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03 July 2012

Gorean Dictionary: M

mamba (noun): large, predatory river tharlarion  which inhabits  the rivers of the rain forests inland of Schendi; they have long, log like bodies, with short, powerful legs & a long snout & tail.

Mamba People (noun): tharlarion people; human flesh eaters.

manumission (noun): the documented, legal freeing of a slave.

March (noun): Kurii Military expression; refers to 12 bands and their officers; consists of 2100- 2200 animals.

Margin of Desolation (noun): an area north of Ar that was made into a wilderness thousands of pasangs deep. Wells were poisoned, and fields burned and salted to prevent the approach of armies from the north. It was allowed to re-vegetate and re-populate.

marine saurian (noun): fish-like predator with long, toothed snouts that are silent and aggressive; sailors fear them as they do the long-bodied sharks.

marine saurian, reptilian (noun): reptilian-like scavengers found in the Thassa, more than 20 ft in length, it has a long neck and small head with rows of small teeth. Its appendages are like broad paddles.

Market of Semris (noun): a small town south and somewhat east of Samnium, it is famed for its markets for tarsks, four-legged and two-legged. The town square is described as neat and well maintained, set with flat stones intricately fitted together.

marking stick (noun): a writing implement rather like a pen.

marsh moccasin (noun): narrow, dark, 5' long (approx) poisonous; not common.

marsh sharks (noun): eel like, long bodied, nine gilled.

matok (noun): a Priest-King term, it refers to an inhabitant of the Nest which is in the Nest but not of the Nest.

maza (noun): Kaiila or Dust Leg term meaning metal.

mazasa (phrase): translation: copper

mazasapa (noun): Kaiila or Dust Leg term meaning black metal; translated loosely into iron.

Mead (noun):  made with fermented honey, water, spices - favored over hot paga in the north.

Meat Catch (noun): - slaves kneeling, abreast, hands bound behind their backs - bits of meat thrown, one after another - a catch 2 pts for the master - a missed piece can be scrambled for upon their bellies - 1 pt for the master of the slave who obtains it.

melon (noun): fruit; Yellowish red-striped spheres.

Merchants, Caste of (noun): the caste of those who deal in merchandise and trading; their caste colors are white and gold.

merchant kaissa (noun): refers to the standardized version of kaissa played at fairs and tournaments.

message tube (noun): a capped tube affixed to a slave's collar by a small thong which can hold messages for her to transport.

metaglana (adv): a female who is no longer a virgin or 'glana' preceded by the state of 'profalarina' indicating a female who is about to be 'falarina' and before that by 'meta glana' one who looks forward to her deflowering.

milk, bosk (noun): milk from the bosk, a staple of life for the Tribes of the Wagon Peoples. In some areas, it is available in powdered form.

milk, kaiila (noun): used by the peoples of the Tahari as verr milk is used elsewhere, it is reddish with a salty strong taste due to the content of ferrous sulfate.

milk, verr (noun): sometimes sold in open markets from a brass container, carried on a strap and served in tiny brass cups.

mindar (noun): a short winged, yellow & red bird of the rain forests inland of Schendi; with its sharp bill, it digs in the bark of flower trees for larvae.

mint stick (noun): a confection served in a bowl on a tray set for blackwine service, otherwise not described.

mitakoda (noun): Dust Leg term meaning my friend.

mitakola (noun): Kaiila word meaning my friend.

Moon, Prison (noun): of the three moons orbiting Gor, the name given to one of the two smaller ones.

moons, Gorean -(noun): three moons shine on the planet, Gor, one large and two small ones, described as full, beautiful, and 'hurtling through' the clouds. They are said to have a biological effect on females, who are sometimes chained beneath them. It is suggested that the waxing and waning of the cycles of the moon correlate with the sexual cycles of the female.

moons, Red Savage (noun): the moons as they mark the seasons of Red Savage life. Among them are the winter moons of Waniyetuwi and Wanicokanwi, as well as the Istawicayanzanwi or Sore-Eye Moon. The moon of the Returning Gants or Magaksicaagliwi heralds early spring followed by Wozupiwi, the Planting Moon. Kantwasi is the moon when the plums are red. The moon in which the tabuk rut (Takiyuhawi) is also called the Canpasapawi, the moon when the chokecherries are ripe. The Canwapegiwiw is the moon when the leaves become brown followed by the Corn-Harvest Moon which is called either the Wayuksapiwi or Canwapekasnawi, the moon when the wind shakes off the leaves. The autumnal equinox occurs in Canwapegiwi.

Mul (noun): designates a human slave (in the nest but not of the nest);Slaves of the Priest-Kings wear purple and both sexes are shaved, for sanitary reasons. A Muls tunic is inscribed with much information with scent marks as is by means of the tunic that Priest-Kings recognize them.

mul cases (noun): transparent plastic tube in which a mul sleeps.

Mul-Fungus (noun): bland, pale, whitish, fibrous vegetable like matter.

mul-pellets (noun): a vitamin supplement for muls.

Mul-Torch (noun): light used by Muls who raise Fungus in darkened chambers commonly called "Workers of the Fungus-Trays"

Musicians, Caste of: czehar players have the most prestige; next follow the flutists and then the players of the kalika; the players of the drums come next; and the farthest fellow down the list is the man who keeps the bag of miscellaneous instruments, playing them and parceling them out to others as needed - are never enslaved; they may be exiled, tortured, or slain - it is said, that he who makes music must, like the tarn and the Vosk gull, be free.