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12 July 2012

Gorean Dictionary: R

RainForest (noun): Surrounds the marshes of Schendi: has 3 ecological zones/tiers/levels marked by tree height; highest - emergents - 125' - 200' second - canopy - 60' - 125' Gorean (main ceiling, dominates one's vision from air) first - floor; ground zone - below 60' Gorean

ram berries (noun): small, succulent berries

ram ship (noun): war galley, having up to 3 banks of oars as well as masts and sails; named for the battering rams on the prow

rarius (noun; pl. rarii): warrior

Raviri (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai.

ravishment lamp (noun): a small tharlarion- oil lamp, found in the chamber of a master; its soft glow is sufficient to illuminate a slave girl as she is raped

Red Hunters (noun): the peoples who inhabit the Gorean arctic; in appearance and culture, they are similar to the Eskimos of Earth.

red salt (noun): red from ferrous oxide in its composition, which is called the "Red Salt of Kasra," after its port of embarkation, at the juncture of the Upper and Lower Fayeen

Red Savages (noun): the peoples to inhabit the plains area (Barrens) of Gor; in appearance and culture, they are similar to the American Indians of Earth

red-silk girl (noun): A slave girl who is not a virgin, or, as is said on Gor, her body has been 'opened by men'.

reins, kaiila (noun): a light rein, plaited with 10 to 12 strips of dyed leather. Each strip is cut with knives to be thinner than a thread, but the combination is very strong and durable. Used by the Tribesmen of the Tahari.

rence (noun): a tufted, reed like plant that grows in the marshes; used for making paper;from the stem comes reed boats, sails, mats, cords and a kind of fibrous cloth - pith is edible; staple in rence growers diet edible both raw and cooked.

rence beer (noun): steeped, boiled and fermented from crushed seeds and the whitish pith of the rence plant.

rence, caste of (noun): Growers of the Rence.

rence islands (noun): small; seldom more than 200 - 250 feet.

rence paper (noun): paper created from rence of which there are 8 grades.

rence paste (noun): wet; when fried on a flat stone it makes a kind of cake, often sprinkled with rence seeds.

rence, pith of (noun): edible part of the rence plant, either raw or cooked. Rence pith and fish are the dietary staples of the rence growers. Also sometimes used for caulking.

rence, root of (noun): used to make wooden tools and utensils that can be carved from it also used for fuel.

rence, stem of (noun): used to make reed boats sails mats cords and a fibrous cloth.

rennel (noun): a crablike poisonous desert insect.

rep (noun): a fiber plant similar to cotton; whitish fibrous matter, found in the seed pods of a small reddish woody bush.

repcloth (noun): rough fabric woven from the fibers of the rep plant.

Revels, Master of (noun): a city's Master of Entertainment.

rim (adj): east directional division of a gorean map.

ring lock (noun): there are many varieties of these locks, one being the combination padlock with numbers of rotating disks which, when aligned properly, allow the lock to open.

ring-necked waders (noun) bird found along the river of the ground zone of the rain forest.

river shark (noun): a narrow black vicious carnivorous fish with a triangular dorsal fin which inhabits the rivers of Gor.

Robes of Concealment (noun): the mode of dress favored by free women in some of the larger city states (i.e. Ar, Ko-ro-ba, Turia, etc.); it consists of one or more hooded robes of heavy brocade, or other opaque fabric, plus up to five face veils

rock spider -(noun): an inhabitant of the rainforests lower level this brown or black spider camouflages itself by tucking legs under its body to look like a rock hence its name; it is approximately one foot in diameter and will catch small rodents or birds in its web.

ror (adj): northeast directional division of a gorean map.

round ship (noun): heavy cargo & passenger ships, having up to 3 banks of 10 oars to a side; not as swift or maneuverable as ram- ships, having a keel-to-beam ratio of 6:1; has 2 rudders, and 2 permanent, lateen rigged masts; carries a crew of 20-25 free men, plus up to 200 oar slaves.

run (command): When this command is given, the slave runs toward her objective, taking short rapid steps, with her legs almost straight, her feet hardly leaving the floor. As she moves her back is straight, her head is turned to the left, and her arms are at her sides, her palms facing outward at a 45 degree angle to her  body. Upon reaching her objective she drops gracefully to her knees and typically resumes the position of Nadu.

Rushes and Sedge (noun): wild rence plants.