clock, sand (noun): large, cylindrical and re-set at midnight, the twentieth ahn.

clock, water (noun): mentioned, but not described.

Code of the Warrior (noun): a creed characterized by a rudimentary chivalry emphasizing loyalty to the Pride Chiefs and the Home Stone; warrior's are expected to know and live by it's dictates.

coffle (noun): a method of chaining a line of slaves together for trekking; common methods are to link the slaves by the left ankle left wrist or throat. the line of slaves itself is sometimes called a 'slaver's necklace'.

Coin Girl (noun): a slave girl who, with a coin box and triangular flat bell chained around her neck, is sent out in the streets of a city to earn money from masters in return for her sexual use.

coin merchant (noun): terminology for all gorean bankers, ranging from the the fellow sitting on a rug in his booth on the street to the financial institutions on the 'Street of Coins'.

coffle (noun): a method of chaining a line of slaves together for trekking; common methods are to link the slaves by the left ankle, left wrist, or throat; also, the line of slaves itself.

collar (noun): any of several iron or steel devices that fit around the neck of a slave; in Torvaldsland, they are of iron, hinged, and fastened with a rivet.

collar, types (noun): there are many types of collars on Gor.   to see a representation of them please refer to the silks and accessories area of this webpage.

Collaring Feast (noun): a private feast for a young tarnsman and his family and friends; held to celebrate the capture of his first slave girl; during it, the girl formally submits to him as his slave, then proceeds to serve him at the Feast and afterwards in his quarters.

Companionship Price (noun): the gift, in money or goods, given by a man to the father of the woman he wishes to take in Free Companionship.

con (conj.): Gorean term meaning "from".

contasta (adv.; lit. 'from the founding of'): means of determining chronology; equivalent to the Earth term AD (Anno Domini).  Most often used as "Contasta Ar" (From the founding of Ar) supposedly the oldest Gorean city.

Contests of Arms (noun): gladiatorial contests where men fought to the death were banned in Ar when Kazrak of Port Kar became administrator of that city.

copper tarsk (noun): one of the many units of coinage. 10 tarsk bits equal one copper tarsk.

Cos (noun): 400 pasangs west of Port Kar, hundred pasangs north of Tyros, many terraces in which ta-grapes are grown, level fields to her west, lofty island, capital city - Telnus.

Cosian Wingfish (noun): tiny, delicate fish, blue, about the size of a tarn disk; has three or four slender spines in its dorsal fin, which are poisonous; it is capable of hurling itself from the water and, for brief distances, on its stiff pectoral fins, gliding through the air, to evade the smaller sea-tharlarions, which seem to be immune to the poison of the spines. Is also sometimes referred to as the songfish because, as a portion of it’s courtship rituals, the males and females thrust their heads from the water and utter a sort of whistling sound; is found only in the waters of Cos. Larger varieties are found farther out to sea. Is regarded as a great delicacy, it’s liver as the delicacy of delicacies.

Cosians (noun): gangs of youth in Ar who affect cosian garmets and haircuts.

Couching Law (law): Any free woman who couches with another`s slave, or readies for such, becomes, by law, the property of said slaves owner. An Arian law.

Council of Captains (noun): The governing body of the city of Port Kar.

coup (noun): the complicated ranking of battle exploits by the Red Savage tribes. The coup earned by an individual are reflected in the feathers and adornment to which he is entitled. Interestingly, killing the enemy ranks far beneath the besting of an enemy. A first warrior who strikes an armed enemy with an open hand is rewarded with the first coup; the 2nd and 3rd man to accomplish this would receive 2nd and 3rd coup. Killing an enemy with a bow and arrow from ambush might be counted as only a fifth or seventh coup. The counting or tallying of coup within the tribe determines his entitlement to certain advantages.

courage scar (noun): A facial marking of the warrior of the Wagon Peoples. This scar is the first one applied and without it no other scars can be applied. Each scar is placed by members of the Clan of Scar Makers. The can be read by each tribe of the Wagon Peoples as easily as one reads a newspaper. Each scar represents an act of courage and honor in the wearer's life. The Courage Scar is the highest and most important.

Cross Bow (noun): A rather unpopular Gorean weapon among warriors.

curla (noun): the red waist cord worn by slave-girls of the Wagon Peoples; supports the chatka.

Cur-lon Fiber (noun): fiber spun by the Swamp Spiders (Spider People) and used in the textile mills of Ar.

Curulean (noun): the most prestigious slave auction house in the city of Ar.

cylinder (noun): the primary architectural form of buildings in major Gorean cities; they are of varying heights and colors, flat-topped and cylindrical, connected by narrow, colorful bridges that arch between them.

cymbals (noun): There are various sorts similar to the ones found on Earth.

czehar (noun): eight strings, like a large flat oblong box; held across the lap when sitting, is played with a horn pick.

Quote from Kur of Gor

16 June 2012

Gorean Dictionary: B

Bakers, Caste of: colors are yellow and brown.

Baleen Whale (noun): bluish white spotted whale, blunt fin.

Bakahs (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari, they are a vassal tribe of the Kavars

bana (noun): jewelry, of precious metals and stones, worn by free persons.

bar (noun): struck in a certain pattern by an iron hammer. When heard, it signifies the divisions of the day in certain houses. May also serve as an alarm.

bara (command; lit. 'belly'): command where the slave foes to their bellies, their head to the left, their wrists crossed behind their backs, their ankles also crossed. It is a common binding position.

barbarian (noun): a native of the planet Earth; usually used in a derogatory sense in reference to slave girls from that planet .

bargemen, Cartius (noun): interrelated clans of fathers and sons, claiming Caste for themselves, who operate the barges that cross the Cartius River. The barges are constructed of layered timbers of Ka-la-na wood and are towed by teams of river tharlarion. Their passengers are bound for Turia.

bark cloth (noun): the inner bark of the pod tree dyed scarlet and plaited and pounded into a cloth akin to burlap but softer; it has a variety of uses including a rough wrap around the hips of a slave.

Barrens, the (noun): a vast tracts of rolling grasslands, lying east of the Thentis Mountains. They have extreme seasonal temperatures; bitterly cold winters and long, hot, dry summers. Their climate can also include booming thunderstorms and tornadoes and blizzards in which snow can drift as high as the mast of a light galley. The grasses, shorter at it's western edge, can reach a height of several feet as one moves further east.

bastinado (noun): a punishment not otherwise described, however the earth translation is a beating, especially with a stick or cudgel. The beating may be specifically to the soles of the feet.

ba-ta (noun): second letter of the Gorean alphabet; corresponds to the Earth letter 'B'

Bazi plague (noun): a deadly, rapidly- spreading disease with no known cure; its symptoms include pustules which appear all over the body, and a yellowing of the whites of the eyes.

Bazi tea (noun): an herbal beverage served hot & heavily sugared; traditionally drunk 3 tiny cups at a time, in rapid succession.

Beast (noun): a Kuriian military formation consisting of two Hands (six Kur) and two Eyes (leader of a Hand), is called a Beast of Kur. It's military leader is a Blood.

beheading (noun): this ancient form of execution is seen as an option when the offender is of the same Home Stone; it consists of stripping, beating and beheading the offender and is considered a merciful death.

below-deck girl (noun): the term used for slave girls transported in the hold of a ship. They are held in individual cages and because of infestations of lice, all of their body hair is shaved. The term 'below-deck girl' is used derisively especially by those slave girls allowed to remain on deck in cages, who need not have shaved heads, though all slaves on a slaver ship are unclothed.

bina (noun, lit. 'slave beads'): slave jewelry, usually consisting of plain metals, colored string, wooden or cheap glass beads; sometimes used as a slave name

binding fiber (noun): stout twine made of strips of leather or of a fiber like hemp; a piece long enough to circle a slave girl's waist 2-3 times is often used as a belt for her slave tunic .

binding strap (noun): a strap 3/4" wide and 18" long commonly used for binding the wrists and/or ankles of prisoners and slaves .

bint (noun): small carnivorous freshwater fish which inhabits the rivers of the rain forests inland of Schendi; a large school of bints can strip a carcass in minutes; similar to the piranha of Earth .

biscuits (noun): a dried pressed biscuits described as baked in Kailiauk from Sa-Tarna flour.

black wine (noun): very strong coffee. traditionally served with colored sugars and powdered bosk milk in tiny cups.

blanket (position): when a blanket or cloak or covering of any sort is thrown over a slave girl she may not speak or rise; she must remain silent until the blanket is lifted by a free person.

blindfold, gorean (noun): consists of two rounded pieces of soft felt, three to four inches in diameter, and the binding which is several turns of a dark thick, folded cloth, tied behind the head. The rounded pieces fit over the eyes, held in place by the scarf or tie. It is not normally used in transportation, the slave hood being preferred in those instances.

Block Melodies (noun): melodies commonly used in slave markets in the display of merchandise.

Blood (noun): in Kuriian military organizations; a leader of a military unit of varying sizes and strengths depending on his rank; the smallest Unit led by a Blood is 'Kur' or 'Beast' followed by 'Band' 'March' and 'People' each unit a large multiple of the former.

blotanhunka (noun): the term for a war party leader of the red savages; he tends to be more experienced and mature, and exerts more control over the larger group.

Blubber Hammer (noun): wooden handled, stone head;  used to pound the whale blubber to loosen the oil which is used in flat oval lamps.

Blue Flame (noun): controlled by the Priest-Kings seemingly emerging from the heavens this flash of energy literally burns it's victims to wisps of ash in an instant enveloping him in a fierce blue combustive mass.

Blue Sky Song (noun): a refrain from the Wagon Peoples which says in part 'though I die yet there will be the bosk the grass and sky'.

Blue-Sky Riders (noun): a warrior society of the Fleer Tribe of Red Savages represented by a semi circle curved blue line over a black horizontal line on the flanks of their kaiila.

body chain (noun): closely meshed length of chain about 5 feet in length which can be used in a variety of ways to bedeck or secure a slave. Some are decorated with semi-precious stones and wooden beads. Detachable lock and snap clips allow the chain to be transformed from slave jewelry to slave restraint.

bola (noun): weapon consisting of three long straps of leather, each about five feet long, each terminating in a leather sack, which contains, sewn inside, a heavy, round metal weight.

bondage knot (noun): a knot, tied by a slave girl in her hair on the right side of her face; it is a silent plea to her master that she be raped .

bond-maid (noun): the term for a slave girl used in Torvaldsland.

bond-maid circle (noun):a female who enters the circle, drawn in the dirt for example, is declaring herself a bond-maid by the laws of Torvaldsland. She may enter voluntarily or be thrown into it bound and naked.

bond-maid gruel (noun): see slave porridge

bones (noun): game; Each player, in turn, drops a bone, one of several in his supply. Each of the bones is carved to resemble an animal, such as an arctic gant, a northern bosk, a lart, a tabuk or sleen, and so on. The bone which remains upright is the winner. If both bones do not remain upright there is no winner on that throw. Similarly, if both bones should remain upright, they are dropped again. A bone which does not remain upright, if its opposing bone does remain upright, is placed in the stock of him whose bone remained upright. The game is finished when one of the two players is cleaned out of bones.

bosk (noun): an ox like creature. It is a huge, shambling animal with a thick, humped neck and long shaggy hair. It has a wide head and tiny red eyes, a temper to match that of a sleen, and two long, wicked horns that reach out from its head and suddenly curve forward to terminate in fearful points. Some of these horns, on the larger animals, measured from tip to tip, exceed the length of two spears.

bota (noun): a bag with a reclosable stopper or cork commonly made of verrskin leather; used to transport liquids and is often utilized by serving slave girls especially in the camps.

Bound by the Master's will (phrase): refers to a slave being commanded to hold position, as though bound, hands clasping opposite wrists until she is released.

bow, horn, of the Innuit (noun): bow formed with split pieces of tabuk horn, bound with sinew which is not effective beyond thirty yards, used in the land of the Innuit to hunt tabuk on the tundra.

bow, horn, of the Wagon Peoples (noun): favored by the Wagon peoples, it hangs from their saddles. It does not have the range or force of the more powerful long bow or cross bow, but it is a fearsome weapon at close range. The young men of the Wagon Peoples are not given a name until they have mastered the bow, the lance and the quiva.

bow, long (noun): the Gorean long bow is the height of a tall man. It has a flat back and a round belly and may be made of supple Ka-la-na wood. A proficient bow man should be able to loose 19 arrows in a Gorean ehn. It is not as popular among Goreans because of some impracticalities of use. It cannot be used from the saddle, and the warrior must be standing or kneeling to aim, making him a target. It is favored by the peasants who make them and is also known as the peasant bow.

bow, northern (noun): a short bow, with short, heavy arrows, heavily headed, it is accurate with a short range of a hundred and fifty yards. It somewhat resembles the Tuchuk bow of layered horn in it's accuracy and striking ability, which is about a hundred and fifty yards. It is useful for close combat on a ship, and can easily be fired through a thole port with the oar withdrawn.

bow, ship (noun): short stout maneuverable bow, easy to use in crowded quarters easy to fire across the bulwarks of galleys locked in combat.

bow, small (noun): used with great skill by the Red Savages from kaiila back. No Gorean weapon can match it's rate of fire. A skilled warrior can fire ten arrows into the air, the last leaving the bow before the first has returned to the earth. It is highly maneuverable and easy to conceal. It can easily be swept from one side of the kaiila to the other.

bracelets, hook (noun): leather cuffs with locks on them and snaps; they are soft and the snaps require no key. Some men enjoy them on their slaves; by means of the straps the girl may be variously secured by the locked cuffs.

bracelets (command): basic pleasure slave position. The slave girl on command thrusts her hands behind her back wrists together in preparation to be braceleted.

bracelets, slave (noun): any of a variety of handcuff type restraints; used to restrain the wrists of slaves and others; usually metal.

brak bush (noun): a shrub whose leaves when chewed have a purgative effect, thought that the pitch and branches discourage the entry of bad luck into the house, which are nailed to the door during the last five days of the old year. (the last Waiting Hand).

Brand (noun): a mark burned into the flesh of animals and slaves to mark them as property specific brands include the kef (common kajira brand), Dina, Palm, mark of Treve, mark of Port Kar, mark of the Tahari, mark of Torvaldsland (a girl whose belly lies under the sword), and Tuchuk brand of the 4 bosk horns.

brand, bond-maid (noun): described as a half circle about an inch and a quarter in width, adjoined at it's right tip by a steep, diagnonal line an inch and a quarter in height. In the north, the bond-maid is reffered to as a woman whose belly lies beneath the sword.

brand, merchant (noun): a tiny brand in the form of spreading bosk horns for any wishing to do business with the Wagon Peoples that allows their passage over the plains; the stigma connected with this brand is that it suggests that any approaching the wagons do so as slaves.

brand, passage (noun): a tiny brand in the form of spreading bosk horns found on the forearm of goreans, it's presence guaranteeing their safe passage, at certain seasons, across the plains of the Wagon People.

brand, penalty (noun): small 1/4 inch brands that mark a convicted liar, thief, traitor etc.

brand, thief's (noun): tiny 1/4 inch three-pronged brand worn on the cheek of those of the Caste of Thieves, who are found only in Port Kar.

branding rack (noun): a device to which a new slave girl is chained for branding; her hands are chained above her head, but the rest of her body is free to move, except for whichever thigh is to be branded, this being held motionless in a large vise.

bracelets (Command): A command whereby the girl immediately turns her head to the side and slips her wrists behind her back as if for binding.

bread, black (noun): A type of Gorean bread

bread, Sa-Tarna (noun): gorean bread made from Sa-Tarna grain, described as yellow, and since it is usually described as being cut in wedges, probably baked in a round flat pan.

breeding cell (noun): also called a breeding stall. A slave who is designated to be bred is taken there. Both kajira and kajirus are hooded and though they will never know the other's identity their coupling is public, observed by Masters and others.

breeding wine (noun): a sweet beverage which counteracts the effects of slave wine, making a slave girl fertile; also called second wine.

bride price (noun): this fee is one paid by a Free Man to her family, for a Free Woman as he takes her as a Free Companion. If a man frees a slave, the slave's family is bound by honor to grant her to him without bride price.

Brundisium (noun): one of the largest and busiest ports of Gor and a commercial metropolis, it is 100 pasangs south of the Vosk Delta on the Thassa. The Genesian Road links it with other coastal cities.

Builders, Caste of (noun): the caste which includes architects, draftsmen, stonemasons, etc. the Builders are one of the five High Castes; their caste color is brown.

burnoose (noun): the loose, billowing outer robes favored by the men of the Tahari in caravan, it is invariably white in color, to reflect the rays of the sun. It's billowing, flowing movement aids in cooling the body, as it circulates over damp skin.

buttons (noun): a 'recent' innovation for slave attire, not used on the garments of Freepersons. Most garments are fastened with hooks, pins or brooches. Buttons are considered rather sensuous on Gor.

Quote from Assassins of Gor

Echoes of Tragedy

The day had been a long one, and thankfully the village was settling down for the night. The warriors had been served and fed, and gradually each one stumbled off with their favorite sluts to tumble eagerly into the freshly beaten furs. The Free Women had long since retired to their respective homes in search of relaxation and quiet before retiring for the evening while the village slaves finished cleaning up the Long Hall.

Tala, the second slave of the village and slave to the Cheiftan, wiped her brow and sighed with relief as she slipped out of the Long Hall with the bucket of scraps to feed to the livestock and get them settled for the evening. Once this last chore was done, she would have just enough time to slip to the waterfall and bathe the evening's dirt and grime away before making her way back to her Jarl's home to help her chain sister Chy, the First Girl, prepare their Jarl's bath and furs for the night.

Humming softly to herself, an ancient ballad as old as the Northern lands themselves, she made her way eagerly to the barn where the animals waited impatiently to be tended.  As the last mournful notes of the ballad drifted away on the Northern winds, she let herself into the barn and spoke softly to the irritable animals, promising them an extra handful of grain as well as sweet grass for their patience.

Moving to the large barrel of grain, she scooped out two cups of the grain and scattered them along the open area of the barn and then opened the vulo coop, jumping back quickly to avoid the flurry of eager birds as they scrambled for the most feed. While they were busy battling over their evening meal she quickly cleaned out the coop, tossing the dirty hay into a large wheelbarrow nearby to take to the compost pile on her way out and replaced it with fresh hay. The eggs she carefully placed in one of the many hand-crafted wicker baskets stored in the corner, with a small amount of hay inside to cushion them on their way to the cold shed. She occasionally stuffed handfuls of discarded feathers into a small sack at her waist, knowing they would please the Free Women, who often cleaned them and used them to stuff pillows and pincushions.  Her job done, she moved back to where the vulo were squabbling over the last bits of grains and shooed them back into the coop, chuckling softly as the battle continued inside, this time over nesting rights.

Shaking her head over the continued noise coming from the vulos she milked the bosk and brushed her down, talking softly to her as she worked. She knew the beast had no knowledge of the mindless chatter, yet the sound of her soft voice seemed to soothe her irritation for the late tending and a large head turned to nuzzle her hip as she worked, almost as if to say she was forgiven .. for this time at least.  She made quick work of mucking out her stall, eager for her evening bath as the three moons of Gor rose higher in the sky, casting an eerie glow across the village. She filled the water trough with fresh water and added an extra armful of the sweet grass for the bosk as promised and then secured the barn on her way out, after pushing the wheelbarrow of mucked hay to the compost pile around back.  Making one last stop, she put away the basket of fresh eggs in the cold storage for the morning meal, locking the shed behind her as she hurried to her anticpated destination.

The last of the evening chores completed she moved quickly to the waterfall, a smile of pure excitement lighting her delicately carved features.  This land was new to her yet, their village having been moved recently to better grazing, stronger forests and a nearly inpenetrable mountain that only the bravest of warriors would face to ravage. The ongoing war between the North and the South had intensified, and her Jarl had decided it was time to move further into the forbidding mountains, to protect the village He loved and cared for so well.  Her wide, emerald eyes peered into the heavy darkness, only the light of the moons showing her way to the waterfall where she preferred to bathe.  Ducking to avoid the grasping branches of the ancient oaks and pines, she quickened her step as she heard the roar of the water, shivering slightly as the air chilled considerably the closer she got.

Tala frowned, a bit surprised at the sudden chill that swept over her, leaving a trail of small bumps along her exposed skin. She had not bothered to put on her kirtle after serving in the Long Hall, knowing that she would soon be bathing. With the Northern winds crossing the spray of the waterfall, she was used to the drop in temperature, yet something seemed different this time. The chill seemed not from the air or the water, but from an inner sense of despair, though why she was suddenly so melancholy she could not say considering she normally had a very cheerful disposition.  The roar of the waterfall became louder and her steps slowed, depsite her earlier eagerness to bathe in the cold waters of the lake.  She stopped suddenly, a small hand going to her chest as if to quiet the loud beating of her frantic heart and she glanced fearfully in all directions.  The overwhelming urge to weep confused her, and the sudden unexplained fear caused her to remain motionless in the silent forest as she gazed at the waterfall in the distance.

Her eyes widened as she saw what appeared to be a Free Woman standing at the edge of the lake, almost motionless except for the obvious wringing of her hands. The sound of weeping could be heard, so faint as to make Tala think it was only the wind in the Northern pines combined with her fanciful imagination.  She moved slowly forward, her curiosity stronger than her fear as she strained to get a better glimpse. The woman had her back to Tala, but her clothes were obviously those of one that was High Caste, and even more odd they were Southern. Silver clasps that held the woman's veil to hair shone in the glow of the moonlight, and the weeping grew louder as Tala ventured closer.

"Mistress? I beg forgiveness for disturbing You this night, but Your weeping pulls at my heart. Is there something I may help You with? Are You lost perhaps? or injured?"

The weeping stopped abruptly and the woman turned slowly, as if reluctant to speak. Tala saw only her eyes, the wispy veil covering the rest of her face, and they shone brightly.. too brightly... from tears she suspected.. and yet... the skin around Her eyes was so pale, nearly transluscent.  Her arms rose and spread wide, and her palms turned upward in a pleading gesture which caused Tala to stop and stare in shock. A Free Woman would never plead with a lowly slave, yet the utter despair that radiated from the pale, slender form suggested urgency and she slowly moved closer wondering why the Free Woman had not spoken once she stopped her weeping.

An audible gasp slipped from her full lips as she got closer and saw the woman was soaked. The heavy gown dripped and it must be too long for it disappeared right into the ground at her feet. A small hand flew to her mouth as she saw the heavy chain wrapped around the Woman's waist and trailed down the sodden gown, dissapearing into the lake behind her.

"Mistress, what has happened, how did this befall You? You are soaked to the bone and who would dare to chain a Free Woman such as Yourself?"

She started to rush forward but a loud wail from the Woman froze her in her tracks.  In her shock she had not realized that the Waterfall and craggy rocks that surrounded it were visible.. not behind the woman.. but THROUGH the woman.  She whispered softly "Odin save me" as she stared at the woman, finally realizing that the woman was a spirit of her former self, her despair and sorrow having kept her bound to the Gorean realm.

She trembled in shock and fear, unable to run from the utter desperation in the Woman's eyes, and she strained to hear the words that floated out to her.

"Thor.. I must find Him.. He is in danger.. my Father.. he will kill Him.. you must find Him girl, find Him and tell him that His Elenore offers this warning. He must not come for me, for it is a trap laid well by my Father and His warriors...."

Tala was shaking so hard she feared she would faint dead away, yet the Woman's words were laced with urgency and terrible fear. Tala felt as if she WERE this woman... she could feel her sorrow and fear as if it were her own.  Unable to speak she nodded but remained still, unsure of what to do.  The Woman pointed to a large ancient oak near the edge of the lake, the gnarled branches twining and twisting as if to mimic Her own agony.  Tala moved closer, having finally found the courage to speak and asked in a quavering voice,

  "Mistress.. what tragedy has befallen You? Who has done such a terrible thing and who is Your Father?"

Yet no answer was given as the Woman turned slowly and moved forward, drifting across the deep waters of the lake and slowly faded out of sight. Tala stood there gazing at the still waters, as a mixture of fear, confusion, and overwhelming curiosity consumed her. She moved quickly to the ancient tree that the Woman had pointed to, and dropped to her knees, slender fingers digging frantically at the damp soil that covered the roots.

She felt the edges of a box as she dug deeper and her clawing at the soil became more frantic. She finally pulled a silver box free, as clumps of dirt and leaves clung stubbornly to the ornate box. A tiny silver lock kept the lid firmly closed and she cried out in dissapointment as she rose to her feet, her anticpated bath long forgotten after the evening's disturbing events. Clasping the box to her naked breasts, she ignored the pain of the sharp corners as they dug into the plump mounds of flesh and made her way slowly back to the village.... as she contemplated how to explain to the Jarl Thor the odd message that she had recieved......


14 June 2012

Gorean Dictionary: A

agal (noun): length of cord which is used to bind the kaffiyeh to the head of the wearer, usually several loops secure it. The kaffiyeh is the head covering of the tribesmen of the Tahari, a folded, squarish cloth.

ah-il (noun): a unit of measure, the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, c. 18inches. analogous to the Earth cubit; 10 ah-il equal one ah-ral.

ahn (noun): the Gorean hour, of which there are 20 in a Gorean day, numbered consecutively.  the tenth ahn being noon and the twentieth midnight. each ahn is comprised of 40 ehn (minutes) which are comprised of 80 ihn(seconds).

ah-ral (noun): a unit of measure equaling 10 ah-il, or approximately 180 inches.

Alars (noun): a nomadic wandering herdspeople which tend towards the blond haired and blue eyed. They arewell known for their skill with the axe and the Alar sword. Their Free women do not wear veils but rather simple ankle-length dresses, tied snugly. There are few slaves in the Alar camps because they are killed by Free women.

ale (noun): served in tankards or horns, it is one of the two favored drinks of the Torvaldslanders, the other being mead.

al-ka (noun): 1st letter of the Gorean Alphabet, corresponds the Earth letter "A".

All Comrades (noun): a warrior society of the Kaiila tribe of Red Savages, also called the Fighting Hearts, represented by a heart over a black horizontal line with a lance below it on the flanks of their kaiila.

amomona (noun): Kaiila or Dust Leg word meaning baby or doll.

amphora (noun): two handled narrow necked vessel with a pointed base it is commonly buried overnight in the earth with only it's neck left above the surface. It is used to cool various beverages.

ankle rack (noun): device used to lock a girl's ankles in wooden stockage.

anklet, identificatory (noun): temporary metal anklet fastened about a captured Earth girl's ankle for transportation to Gor.

ant, marcher (noun): known in the jungles of Schendi as 'The Marchers'. They are aggressive carnivorous insects. Their name is derived from their, apparently seasonal, marches through the jungle in a single column, yards wide and pasangs in length. They may number in the millions, their path's widening to as much as 500 feet when they overtake, swarm over, and devour all flesh, living or dead, in their path.

anteater (noun): more than six varieties inhabit the rainforests of Schendi. The great spined anteater grows to 20 ft in length and feeds on white ants or termites breaking apart their towering nests of toughened clay with mighty claws then darting it's 4 foot saliva coated tongue, drawing thousands into it's narrow tubelike mouth.

applause (noun): on Gor performed by striking the right hand or fist against the left shoulder. Or upon occasion, the Warrior's applause, a spear struck upon the warrior's shield.

apricots (noun): fruit, possibly identical to the apricots of Earth.

ar (noun): a letter in the alphabet.

Ar (noun): largest city of 'known' Gor - has some 40 public gates.

Arani (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai

arctic gant eggs(noun): eggs of the migratory Arctic gant; when frozen, they are eaten like apples.

Aretai (noun): a major tribe of the Tahari, their vassal tribes are the Arani, Luraz, Ravir,i Tajuks, Tashid, Ti, and Zevar. Their war cry is 'Aretai Victorious!'.

Aria (adjective): of Ar

Armored gatch (noun): a marsupial mammal which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.

Arrows, Flight and Sheaf (nouns): sheaf arrows are slightly over a yard long, the flight arrow is about forty inches in length. Both are metal piled and fletched with three half-feathers from the wings of the Vosk gulls. Both are used with the Gorean long bow.

Arrow, hunting (noun): an arrow with a long tapering point fastened firmly to the shaft to assist in easy removal from prey

Arrow, Torvaldsland war (noun): dark and more than a yard long, it's shaft is an inch thick. It is piled with iron and barbed. It's feathers of the black-tipped coasting gull are five inches long, set in the shaft on three sides.

Arrow, War (noun): used by the Red Savages, the head of this arrow has an angled, wider base that is not as securely connected to the shaft; if the shaft is pulled to attempt removal, the head is more likely to break off and remain in the wound.

Ar's Station (noun): an outpost of the Ubarate of Ar and trading station on the south bank of the Vosk.

Arthropod: (noun) found in the tunnels of the Priest-Kings these animals are large, perhaps eight feet long and a yard high, multi-legged, and segmented. body plates rustle like plastic armor, timid creatures. its eyes are on long stalks.

Askari (noun): inland word for solder/guardsman

Askari Hodari (noun): a salute to the honor of another warrior; in Ushindi it means 'Brave Warrior' or simply 'Warrior'.

Assassins, Caste of (noun): the caste of those who kill for pay; exists only in Ar; their caste color is black.

axe, great (Torvaldsland) (noun): a great, curved, single bladed axe of hardened iron with a blunt hammer-like head, it is carried in a leather loop hung from a broad leather belt worn from the left shoulder to the right hip.

axe, Kurii (noun): great, double-bladed iron axe some seven or eight feet in height. The blade, from tip to tip is two feet in width. The handle is made of carved, green needle wood, round and four inches in diameter

12 June 2012



The common Gorean greeting. Normally, it is often accompanied with the right hand raised to shoulder level, the palm inward, facing the body. Also, there are examples within the books, of slaves using “tal” as a form of greeting.


A form of greeting, reserved for experts and champions at some matter. An expert swordsman or kais player would be greeted in this manner. Slaves may also use this term, when referring to a qualified Free Person. An Ubar would qualify for this form of greeting.

Thank You

Now there is no special Gorean way of thanking another person. With slaves, they may or may not be thanked. It all depends on the will of the Free Person. Many slaves are especially fearful of any Free Person, who shows them such kindness.

Slaves Addressing the Free

All slaves must address the Free as either Master or Mistress. Slaves are not permitted to address any Free Person by their name. It is said that a slave girl grows bold if her lips are allowed to touch the name of her Master or Mistress. But some owners prefer to hear their name said by a slave. This is commonly permitted only in private, out of the presence of others. A slave may tell others the name of her owner, for explanation or identifying purposes only.

Paga Tavern

Now, by the books, when a slave enters a paga tavern, they don’t have to ask permission or perform any form of karta or obeisance at the door. Of course, there are some rooms online, that doesn’t have a slave do any of those things either. A slave should enter quietly and go to kneel in the serving area. A slave should never greet any Free when they enter, unless their Master is present. Of course, if their owner isn’t present, then they could ask permission from the Owner of the House to greet all within. Plus, the slave does need permission to leave though, and this they could ask either their owner or any Free Person. Now, a slave cannot be just sitting around doing nothing. That is sheer laziness and it ruins their owner’s reputation. If their not serving, then they should be doing some chores, until they are told to serve, or see that there is service to be done.


A free man sits cross-legged. They rarely use chairs, which are usually reserved for special people, such as, Administrators, Ubars and judges. Most Goreans tend to find chairs to be uncomfortable. Now, a free woman kneels to sit. They kneel with their knees kept close together with their hands, palms face down upon their thighs. Of course, all slaves kneel to sit, with the position of their hands and knees, will depend on the type of slave they are. Plus, slaves never sit in chairs, for they might be either whipped or slain for doing so.


When walking or riding down a street or road, according to the books, the Goreans commonly stay to the left side when passing others. This is done, so that the sword arm, commonly the right arm, faces the person who is passing.


Gor is a hierarchical world, where status, station and caste are vitally important. In general, you show respect to those with superior status or caste. This includes Free Women. A Free Woman of High Caste, deserves respect from a Low Caste man. Even a wealthy woman would be considered of high status and would also be respected. Though, men do consider themselves dominant over women, they still respect the ideas of status and castes. Men also respect other men of higher standing than themselves.


The rule in the market place and stores, is that there are no fixed prices. Haggling is the order of business. In haggling, start with a low offer and the seller would start with a higher offer. Soon, the parties will come down to a reasonable price, that would pleased everyone.

08 June 2012

Proper Drink Serves

ALE (chilled)
    stored: Chilla
    kept in: keg
    vessel: tankard or horn
    texture: deep gold, slightly bitter dry taste
    prep/pour: in chilla
    misc: brewed from sa-tarna and wild grains, closer to Honey Lager than to
              an ale or beer.

ALE (warmed)
    stored: keg near the hearth
    kept in: keg (warm by fire)
    vessel: tankard or horn
    texture: deep gold, slightly bitter dry taste
    prep/pour: at servery
    misc: brewed from sa-tarna and wild grains
BAZI TEA(ceremonial serve NOT meant to be sexual in nature and is an ONLINISM, it wasn't hard to come by and it had nothing to do with fortune telling.)
    stored: leaves are kept in a small wooden box on the counter
    vessel: 3 tiny cups (past, present, and future)
    prep:1. Go to hearth and check that there is plenty of hot water in the kettle.
             2. Get the Tea set from the top shelf ( 1 teapot, 2 small sugar bowls, 3 small cups, 3 small silver spoons).
             3. Pour some hot water from the kettle into the teapot and swirl it about to warm the teapot, dump water      
                 into waste bucket.
             4. Fill the teapot 2/3 full with hot water and bring back to counter.
             5. Get the wooden box of tealeaves and add 3 pinches of leaves to the hot water in the teapot,  put cover                       on teapot and let it steep.
             6. Wipe and check remaining pieces of tea set for flaws, testing the rim of each small cup.
             7. Fill the two small sugar bowls with sugars white and yellow.
             8. Get a clean repcloth from the basket under the counter and set it to the tray, placing the 3 small spoons  
                  upon it.
             9. Add the 2 bowls of sugar and 3 small cups to the tray.
          10. Pick up the teapot and swirl it around again to ensure a consistent potency then set to tray.
          11. Carefully carry the tray to Feet and set it to your side.

    Pour:1. Take the 1st small cup and add one small spoonful of yellow sugar ( this cup represents the past, the      
                  bitterness of Youth, mistakes made).
             2. Pour some of the tea from the pot into the cup (do not stir or prove) hold the cup to your heart and say a                       small prayer for the Free's past, then offer it Up.
             3. After they drink the small cup you take it again in your hands and set it upside down on the tray.
             4. Take the 2nd small cup and add one small spoonful of the white sugar ( this cup represents the present,                        the sweetness and happiness of middle age).
              5. Pour some of the tea into the cup (do not stir or prove) hold the cup to your heart and say a small prayer                        for the Free's present, then offer it Up.
             6. After they drink the small cup you take it again in your hands and set it upside down on the tray.
             7. Take the 3rd cup and add one scoop of each sugar (this cup represents the future and the contentment                         and wisdom of old age).
             8. Pour some of the tea into the cup (do not stir or prove) hold the cup to your heart and say a small prayer                       for the Free's future, then offer it Up.
             9. After they drink the small cup you take it again in your hands and set it upside down on the tray
          10. After all 3 cups have been finished you may offer to read the tealeaves in the bottom of each cup if you                        wish, or you may simply end the serve as usual.

Beer, Rence : steeped and fermented from the pith and crushed seeds of the rence plant, it is a drink of the rence growers of the Delta of the Vosk tankards or mugs

BLACKWINE (always warm, ask 1st or second slave serve, 1st is With cream
     and sugar, second is served black)
     stored: large pot warming over fire in hearth in the servery
     kept in: kettle w/ladle inside
     vessel: mug
     texture: made from coffee beans
     prep/pour: For 1st slave:serving tray, small serving kettle,mug,bowls of    
     white and yellow  sugars, 3 small spoons
     For 2nd slave: serving tray and mug
     For Both: Get a small serving kettle from a hook over the hearth, ladle the      blackwine into the kettle and set on                        tray, bring tray to feet and pour into mug.
    From: Thentis Mountains
Breeding wine : a sweet beverage which counteracts the effects of slave wine, making a slave girl fertile; also called second wine, it is made from the extract of the teslik plant, served in goblets

Chocolate : made from beans brought back on one of the early Voyages of Acquisition, this is the same as the chocolate of Earth. It is served in higher class establishments

Falarian Wine : an exquisite, rare, fabulously expensive wine, it's cost would purchase a city. It's existence is only rumored among collectors, served in goblets

Fermented Milk Curds:  Milk that has been allowed to sit out, ferment and curdle.

KA-LA-NA (chilled) usually white
    stored: wine rack in the chilla
    kept in: bottle with a waxed seal from the city of Ar
    vessel: goblet
    texture: red is more typical though if white is asked for serve white ( there is great debate  over the existence of white kalana, it was never mentioned in the books but it was never stated that it did not exist either, when in doubt serve red).
prep/poured: get bottle from chilla, bring to Feet, peel away the wax seal, pop the cork and pour

KA-LA-NA (room temp)
    stored: wine rack in the servery
    kept in: bottle with a waxed seal from the city of Ar
    vessel: goblet
    texture: red is more typical though if white is asked for serve white ( there is great debate
                   over the existence of white kalana, it was never mentioned in the books      but it
                   was never stated that it did not exist either, when in doubt serve red)
    prep/poured: get bottle from chilla, bring to Feet, peel away the wax seal, pop the cork
                             and pour

KA-LA-NA (warmed) usually red
    stored: hearth
    kept in: kettle
    vessel: clay bowl
    texture: ruby red rich and delicate

1. Get a bottle of Kalana from the wine rack remove wax seal and cork then pour into a kettle
2. Heat over the fire
3. Sprinkle nutmeg and cinnamon in the bowl
4. Pour heated kalana into the bowl
5. Set bowl to tray and bring to feet

Mulled ka-la-na : Heated ka-la-na, with mulling spices. Usually garnished with a piece of ka-la-na fruit or tospit, served in a goblet.

KAL-DA (ask with or without garnish)
    stored: hearth
    kept in: copper kettle (heavy pot)
    vessel: clay bowl Masters..footed bowl for Mistresses
1. Get a bottle of cheap Kalana from the wine rack (no seal of Ar) and uncork it and pour into
    copper kettle
2. Get pitcher of citrus juice and a large tospit  from the chilla
3. Add juice to the kettle and set tospit on the counter for now
4. Sprinkle nutmeg and cinnamon in the kettle then set kettle over the fire to heat
5. While the kalda is cooking slice the tospit and set to the side
6. Pour the kalda into the bowl and float a slice of tospit on the top, sprinkle with a bit more
    nutmeg and cinnamon

Liana Vine : a rainforest plant which can be used as a source of drinking water

MEAD (chilled)
    stored: chilla
    kept in: Keg or Cask
    vessel: Horn or Tankard
    texture: fermented honey, water, and spice ( similar to honey lager)
    prep/poured: fill vessel in chilla, serve at Feet

MEAD (warmed)
    stored: servery near hearth
    kept in: cask or keg
    vessel: Horn or Tankard
    texture: dark, amber colored, fermented honey, water, and spice (similar to honey lager)
    prep/pour: get from servery and pour at  feet

    stored: chilla
    kept in: pitcher
    vessel: goblet
    misc: available in powdered form

    stored: wine rack in servery
    kept in: corked bottles
    origin: made from merlot grape
    texture: burgandy wine, less sweet than kalana
    pour/serve: uncork bottle and pour at Master's feet

SA PAGA (chilled) (Brewed from Sa Tarna wheat, amber in color, similar to Whiskey)
    stored: hanging in chilla
    kept in:  dark verr skin bota
    vessel: footed bowl or goblet for Mistress
    pour/serve uncork bottle and pour at Master's feet

SA PAGA (warm)(Brewed from Sa Tarna wheat, amber in color, similar to Whiskey)

    stored: dark glass bottle on shelf in servery
    kept in: dark glass bottle
    vessel: footed bowl, goblet for Mistress
   pour/serve uncork bottle with teeth and pour at Master's feet

SUL PAGA (chilled) (Brewed from suls ( potatos), clear in color, similar to Moonshine/Vodka)

    stored: hanging in chilla
    kept in:  white verr skin bota
    vessel: footed bowl or goblet for Mistress
   pour/serve uncork bottle with teeth and pour at Master's feet

SUL PAGA (warm)( Brewed from suls ( potatos),clear in color, similar to Moonshine/Vodka)

    stored: clear glass bottle on shelf in servery
    kept in: clear glass bottle
    vessel: footed bowl, goblet for Mistress
   pour/serve uncork bottle with teeth and pour at Master's feet

TA-WINE (Chilled) made from grapes

    stored: wine rack in chilla
    kept in: corked bottle
    vessel: goblet
    misc: deep purple in color
    pour/serve uncork bottle with teeth and pour at Master's feet

TA-WINE (warm)
    stored: wine rack in servery
    kept in: corked bottle
    vessel: goblet
    misc: deep purple in color
    pour/serve uncork bottle with teeth and pour at Master's feet
WATER (ask with or without ice)
    stored: chilla
    kept in: pitcher
    vessel: goblet
    prep/pour: if with ice, get ice from bowl of chipped ice on stool just inisde chilla door, pour water in chilla, serve at Master's feet

ramberry juice
larma juice
ta-grape juice
red fruit juice
tospit juice
mixed fruit juice
    stored: cold room
    kept in: pitchers
    vessel: goblets
    prep/pour: in chilla, bring to Master's feet

    kept in: bottle with a waxed seal from the city of Ar
    vessel: goblet
    texture: red is more typical though if white is asked for serve white ( there is great debate over the existence of white kalana, it was never mentioned in the books      but it was never stated that it did not exist either, when in doubt serve red)
    prep/poured: get bottle from chilla, bring to Feet, peel away the wax seal, pop the cork and pour

Palm Wine : drink mentioned briefly; no description available

Sand Kaiila Milk : reddish and salty. High in ferrous sulfate

Slave Wine : brewed from bitter herbs, acts as a contraceptive drank once per month although a girl would not serve this wine a slave would be given this by her Master, later books show a type only needed to be drank once and then needing "second wine" to counteract the effects
Ta-wine : a dry wine made from Ta grapes from the Isle of Cos, served at room temperature, or warm, in a goblet

Turian Liqueur : a thick, sweet liqueur from Turia, served in tiny glasses. These liqueurs are considered the best on Gor

Turian Wine : a thick syrupy wine so sweet and thick that is it said one can see a thumbprint on its surface

Water : spring water from the mountains or from the liana vine or carpet plants from the rain forest area inland of Schendi

White Wine : a wine light in color and taste, it is not described in detail just as white wine