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04 August 2012

Cleaning the Recorder's Hut ((3 August))

[20:27]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) smiles and waves
[20:27]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau): Greetings sis
[20:27]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): greetings napaytoo...waves hurries to her
[20:27]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) smiles
[20:28]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): where you bound sis, im off to see about scrubbing and dusting the recorders hut
[20:28]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau): i was just gathering a few things but i would help if you need me too
[20:29]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): that be great, you can help with the lesson circle....smiles
[20:29]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) nods
[20:30]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): let me get a pail of water and we both can head on over...smiles as she turns to head towards the well
[20:30]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) waits for her
[20:31]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) slips closer to teh well she pick up the pail and makes sure taht it was hooked upon the rope before tossing it into the well, hearing teh splash she starts to turn the crank to draw the pail back up
[20:32]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas): Greetings Anpaytoo
[20:33]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) looks over watching her fetch the water she calls out "do you need any help?" turns hearing a voice
[20:33]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau): Greetings
[20:33]  wahya (tala.moonwing): boo
[20:33]  wahya (tala.moonwing) chuckles
[20:33]  wahya (tala.moonwing): greetings anpaytoo
[20:33]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) reaching out, she grips the handle, cursing some in her old urth language as some of the water splashed out soaking the front of her kirtle, sighing she removes the pail from the rope and looks over seeing rayen and anpaytoo...nah im fine...smiles lightly
[20:34]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) giggles "Greetings wahya"
[20:34]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas): ooooooh that reminds me
[20:34]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas): wahya sis, i stalked the water but it wouldn't let me add it to the barrel
[20:34]  wahya (tala.moonwing) snickers "that is quite fetching kachina.. the "wet bond look"
[20:34]  wahya (tala.moonwing) smirks
[20:34]  wahya (tala.moonwing): hmmm
[20:35]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) looks down at the kirtle then smirks at wahya...haha dont you have your own task to do
[20:35]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) smiles to wachiwi "Greetings"
[20:35]  wahya (tala.moonwing): mmhmmm
[20:35]  Ysamadouce: smiles , greeting ginger
[20:35]  wahya (tala.moonwing): i will be in the bakery for now if you need me chuckles
[20:36]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): right go on with you then...rolls eyes as she turns towards the recorders hut
[20:36]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) grins
[20:37]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) carries the pail she hip bump the door open, looking about the dimly lit room then smiles to anpaytoo...ready
[20:37]  Now playing: Vangelis-Fields Of Coral - An Gille Ban
[20:37]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) looks around as she slips through the doors behind kachina "Am ready"
[20:38]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): you could tend to the pillows in the next room or help dust the scrolls while i scrub the floor
[20:38]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) places the pail down upon the floor
[20:40]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) smiles up at her as she gently removes her wet kirtle to dry by the door
[20:40]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) reaching for an old rep cloth she nods walking to the the scrolls dusting them carefully "Sure i could that"
[20:41]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): thats good and thanks for helping...smiles as she slips down to her knees grabbing a spare rep cloth she dunks it into the water splashing it everywhere and starts to scrub the floor
[20:42]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) starts dusting the scrolls close to the window she turns giving her a warm smile "I enjoy helping any way i can kachina"
[20:43]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): just watch your step..she warns lightly then smiles to glad and its good that you can...the she winks as she rinses out the cloth to only soak it and herself as she bumps the pail splashing more water, sighing she curses a little under her breath
[20:44]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): i swear its gonna be one of those night...she mutters
[20:45]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) giggles "now now Kachina your cleaning the floors not try to bathe us both" she teases her picking up a dusting scroll coughing a bit
[20:46]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) giggles..oh really are you sure....smirks as she playfully tosses a spare soaked cloth at anpaytoo's back, giggling as the soak rag catches her shoulder
[20:49]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) jumps slightly giggling frantically " ooh no you dont" dips her hand in the pail of water splashing her on her back "Got yuh" turns stepping back a bit hiding behind her rep cloth looking rather silly
[20:50]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) yelps feeling the water...hey...she gasps then looks to you little...looking about she spies one of the cushions and grabs it looks to her...oh anpaytoo...she calls sweetly, just as the girl turns she tosses the cushion at her
20:54]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) shakes her head waving her hands in the air "oooh no nooooooooo those are dustyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" screams once thepillow hit her in the face coughs frantically which then turn into an awkward laugh "Am gonn get you" leans over diving on her hitting her with the pillow as she straddle her giggles then stops crwaling off her body
[20:55]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) falls back giggling, covers her face with her arms, coughing as dust flies every where....ok ok i give.....laying back she giggles some coughing as she tries to regain her composure
[20:56]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) grins as she tries to get back to work "Are you alright" she ask with a smirk as she watched her stand to her feet giggling
[20:58]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) nods still giggling some...yes im fine...smiles to her as she takes the pillow coughing a little...guess i should take these outside and see about removing the dust...wrinkles her nose some then sneezes
[20:59]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) smiles "Good idea i best get back to finishing these scrolls. Did you see Jarl today?' she asking dusting a few scrolls before moving to the next shelf
[21:02]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) sighs softly as she stood in the doorway with twop pillows smacking them i havent, was running errands most of the day after i woke from the furs...she coughed as dust puffs from the pillows
21:05]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) sighs softly lifting a scroll tempted to open it but didt just placing it back. "I hope he is alright " looks at all the dust "becareful there" she teased her
[21:07]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) sneezes again then smirks looking over a slender shoulder...oh im trying but these dust bunnies are putting up a fight....laughs as she fetches the other cushions and pillows, batting them together
[21:08]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) giggles finishing up with the scrolls before moving to the next shelf dusrinf some more "Yea i know what you mean" looks down at the dust all over her "Looks like we would need a bath after this"
[21:10]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): oh but thats the best part...she laughed winks to her...we just run and jump into the stream then hurry off to tackle our Jarl...she teased going into a new fit of both giggles and sneezes as more dust greets her
[21:12]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) looks over at her then giggles ludly before coughing herself " Looks like the recorders home hasnt been clean in awhile we might need more than a dip maybe Jarl could join us" chuckles
[21:15]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): mmm that actually sounds tempting and sadly we havent had a recorder for sometime, ive been acting recorder for the village and well sorta fell behind...looks to her sheepishly
[21:17]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) looks surprised "Oh i didnt mean anything by it but i see how that can happen being that this is our new home an all" smiles softly hoping she didnt make her feel bad or anything
[21:18]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) softly laughs she tosses her a freshly dusted pillow...tis alright and no harm, come lets finish this so that we can bathe before our Jarl sees us...winks
[21:28]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) finishes cleaning the hut, she hurries with anpaytoo to the creak, splashing into teh water, giggling as they clean themselves