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26 June 2012

Gorean Dictionary: H

haik (noun): a loose, dark, head to toe garb of the Tahari. There is a small lace or mesh covered aperture for the wearer to look through, yet still be concealed.

Hail (interjection): greeting for Freepersons that is usually reserved for recognized experts or champions in a particular field, from sword fighting to game playing.

hair position (command): in this position a girl stands, crouching slightly behind the Master and deeply bows her head. From this position, she may be led, for example, or moved to another position or simply, controlled.

hand (noun): the Gorean week, consisting of five days.

Hand, Kur (noun): name of a military unit in Kurii which consists of six Blood.

hand signs, Red Savage (noun): A mode of communication common to all the tribes of the Barren, sign is simple, easy to learn and adequate for relaying information.

handle tie (noun): a girl's ankles are ties together with 12 inches between them and her wrists are bound before her with a lengthy tether; this tether is then drawn between her legs and tied about her neck forming a 'handle' that a Free Person can use to lead her.

Harl ring (noun): a form of slave chain which consists of an ankle ring with a welded ring in back and a yard of in front; the chains terminates in a locking device which can be attached to another Harl ring, around a post, or to itself in order the secure the slave who wears it.

Harpoon, light (noun):  used with a beaded throwing board, foreshaft of bone with a bone head and point.

Harpoon, long (noun):  8' in length, 2 1/2" in diameter, major shaft of wood, foreshaft of bone.

har-ta (command): faster!

Harriga (noun): A Bosk Wagon (used by the Wagon People).

haruspex (noun): soothsayer; omen taker.

heel position (command): the slave follows the Master at his heel. Slightly behind and to his left or right, depending on which side is his weapon hand. The distance behind varies. A coffle of girls being led through a city, may follow inches behind, while in an open field, she may be 5 to 10 feet following.

helmet, assassin's (noun): black helmet sometimes marked with the golden slash of the messenger.

helmet, captain's (noun): a helmet made identifiable by the crest of sleen fur at the top.

helmet, common (noun): a plain helmet similar to the Greek helmets with a Y-shaped opening for eyes nose and mouth and cushioned with rolls of leather.

helmet, northern (noun): conical shaped with a nose guard that can slip up and down; about the neck it usually has chain mail dangling from rings.

helmet, Wagon Peoples (noun): conical iron helmet fur-rimmed a net of colorful chains dangling before the face to protect leaving only an opening for the eyes.

herlit (noun): Gorean eagle, having a wingspan of 6-8 feet; is carnivorous, and has yellow feathers tipped with black; also called 'Sun-Striker' or 'out-of-the-sun-it-strikes', from its habit of striking with the sun above and behind it; inhabits the Barrens.

Hesius (noun): the planet Jupiter; named for a legendary hero of Ar - month of Hesius was named for him - second month of the year in Ar - follows the 1st passage hand - new year begins with the vernal equinox.

High Caste (noun): upper caste system of Gor specifically the Initiates, Scribes, Builders, Physicians and Warriors. They are allowed Second Knowledge.

high-harness position (noun): a display position in which a kneeling slave is braceleted and leashed and commanded to hold her head very high exposing her neck.

high tharlarion (noun): agile tharlarion used as a mount for riding. They have very short almost useless forelegs; carnivorous.

hinti (noun, plural): small, flea like insects; unlike fleas, they are not parasites.

hith (noun): many-banded gorean python.

hith, golden (noun): a rare Gorean python, so large, it would be difficult for a man to encircle it's body with his arms.

Ho (noun): gorean word, a common prefix indicating a lineage.

Hogarthe tree (noun): a tree of the Barrens named for one of the early explorers of the area. They tend to grow on the banks of small streams or muddy, sluggish rivers. similar to poplar trees of Earth.

homan (noun): a letter of the Gorean alphabet.

Home Stone (noun): 1) a stone, often circular and flat, that is sacred to each dwelling, and is to be defended ferociously by even the meanest peasant; placed in center of dwelling; carved with family sign - symbol of sovereignty, territory; 2) a similar stone that represents the soul of a city; to be without a Home Stone is to lack citizenship; Home Stones of villages were placed in the market; Home Stones of cities were placed on top of the highest tower.

hook billed gort (noun): a carnivorous hunting bird of the rain forests inland of Schendi; preys on ground urts.

hook knife (noun): a common knife with a curved blade used in slave competitions or hand-to-hand combat

hopa (adj): red savage term meaning pretty or attractive.

Hope of Tina (noun): melody of Cos - an expression of the yearning, or hope, of a young girl that she may be so beautiful, and so feminine, and marvelous, that she will prove acceptable as a slave.

Horn Bow (noun): weapon; small, for use from the saddle, lacks the range and power of the Gorean longbow or crossbow; still, at close range, with considerable force, firing rapidly, arrow after arrow, it is a fearsome weapon.

horn, signal (noun): curved, bronze signal horns used by the men of Torvaldsland for communication, primarily between ships. There are about 40 codes of sound signals, such as, 'Attack,' 'Heave to,' 'Regroup,' and 'Communication desired'.

hort (noun): a measure of distance equal to 1- 1/4 inches.

hortator (noun): also known as a keleustes; on an oared ship, the man responsible for beating time for rowers on a copper drum or wooden block.

hou (phrase): a form of greeting for Red Savages.

house marshal (noun): a position within a free woman's home responsible for security and/or travel.

house slave (noun): one whose primary duties are inside the residence. Duties range from personal serving girls to kettle and mat girls.

house veil (noun): the next-to-last veil worn by free women, esp. when in the company of men not of her own family; worn over the pride veil, and under the street veil upon leaving the house.

huda (noun): a measurement equaling 5 tefa; a tefa equals six tef and a tef equals a handful with five fingers closed.

Hunjer Whale (noun):  black, cylindrical, toothed whale.

Hunters Catch (noun): slave garb made of netting.

hunting sleen (noun): the hunting sleen is a hunter of men. It is 20 feet in length and weighs eleven hundred pounds. This domesticated forest sleen is double-fanged and six-footed. It's tail tends to switch back and forth, getting rigid, as it hunts, it's ears flatten against it's head just prior to it's final 'charge' attack on it's prey.

hurt (noun): a domesticated marsupial raised in large numbers in the environs of several of Gor's northern cities. raised for wool.

hydria (noun): described as a high handled water vessel, something similar is used by slave girls to dip paga from simmering kettles.