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08 March 2012

Chopping Wood (8 March)

[19:18]  SolaraLove: As solara walked through the thick wooden doors of the village entrance, the welcoming scents of wood, green leaves and fresh cool air uplifted her senses. She smiled as sh began entering the forest right outside the village. She had always enjoyed this chore, as it brought her in the midsts of the lush green scenery. the sounds of tabuk could be heard as they ran about and the bosk grazing the forest floors.

[19:19]  SolaraLove: With her axe in hand she set out to chop some more fire wood for the village. her hair counces upon her with each step...swaying hips leading her to her destination
[19:20]  SolaraLove: there had been a clearing further on where the Overseer had set up a camp fire and a wood cutting area. Solara smiled as she approached it...the sound of her boots thumping softly and cracking small twigs on the ground.
[19:22]  SolaraLove: She set her axe down near the log as she looked about the forest floor for already dried up wood. She had been eager to finish this chore as today would be her first attempt at making Mead. She needed to be done quick
[19:25]  SolaraLove: With her wood gathered, solara began chopping them smaller one by one. The heavy axe fell strong against the stump as she continued her chore, her arm muscles sculpted in each motion.
[19:27]  SolaraLove whispers: Her breathing grew heavier as she progressed. If there was one thing solara disliked, it had been the burning sensation her hands attained when using the axe. She went through each log one by one until there had been a pile beside her.
[19:28]  SolaraLove: With a grunt, solara dropped the axe harshly into the stump quite satisfied she had been finished. she began her trips into the village carrying the logs
[19:30]  SolaraLove: with the freshly cut logs under her arms she hummed on her way, back an forth. Once or twice she had heard the tarsks in the woods, an animal she detested.
[19:31]  SolaraLove: She had not brought her spear with her though she felt confident enough to attain her wood and return safely. On her final trip back to the village, there had been a tarsk lurking in the distance. she walked faster until picking up into a run as the tarsk began chasing her.
[19:32]  SolaraLove: One log had dropped from her yet she never looked back, cursing profusely as she wondered why the male tarsk had been so aggravated.
[19:34]  SolaraLove: Once she arrived to the huge gates she threw the logs from her, instantly closing the gates. Her heart raced in her chest. She had not been too scared of the tarsk, a creature she had grown familiar with in hunt. But this tarsk seemed way to aggravated to put up with that moment. She grinned victoriously as she peeked though the gates, watching the tarsk scout the area. finally picking up the logs from the floor, solara made her way to the bakery and the long hall, replenishing the wood supplies.

The Wash (7 March)

20:19] kyna (rayzel) turns to leave the Jarls speak, heading to attend her chores
[20:21] kyna walks with purpose to the long hall, barely creaking a door open as the bond slips inside and heads to the back, collecting the soiled linen there in a basket, cradling it on her hip
[20:23] kyna (rayzel) slips back through the main doors of the long hall and proceeds through the gates down to the wash basin an clothesline
[20:24] kyna (rayzel) deposits the basket of dirty reps into the sudsy water, turning then light steps lead towards the bakery, thebond certain to find more laundry waiting there
[20:27] kyna (rayzel) gathers the soiled cloth of the bakery into a neat heap in the basket, lifting until the basket rest upon left hip leaving her gait short on that side as back through the doors she goes an out to the washtub
[20:30] kyna deposits all the dirty rags into the washtub, allowing them to soak an turns hearing her Jarl call for her, casting her chore aside for the moment
[17:08] kyna (rayzel) began scrubbing the soiled reps left to soak earlier int eh wash tub, scrubbing each soundly on the washboard before depositing them clean and damp into a basket
[17:14] kyna (rayzel) rose seeing them all well scrubbed and one by one lifted form the basket and clipped to the clothesline to dry in afternoon sun