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10 July 2012

Gorean Dictionary: P

Paddle mittens (noun):  standard mittens with two thumbs, when one side is worn, can be turned to the other side.

paga (noun; abbr. of Pagar-Sa-Tarna, lit. 'pleasure of the life daughter'): paga, a strong, fermented drink brewed from the yellow grains of Gors staple crop, Sa-Tarna, or Life Daughter.

paga attendant (noun): a male employee of a paga tavern, who supervises the serving of paga by slave girls, and collects payment for the paga and the use of the slave girls.

paga tavern (noun): an establishment where food and alcoholic beverages, esp. paga, are sold; in addition, the use of the serving slave is included in the price of the paga bought.

pagar (noun): pleasure

pagar kajira (noun): pleasure slave

palm tree (noun): More than 1500 varieties of palm trees exist in the rainforest one of which is the Fan Palm more than 20 ft high and spreads it leaves in the form of a an opened fan it is an excellent source of pure water as much as one liter of water being found almost as though cupped at the base of each leaf's stem.

palm wine (noun): drink mentioned briefly; no description available.

panga (noun): two-foot-long heavy curve-bladed bush knife.

Panther Girl (forest girl) (noun): runaway women who live in the forest without free men, taking as slave any man who enters their domain and eventually selling him. Those of the northern forests dress in the teeth and skins of forest panthers which they slay with their spears and bows.

panther, jungle (noun): Less dangerous to man than the northern variety inhabitant of the rainforest.

Parade of Slaves (noun): a presentation of beauty and attractions in which the slaves present themselves one by one usually accompanied by music for the inspection of the guests. Commonly takes place in paga taverns and brothels but may take place elsewhere. Free women are usually not present.

Paravaci (noun): The Rich People, richest of the Wagon Dwellers. Their shield is black and their standard is a large banner of jewels beaded on golden wires, forming the head and horns of a bosk its value incalculable. Their brand is a symbolic representation of a bosk head, a semicircle resting on an inverted isosceles triangle.

parfleche (noun): kailiauk hide is prepared in sheets, cut almost as thin as paper, dried in the prairie sun and layered to form a flat, leather envelope which is sealed with a seam of hardened fat. Used to store food, such as kailiauk meat.

parrot (noun): A bird found in the emergent level of the rainforest some varieties are also found in the level of the canopies of the rainforest.

Parsit Current (noun): main eastward current above the Polar Basin.

parsit fish (noun): a small narrow silvery fish having brown stripes.

Pasang (noun): measure of distance equaling .7 miles

pasang stone (noun): a stone set up along roads to mark distance to and from certain destinations.

Passage Hand (noun): the 5 day period between Gorean months, which consist of 5 5- day weeks

Passion Slave (noun):  female of the human kind, but bred like a beast for it's beauty and it's passion. It is an animal, bred for the pleasure of men, bred for the pleasure of a master.

Peasants, Caste of (noun): the basic caste of Gor; they regard themselves as the "Ox on Which the Home Stone Rests"

pemmican (noun): strips of dried kailiauk meat pounded into a powder and mixed with fruit, such as chokeberries, is fixed in kailiauk fat and shaped into round, flat cakes. Provides portable protein and energy source.

Pentilicus Tallux (noun): a renowned poet of the Ar of one hundred years ago, the Great Theater in Ar is named for him. It has a huge stage which can accommodate a thousand actors.

People (noun): a division of the Kur military, it is composed of twelve smaller units, the March.

peppers (noun): same as the earth vegetable. spicy.

Physicians, Caste of (noun): the caste which practices the healing arts; the Physicians are one of the five High Castes which make up the Gorean government; their caste color is green.

pierced-ear girl (noun): a common Turian custom which became popular after the fall of Turia to the Wagon Peoples; such a girl is permanently marked as the most abject of slaves.

pith (noun): stem of the rence plant; edible; most common staple in rence growers diet; edible both raw and cooked.

Plains of Turia (noun): the southern prairies of Gor, described as a broad grassland, from the Thassa and the Ta-Thassa Mountains to the southern foothills of the Voltai Range. Called the Land of the Wagon Peoples, their holdings extend in the north to the Cartius River.

Player (noun): a member of a caste like society who plays Kaissa professionally; their caste colors are red and yellow. The members of this caste are highly regarded on gor as is the game in general, too, they are given much leeway as are Musicians and poets it being considered bad taste to harm one of that caste.

Pleasure Garden (noun): an area in which wealthy Gorean men keep their slave girls; roughly akin to the harem of the Arab countries of Earth.

pleasure rack (noun): a device, ranging in complexity from a grid of ropes in a wooden frame to a moveable, adjustable frame with chains, for the display and sexual use of slave girls and captive free women.

pleasure silk (noun): sheer, clingy form of silk worn only by slave girls; wraps like a pareau, with a disrobing loop at the left shoulder.

Pleasure Slave (noun): a slave girl whose main function is sexual servitude to her master; traditionally, she kneels with her knees spread wide, and her hands either resting on her thighs or, in some cities, crossed behind her, ready for binding.

plum (noun): same as the earth fruit.

Poets, Caste of (noun): One of the low castes. On Gor the singer or poet is regarded as a craftsman who makes strong sayings he has his role to play in the social structure celebrating battles and histories singing of heroes and cities but also he is expected to sing of living and of love and joy not merely of arms and glory; and too it is his function to remind the Goreans from time to time of loneliness and death lest they should forget that they are men..

poison (noun): the use of poison of Gor is generally considered not worthy of men. It is against the Code of Warriors. It is thought of as a weapon of women.

Polar North (noun): lower snowfall than most of the lower latitudes; most of land a tundra, treeless plain; summer: covered with mosses, shrubs, and lichens; winter, spring, and fall: desolate, bleak, frozen barren alien landscape; 240 different types of plants grow in the Gorean Artic within 500 pasangs of the Pole.

porcupine, long-tailed (noun): animal of the canopy level of the rainforest.

Port Kar (noun): facing the gleaming Thassa by way of the Tamber Gulf, is the crowded, squalid, malignant city at the mouth of the Vosk Delta called Port Kar. It is sometimes referred to as the Tarn of the Sea. It is the only city on Gor that recognizes a Caste of Thieves, and it is the only city on Gor actually built by slaves under the whip of their Masters. The city is a mass of holdings, each almost a fortress, all crossed and divided by hundreds of canals.Port Kar is ruled by a several conflicting Ubars, and, under them, the Council of Captains who are responsible for maintaining and managing the great arsenal, as well as the fleets of Port Kar. Her name is a synonym in Gorean for cruelty and piracy.

Port Olni (noun): city located on the North bank of the Olni River. A member of the Salerian Confederation.

pot girl (noun): a slave girl whose main function  is cooking and other menial tasks; used disparagingly

Prayer Ring (noun): ring with several tiny knobs on it - has circular knob (like the golden circle at the termination of the Initiates staff) notifies that one cycle of prayer has been completed.

Pride (noun): a military unit consisting of 100 Warriors.

pride veil (noun): the third veil worn by free women; worn under the house veil and over the veil of the citizeness.

Priest-King (noun): intelligent insects who are the true rulers of Gor

Prison Moon (noun): of the three moons orbiting Gor, the name given to one of the two smaller ones.

Prition (noun): title of a treatise on bondage written by Clearchus of Cos.

profalarina (adv): a female who is no longer a virgin or 'glana' preceded by the state of 'profalarina' indicating a female who is about to be 'falarina' and before that by 'meta glana' one who looks forward to her deflowering.

prostrate (noun): the slave kneels, bows her head, leans forwward and touches her forehead to the floor, stretches her arms out before her with palms face down and fingers spread.

Quote from Explorers of Gor