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16 July 2012

Gorean Dictionary: V

Val (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.

vangis (noun): type of produce sold at market; detailed description unavailable.

Var (phrase): meaning 'turning'; also signifies north of the Gorean compass; as in Ta-Sardar-Var.

vart (noun): Vart - small sharp-toothed winged mammal, carnivorous, which commonly flies in flocks.

vart, brown (noun): carnivorous animals that rest clinging upside down on branches.

vart, jungle (noun): a relative of the northern vart, it inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.

Vask (noun): signifies south on a Gorean compass.

veck (phrase): stand.

veil (noun): a covering or coverings for the face, worn by free women in many city states; up to five are worn  see also house veil, last veil, pride veil, street veil, veil of the citizeness, intimacy veil.

veil of the citizeness (noun): the second of the veils worn by free women; worn under the pride veil and over the last veil.

veminium (noun): a bluish wildflower  - commonly found on the lower ranges of the Thentis mountains; used in perfumes.

veminium, desert (noun): small gorean flower, grows at the edge of the Tahari, has a purplish flower.

veminium oil (noun): by-product of Veminium petals being boiled in water; a scented oil used in middle to upper-class homes to rinse hands before and after eating.

verr (noun): a mountain goat indigenous to the Voltai Mountains; wild, agile, ill tempered, with long hair and spiraling horns; source of a form of wool; it milk is potable, as well as being used for cheese.

Victoria (noun): port town located on the Vosk River, one of the founding members and headquarters of the Vosk League. Known as a haven for pirates, and for it's slave markets.

viktel (noun): triumph

Viktel Aria (noun): a military road, the phrase translates as 'Triumph of Ar', or, 'Ar's Triumph'. In it's more northern lengths it is called the Vosk Road and it's northern terminus is Ar's Station.

vint (noun): tiny, sand-colored insects found in the Tahari Desert.

virgin bell (noun): single bell sometimes worn on a Free Woman's left ankle to announce her availability to swains.

Voltai Range (noun): mountain range of Gor; also known as the Red Mountains.

Vosk Delta (noun): at the mouth of the Vosk River, where it empties into the Tamber Gulf and the Thassa beyond, is a marshland thousands of square pasangs deep of estuarial wilderness. The marshes can be traversed in small rush crafts through hundreds of shallow, constantly shifting channels. The delta is inhabited, particularly in the east, by communities of rence growers who eke out a living harvesting rence. The Vosk Delta is trackless and treacherous, and the habitat of the marsh tharlarion and the predatory Ul. The entire area is claimed by Port Kar which lies within it, some hundred pasangs from it's northwestern edge.

Vosk League (noun): 19 members - Turmuj, Ven, Tetrapoli, Port Cos, Tafa, Victoria, Fina Ragnar's Hamlet, Hammerfest, Sulport, Sais, Siba, Jasmine, Point Alfred, Jort's Ferry, Forest Port, Iskander, Tancred's Landing, and White Water.

Vosk River (noun): Gor's mightiest river, flowing thousands of pasangs in a slightly southwesterly direction from it's source in the Voltai Range to the marshes of the Vosk Delta, the Tamber Gulf, and on the the Thassa, it rampages across most of known Gor, over forty pasangs broad.

Voyages of Acquisition (noun): voyages made to Earth by the Priest-Kings to gather biological samples; this perhaps accounts for the similarity in many animals, as well as in language and culture, between Earth and Gor.

vulo (noun): a tawny colored poultry bird, similar to a pigeon, which also exists in the wild; used for meat and eggs