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04 March 2012

NLS Recipes


                         Raw/Simple Foods
            Raw Materials    *    Items Needed
Zukerfass (SugarJar)    * 2 Zucherrohr (Sugarcane) 
             Mehl (Flour)        * 5 Sa-tarna Korn (wheat)
     Salzfass (Salt Jar)    * 2 Salzkorn (saltgrain)
                       Butter        * 5 Milchschales (milk)
 Kaesestueck (cheese)    * 15 Milchschales (milk)
           Blackwine pulver     * 2 Blackwinebohne
        (ground blackwine)    *    (blackwine bean)
               Cacaopowder        * 2 Cacaobein 
         (chocolate powder)    *     (coco beans)
         Schwarze Olive    * 1 Olivenzweig (olivebranch)

               Bake Goods
                      Name        *Items Needed
    Larma (apple) Pie    * 1 Zuckerfass (sugar)   
                                        * 3 Larmas (apples)
                                        * 1 Butter
                                         * 5 Milchschale (milk)
                                        * 2 Mehl (flour)
                                        * 2 Vulo Ei (eggs)
    Cherry Pie                  * 1 Zuckerfass (sugar)   
                                        * 3 Torian Cherry
                                         * 1 Butter
                                         * 5 Milchschale (milk)
                                        * 2 Mehl (flour)
                                         * 2 Vulo Ei (eggs)
    Rambeere                    * 1 Zuckerfass (sugar)   
                                          * 3 Rambeere (strawberries)
      (strawberry) Pie       * 1 Butter
                                            * 5 Milchschale (milk)
                                         * 2 Mehl (flour)
                                        * 2 Vulo Ei (eggs)
    Schokoladenkeks        * 1 Zuckerfass (sugar)   
      (choco. chip cookies)    * 2 Cacaopowder (cocopowder)
                                             * 1 Butter
                                             * 5 Milchschale (milk)
                                             * 2 Mehl (flour)
                                              * 2 Vulo Ei (eggs)
    Sa-tarna Brot (bread)    * 2 Mehl (flour)
                                                * 2 Wasserschale (water)
                                                * 1 salzfass (salt Jar)

                 Name        *    Items Needed
      Kuerbissuppe        * 1 Kuerbis (pumpkin)
          (pumpkin soup) * 2 Wasserschale (water)
                                         * 1 Salzfass (salt jar)
      Sulsuppe                  * 3 Sul (potatoes)
         (potato soup)        * 2 Wasserschale (water)
                                        * 1 Salzfass (salt jar)
      Karotteneintopf    * 3 Karotten (carrots)
         (carrot stew)      * 3 Sul (potatoes)
                                        * 2 Wasserschale (water)
                                        * 1 salzfass (salt jar)
      Slavebrei             * 3 Sa-tarna Korn (wheat)
         (slave gruel)    * 2 Milchschale (milk)

                    Name        * Items Needed
       Rambeere Candy          * 2 Honig (honey)
        (strawberry bonbon)    * 1 Zuckerfass (sugar jar)
                                                  * 5 Rambeere (strawberries)
       Cherry Candy        * 2 Honig (honey)
                                        * 1 Zuckerfass (sugar jar)
                                         * 5 Torian Cherry
       Schokoladenvulo    * 2 Zuckerfass (sugar jars)
          (chocolate egg)    * 1 Butter
        (HOLIDAY ONLY!!)   * 6 Milchschale
                                            * 6 Cacaopowder (cocopowder)


            *Alcoholic Drinks*
        Name        *    Items Needed
         Paga (beer)    * 5 Sa-tarna Korn (wheat)
                                   * 2 Wasserschale (water)
         Rence Beer     * 5 Rence (reeds)
                                   * 2 Wasserschale (water)
          Sul-Paga (grog)    * 2 Sul (potatoes)
                                            * 1 Wasserschale (water)
       Ka-La-Na Kelch    * 5 Ka-La-Na Trauben (grapes)
        (Ka-La-Na Wine)    *
      Met (Mead)        * 5 Honig (honey)
                                    * 3 Wasserschale (water)

            *Non-Alcoholic Drinks*
         Name        *    Items Needed
       Bazietee Kanne    * 2 Baziteeblaetter (tea leaves)
        (bazi tea)               * 3 Wasserschale (water)
       Blackwine Kanne    * 3 Blackwinepulver
         (blackwine drink)    *    (blackwine powder)
                                            * 3 Wasserschale (water)
       Chocolatemilch    * 2 Milchschale (milk)
        (chocolate milk)   * 1 Cacaopowder (coco powder)
    Cherrysaft (cherry juice)* 6 Torian cherry
    Tospitsaft (peach juice)* 6 Tospit (peaches)
    Larmasaft (apple juice)    * 6 Larma (apples)

Rondvik Banners

Our very own bondsmaid, lara,worked her fingers to the bone, designing and making these wonderful banners for the Village. Her Jarl should be extra proud of the devotion that the girl has, not to just him, but to the Village as well.
Job well done, bondsmaid.

Tending the Recorder's Hut (3 March)

[21:54]  clysa Dragoone crosses the Rondvik field, her arms full of parchments as she makes her way to the Recorder's hut...nudging the door open with her curvy hip she enters the darken room of the soon to be library and study to the village recorder...placing the parchments upon the desk, cly sighed s she gazes about, making her way over to the fireplace she adds a few timber to the still glowing ambers, blowing lightly she restarts the fire, making it lit up the room with a suddle light and adding warmth against the afternoon Torvaland chill...tucking a few loose strands of auburn hair from her face she starts to work on straightening the clutter of the room...grabbng pillows from the gathering ring she takes them outside, batting them together to knock out any dust that might of collected there...cly pilesthe pillowsinthe corner before dragging the rug out to teh line to hit it a few good times with the beater, knocking the dust and dirt from the wool...leaving teh rug out to air, she fetches a broom starts to sweep so she
[21:54]  clysa Dragoone: could scrub the floor before replacing the rug back down along with the pillows... moving about as the sun crosses teh sky, she dusts the shelves and wipe down each book and places each scrolled up parchment in its rightful place...going to teh desk, cly checks the inkwell seeing if its full and that there was plenty of quills on hand...nodding withsatisfaction she moes over to the small side desk for the Recorder's bond if they should ever haveone and there she starts working on a list of items to fetch from the orchard and the market when she ventures forth through the Tor'Mark...

Cleaning the Healer's Cabin (2 March)

[21:10]  clysa Dragoone carries a bundle of firewood across the fields, the morning sun peeking over the snow capped mountains..smiling softly as she passes several Jarls and sister bonds as she makes her way to the Healer's cabin...bumpin the door with herhip, cly makes her way inside the suddle cabin...
[21:31]  clysa Dragoone: piling the wood by the fireplace, she checks to makesure the fire was still going and it was comfortable within...steely eyes gazes about, taking in what needs to be done to prepare for the new healer to arrive...using a strip of rep cloth, cly ties back her long auburn brown locks away from her face...smiling, she went to each of the beds, stripping the furs, blankets and linens, there she took them outside to hang upon the laundry line to air out and to be freshly batted from dust before she could remake the beds...fetching a pail by the fireplace she heads down to the well at the center of the village, to fill so she could start scrubbing floors and shelves...
humming to herself she works in the quiet cabin, dusting and scrucbbing the bookshelves, stacking the fresh parchment of papers upon the desk...sepping out with a rug beater, she smacks it a couple of good times across the furs and blankets, coughing a little as dust goes everywhere, shaking them some she takes them back inside, making the
[21:31]  clysa Dragoone: a final touch she took a pitcher and makes her way to the bakery, filling it with fresh water then takes it back up to place upon the counter with teh washing basin is, nodding with approval, cly stepped back out heading off to do her next task of the day