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21 June 2012

Quote from Magicians of Gor

Gorean Dictionary: E

eel (noun): a voracious animal which can maim or kill a slave in moments. Some varieties are edible and considered a gorean delicacy. Varieties include: river eel, black eel, and spotted eel.

Ehn (noun): the Gorean minute, of which there are 40 in an ahn (hour); it consists of 80 ihn (seconds).

en (adj.): Gorean term for "first ".

energy bulb (noun): Gorean source of light, similar to the light bulb of earth.

En'Kara (noun; lit. 'first turning'): the first month of the Gorean calendar, which is the Gorean new year; roughly equivalent to the Earth calendar month of March . The month of Vernal Equinox - En`Kara or The First Kara; full expression; En`Kara - Lar - Torvis; Literally means: The First Turning of the Central Fire.

En'Var (noun; lit. 'first resting'): the fourth month of the Gorean calendar, that of the summer solstice, roughly equivalent with the Earth calendar month of June . En`Var -The First Resting; full expression; En`Var - Lar - Torvis; Literally means: The First Resting of the Central Fire.

Equinox, autumnal (noun): (lit. The Second Turning of the Central Fire ); the month of Autumnal Equinox is Se`Kara or The Second Kara; also called Se`Kara Lar-Torvis.

Equinox, vernal (noun): (lit. The First Turning of the Central Fire); the month of Vernal Equinox is En'Kara or the First Kara; also called En`Kara Lar-Torvis.

eta (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet; corresponds to the Earth letter 'E' (?);  sometimes used as a name for slave girls.

exile, ritual of (noun): a man being exiled for whatever reason is publicly refused bread and salt, and is then ordered to leave the city by sundown under penalty of death. The exiled one may not come within ten pasangs of the city from that day forward.

exotic (noun): a slave male or female bred for special purposes producing quaint or unusual purposes; an example is the passion slave.

Eye (rank): in the Kuriian military organization the leader of a Hand consisting of six beasts is called an 'Eye'.