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29 July 2012

Tending to the Animals ((29 July))

[14:03]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) stretches as she wakes from the furs, kachina moving as little as she can so not to wake either her Jarl or her chain sister. steely eyes gazes out the window seeing that the land was still dark, yet the sounds of morning indicates that dawn was approaching.

carefully she slips down the stairs, wincing as she hears a creak upon one of the step, that caused her to pause in silence. relaxing as she notes that the sound didnt waken either Jarl and bond, she finishes making her way down in the common room.

[14:04]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) moves with care as she crouches by the fireplace, adding a few more logs to it. blowing gently to get the warm ambers to catch and rekindle the flames. for it was notibly cool this morning she decides to warm the cabin and first prepare to head to the barn to refill the water and tend to the feeding of the animals.

heading to the door she fetches her kirtle as it hangs upon the peg by the doorway. bumping the door with her hip as she slips the light wool over her head as she makes it down the hill to approach the sleeping village.

[14:08]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) stops by the well, she takes one of the pails and hooks it upon the draw rope, tossing it down the well to start gathering the water. hearing the splash, kachina waits for a few ihns before she starts turning the crank to draw the pail back up. she grunts a little feeling the weight of the water within the pail as it was being pulled back up.

reaches out she grips the handle of the pail and pull it close. unhooking it she carries the pail across the field towards the barnyard. moving to the watering troft she pours the water, filling it only slight. kachina made several more trips to the well and back to fully fill the troft as the animals starts to gather.

[14:11]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) smiles as she watches, she steps over to the side, finding the ladder to the loft she climbs it to fetch some several bales of hay. gently knocking two to three bales off the side, she slips back down to teh ground. breaking them up she places them by the bosk, verr and tarsk stalls for them to feed upon while she starts to clean their stalls.

taking the shovel to clear out teh dung to use for the fires and the maintaining of the garden. fetching more water she washes out teh stalls before placing more hay down as bedding. sighing as she gazes up at the newly risen sun as it climbs high over teh village and hearing the sounds of villagers waking. the hollaring of her chain sister beckoning for her aid made her smile as she cries back to her tell her to give her a few as she hurries down to the stream to freshen up before doing anything else about the village.