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15 July 2012

Gorean Dictionary: U

Ua River (noun):   River of Schendi meaning "Flower River"

ubar (noun): war chief

ubar san (noun, lit. 'one ubar'):  war chief chosen to be supreme commander of the 4 tribes of the Wagon Peoples

ubara (noun): the Free Companion (consort) of a ubar

ubarate (noun): the territory governed by a ubar

Ugly Acts (noun): term for heterosexual sex used by the Sames, also known as the Waniyanpi, a collective slave community of the Red Savages. Sex is monitored by their owners and is performed, en masse, on an appointed day, the male and female slaves being hooded and brought to a maize field for breeding.

Ul (noun):  Ul - giant pterodactyl (native to the swamps in the delta of the Vosk River).  normally the only creature that dares to outline itself against the sky, in the area.

Ulo (noun): Innuit word for "woman's knife." semi-circular blade, fixed in a wooden handle, not suited for carving, used primarily for cutting meat and sinew.

umbrella bird (noun): bird that lives in the lower canopies of rainforest near Schendi.

Umiak (noun):  large skin boat, 20' in length, 5' in it's beam, used in the polar sea, made of driftwood and long bows of bone.

urt (noun): a small, silken furred rodent akin to the Earth rat; it has three rows of teeth, two tusks, and two horns

Urt (Giant) (noun):- fat, sleek and white; three rows of needle like white teeth, two horns, tusks like flat crescents curved from its jaw; another two horns, similar to the first, modifications of the bony tissue forming the upper ridge of the eye socket

urt, canal (noun): rapid moving water mammal living along canals; particularly found in Port Kar.

urt, gliding (noun): animal living in the canopies of the rainforests inland of Schendi.

urt, ground (noun): a small rodent which inhabits the floor of the rain forests inland of Schendi.

urt, leaf (noun): a small tree dwelling rodent, having 4 toes, which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.

urt people (noun): the urt people are narrow-shouldered and narrow-chested, measuring only three and a half feet tall when upright with a narrow, elongated face and rather large, ovoid eyes. They have long, thin arms and short, spindly legs along with a bent-over gai,t often bringing the knuckles to the ground, and commonly kept inconspicuously among the large, migratory urt packs.

Urt Soldiers (noun): a warrior society of the Yellow Knife tribe of Red Savages.

urt, tree (noun): a small tree climbing rodent found in the rain forests inland of Schendi

use discipline (noun): a punishment which avows the free man's prerogative to sexually use a house-owned girl as discipline.

use-master (noun): a master that is given temporary use of a girl by her owner.

use-name (noun): a practice, apparently supported by First Knowledge, which is followed by members of lower castes. Their 'real' name is held privately. Their 'use-name' is public knowledge. The belief is that public knowledge of their real name allows someone to have power over them.

Ushindi (noun): Lake of Schendi; means Victory.

Ushindi Fisher (noun): long legged, wading bird.