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08 July 2012

Gorean Dictionary: O

oar dance (noun): a feat of agility performed by the rovers of Torvaldsland, that of leaping from moving oar to moving oar of the Serpent ships of the Torvald.

obeisance position (position): a position of extreme deference which is described as a slave deeply bowing her head from the basic pleasure slave position, often flattening her palms against the floor and leaning forward to lick and kiss the boots of a Free person.

Octavii (noun): ranked as first and second, these individuals are deputy commissioners in the records office of a city.

Official Stone (noun): a solid metal cylinder that is kept near Sardar. Four times a year on a set day during the fairs cities have the chance to test it against the standard stone.

olakota (noun): Kaiila word meaning peace.

olive, red (noun): from the groves of Tyros, not otherwise described.

Olni River (noun): a tributary of the Vosk River which stretches northeast from it's confluence with the Vosk at Lara. Lara, Vonda, Port Olni and Ti are the cities forming the Salerian Confederation, all of which lie on the Olni River.

Omen Year (noun): a season, rather than a year, calculated by the Wagon Peoples into three phases. The first phase is called the 'Passing of Turia', in the fall; the 'Wintering', which takes place north of Turia and south of the Cartius River, and, finally the 'Return to Turia' in the spring (also called 'Season of Little Grass'). The omens are taken near Turia by the haruspexes, mostly readers of bosk blood and verr livers. Depending on their determination an 'Ubar San' might be chosen, the Ubar of all the Peoples.

omnion (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.

onion (noun): same as the earth vegetable.

one-strap (noun): one of a series of straps used in the navigation of a Tarn, namely for climbing steeply.

opals, common (noun): milky in color. Because they are much more rare on Gor they are of more value than those of Earth.

opals, flame (noun): reddish and blue in color. Because they are much more rare on Gor they are of more value than those of Earth.

open-legged tie (noun): right wrist is tied to right ankle, and left wrist to left ankle, with about six or seven inches of slack between wrist and ankle. It is not good for general security but is it a good and familiar slave tie. One advantage of this is that a girl may kneel comfortably for hours.

Or (noun): a unit of ten warriors of the Wagon Peoples.

Oralu (noun): a unit of a thousand warriors of the Wagon Peoples.

Orlu (noun): a unit of a hundred warriors of the Wagon Peoples.

ost (noun): tiny snake, about 12" long, bright orange in color; its venom causes extremely painful death within seconds; the ost of the rain forests inland of Schendi are red with black stripes.

ost, rainforest (noun): a snake of the rainforests inland of Schendi are red with black stripes.

oysters (noun): from the delta of the Vosk.