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15 March 2012

Overseer Chopping Wood (15 March)

as he rajaah wakens an strolls though the village to the bakery , he meet the 1st girl clysa  who offers him a mug of blackwine an fresh tart to start his day off right with a smile. eating his tart an sipping his mug he thanks her then set out to chop wood for the village to have on hand.taking on the freash breeze coming off the waters an drinking his mug he begins to chop wood an chop enough wood for the start of the day after an hour or so wiping the sweat from his head an chuckles being in thought... carries the wood back to the bakery getting some fresh water to quech his thrist rajaah gaters his bow then set out for a good hunt for the day , he take his time crawling around the wood hunting his prey being quite as he moves in to take he kill bring meat for his family at the village an for the guest when they arrive.thinking that this is going to be a great day with the sun an breeze from the winds an all the land coming to life as spring begins to set in ...

Gathering Larma (15 March)

[06:01]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): hums softly as she slips from the gates long before dawn, cly moves down along the path with basket in hand as she heads on down to the fire circle, she wanted to surprise all by fixing fresh baked larmas, like she used to make upon her home world,for they resemble the apples theres, the wind from the Thassa blew in between the lands, sending the scent of morning and salt as she approaches the large larma tree, smiling seeing how fresh and ripe they are as she moves to the closest branch, humming to herself as she picks them, inspecting each larma makingsure none were bruised as she places them within her basket, gazing up one in a while to see a fishing boat with Jarls and bonds passingby she waves to them before continuing her task, when her basket was full, smiling with pride she picks it up and carries her treasure back up to the gates, heading towards the bakery, se believes she would wash and set several out for any desires to have them while the rest she prepares to make te tarts and baked larma treats