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28 June 2012

Gorean Dictionary: I

ice house (noun): a place Goreans can go to purchase ice during the summer, although most Goreans cannot afford this luxury. the ice is cut from ponds in the winter and is stored under saw dust until use.

ice wagon (noun): a wagon specifically built to transport ice from ice houses to the residents of those Goreans wealthy enough to afford ice for the summer.

Iglu (noun): Innuit word; meaning dwelling or house.

Ihn (noun): the Gorean second, of which there are 80 in an ehn (minute) slightly less than an earth second.

Immunity of the herald (custom): a tradition that an individual bearing a message between warring parties is immune from enslavement.

Impalement (verb): the impalement of a person on the pole lance or spear with the dying body raised for all to view.

ina (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.

Inititates, Caste of (noun): the representatives of the Priest-Kings in Gorean society; the Initiates are one of the five High Castes, and are the religious branch of  the government; their caste color is white. Initiates never eat meat or beans nor ever touch women. Their heads are shaved.

initiatory whipping (noun): the beating, usually of about 10 strokes, which a slave girl receives upon being brought into a new household, to remind her that she is a slave and under discipline.

Intimacy Veil (noun): quite diaphanous; opacity is a function of how many times it is wrapped about the face.

Innuit (noun): means "The People", live in the Polar Basin, live in scattered isolated communities, found refuge at the world's end. Their language is also called "Innuit".

insulae (noun): on the whole, tenements.

iron belt (noun): commonly consisting of a horizontal metal bar or strap that snugly encircles a girl's waist with a vertical component attached to the front of this horizontal bar with a hinge. The vertical component is then swung up between a slave's legs and all are fastened at the small of the back with a padlock. Locked around a girl, it ensures that she will not be sexually used by any, save the one with the key.

Iron Master (noun): one who is skilled at piercing ears and noses, branding, and affixing collars to slaves.

iron pens (noun): the subterranean retention facilities in a Slaver's house where slaves are kept for training and prior to sale.

Isanna (noun): the Little Knife Band of the Kaiila Tribe of the Red Savages.

Isbu Band (noun): a sub-group of the All Comrades.

Itancanka (noun): Kaiila and Dust Leg word meaning Master.

ivory-billed woodpecker (noun): bird found in the lower canopies of the rainforests near Schendi.