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23 June 2012

Quote from Blood Brothers of Gor

Gorean Dictionary: G

game of favors (noun): a game played by Free Woman at the Carnival where each woman is given ten scarves and must run about asking for the men to accept her favor; the goal to be the first to get rid of the scarves and run back.

gant, artic (noun): migratory bird; nest in the mountains of the Hrimgar and in steep, rocky outcroppings, called bird cliffs. The egg of the artic gant when frozen are eaten like apples.

gant, jungle (noun): a bird, related to the marsh gant, which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.

gant, marsh (noun): a small, horned, web-footed aquatic fowl, broad-billed and broad winged. long legged with a piping cry.

garbage death (noun): the death for a slave where a slave is bound naked, and thrown to canal urts, as in Port Kar.

garden, walled (noun): term used for the place highborn Free women are raised in until a suitable suitor is found.

giani (noun): a large mammal of solitary habits which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi

gieron (noun): a drug, an allergen, which causes a yellowing of the whites of the eyes; in combination with sajel, it reproduces the symptoms of the Bazi plague.

gim, horned (noun): a small owl like bird, c. 4 oz.. in weight, which inhabits the forests of northern Gor.

gim, lang  (noun): an insectivorous bird which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.

gim, yellow (noun): a bird, related to the horned gim, which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.

gint (noun): a tiny (6") freshwater fish which inhabits the rivers of the rain forests inland of Schendi; it has bulbous eyes & flipper like fins; is amphibious, having both lungs & gills; is capable of walking on its pectoral fins; often found in the company of tharlarion, feeding off the scraps of their kills.

gint, giant (noun): a large cousin of the gint found in western Gor, similar in appearance, but with a 4-spined dorsal fin; is also amphibious and capable of walking on its pectoral fins.

girl catch (noun): female slave is placed in an enclosure - hands bound behind back, hooded, belled (common bells at collar, wrist, and ankles) guide bell (with particular note) attached at left hip - men are added to enclosure - hooded or blindfolded (hunters and quarry are not permitted to see each other) - girl cannot remain still for more than a certain interval - usually a few ihn - controlled by referee and his whip - game or one of its rounds end when girl is caught - victor's prize: use of the slave.

girl-capture chain (noun): short chain used specifically to capture without serious damage; similar to the garrote in use but with chain in place of thin wire.

girl yoke (noun): (commonly called the Northern Yoke)  a narrow piece of wood c. 5' long with holes drilled in the middle and at each end; to secure a girl in this yoke, a thong is tied around one wrist, the end of the thong then being passed through the hole in one end of the yoke; the thong is then passed through the middle hole of the yoke, wrapped around the girl's neck 2 times, then passed back out through the same hole, after which it is passed through the hole at the other end of the yoke, so that her other wrist may be tied to the yoke; 'shorter (2 1/2' long) versions are sometimes used while the girl is serving her master's pleasure; used mostly among the Red Savages of the Barrens.

girth cloth (noun): feed sacks, made of rough cloth are cut into strips, hemmed and sewn together to create a cloth ten feet long and one yard wide, This cloth is used to wrap newly hatched tharlarions as they emerge from the hot sand.

gitch (noun): biting insect; description is vague, although it is used near mention of roaches.

gladius (noun): a short double-edged Gorean sword.

glana (adv): a female who is no longer a virgin or 'glana' preceded by the state of 'profalarina' indicating a female who is about to be 'falarina' and before that by 'meta glana' one who looks forward to her deflowering.

Glass of the Builders (noun): telescope.

Glaves (noun): lighter poles; bladed; used to cut through rushes and sedge.

Golden Beetle: (noun) about the size of a rhinoceros, glowing eyes, two multiply hooked, tubular, hollow pincer like extensions that met at the tips perhaps a yard beyond its body. They seemed clearly some aberrant mutation of its jaw, its antennae, unlike those of Priest-Kings, were very short. They curved and were tipped with a fluff of golden hair. Most strangely perhaps were several long, golden strands, almost a mane, which extended from the creature's head over its domed, golden back and fell almost to the floor behind it. The back itself seemed divided into two thick casings which might once, ages before, have been horny wings, but now the tissues had, at the points of touching together, fused in such a way as to form what was for all practical purposes a thick, immobile golden shell.

golden eating prong (noun): an eating utensil used in Turia, it has a single tine.

golden hith (noun): a rare Gorean python, so large, it would be difficult for a man to encircle it's body with his arms.

golden slash (noun): a golden sash or scarf tied around the forehead of an assassin, this is the symbol that he is a messenger only, and not to be detained in any way.

gor (noun): it meaning "Home Stone".

grasshopper, red (noun): beyond color, this insect is described as weighing around 4 ounces.

Great Theatre (noun): technically "The Theatre of Pentilicus Tallux"- over 100 yards in width, some 20 yards in depth - lent itself to large-scale productions - circus' and specticles - stage can easily accomadate 1000 actors.

grub borer (noun): an insectivorous bird which inhabits the rain forests inland of Schendi.

grunt (noun): a large, carnivorous, salt-water fish which inhabits Thassa; is often attracted by the blood of a wounded creature; similar to the shark of Earth.

grunt, blue (noun): a small, voracious, carnivorous freshwater fish, related to the Thassa grunt; like its larger cousin, it is attracted by blood.

grunt, great speckled (noun): a fish inhabiting the Thassa and caught as food for sailors.

grunt, white-bellied (noun): a large game fish which haunts the plankton beds in the Polar North to feed on parsit fish. It's eggs are considered a rare delicacy.

guernon monkey (noun) found in the jungle along the Ua river; recognized by their chattering sound.

gull, coasting (noun): found in Torvaldsland is this broad winged bird with black tips on its wings and tail feathers, similar to the Vosk gull. It's feathers are used on the war arrows of Torvladsland.

gull, Schendi (noun): inhabiting the area around Schendi on the Thassa, they nest on land at night.

gull, vosk (noun): a gull of the Vosk Delta and Vosk River, it apparently has a loud or insistent cry, which is imitated by the rence people as a means of surreptitious communication at night. It's feathers are used on sheaf arrows.

gunni (noun): training devices used by arena fighters which consist of lead weights with handles, each weighing about the same as a sledge hammer. They are held during training for muscle strengthening.

Gur (noun): a thin, white honey like liquid secreted in the Nest by a large, gray domesticated arthropod which feeds on Sim plants; when fermented in the social stomachs of somnolent Priest-Kings, it is ritually fed to the Mother of the Nest on the Feast of Tola.

Gur Carriers (noun): mutated Muls who can climb walls and who gather the fermented Gur for the Feast of Tola.