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22 July 2012

Gorean Dictionary: Y & Z


Year Keepers (noun): those that keep in memory the year names for the Wagon Peoples sometimes on thousand consecutive names.


zad (noun): a large broad-winged black and white bird with a long, narrow, yellowish, hooked beak found in the Tahari; they scavenge on carrion.

zad, jungle (noun): a less aggressive cousin of the Tahari zad; small, yellow-winged, scavenging birds with long, yellowish, slightly curved beaks; found in the rainforest inland of Schendi.

zadit (noun): a small, tawny-feathered, sharp- billed bird of the Tahari. It is insectivorous, feeding on sand flies and other similar insects. They often land on kaiila and spend long periods hunting the sand flies that infest the host animal.

zar (noun): A board game of the Tahari. The board is marked like a Kaissa board, but the pieces - 9 per player, and called 'pebbles', are placed at the intersections of the lines. Movement is somewhat like that of checkers, but without capturing of pieces. The object of the game is to effect a complete exchange of the original placement of the pieces.

Zarlit Fly (noun): about two feet long, with four large, translucent wings, with a span of about a yard. It has large, pad like feet on which, when it alights, it can rest on the water, or pick its way delicately across the surface. Most of them are purple. Their appearance is rather formidable and are harmless, at least to humans.

zeder (noun): a small, sleen-like, carnivorous mammal which inhabits the rainforests inland of Schendi especially along the Ua River. It grows to about 2 feet in length, and weighs 8-10 lbs. It is diurna,l can swim very well, and builds a stick and mud nest in the branches of a tree where it spends the night.

Zever (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari, they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai.

zills (noun): finger cymbals.