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08 June 2012

Proper Drink Serves

ALE (chilled)
    stored: Chilla
    kept in: keg
    vessel: tankard or horn
    texture: deep gold, slightly bitter dry taste
    prep/pour: in chilla
    misc: brewed from sa-tarna and wild grains, closer to Honey Lager than to
              an ale or beer.

ALE (warmed)
    stored: keg near the hearth
    kept in: keg (warm by fire)
    vessel: tankard or horn
    texture: deep gold, slightly bitter dry taste
    prep/pour: at servery
    misc: brewed from sa-tarna and wild grains
BAZI TEA(ceremonial serve NOT meant to be sexual in nature and is an ONLINISM, it wasn't hard to come by and it had nothing to do with fortune telling.)
    stored: leaves are kept in a small wooden box on the counter
    vessel: 3 tiny cups (past, present, and future)
    prep:1. Go to hearth and check that there is plenty of hot water in the kettle.
             2. Get the Tea set from the top shelf ( 1 teapot, 2 small sugar bowls, 3 small cups, 3 small silver spoons).
             3. Pour some hot water from the kettle into the teapot and swirl it about to warm the teapot, dump water      
                 into waste bucket.
             4. Fill the teapot 2/3 full with hot water and bring back to counter.
             5. Get the wooden box of tealeaves and add 3 pinches of leaves to the hot water in the teapot,  put cover                       on teapot and let it steep.
             6. Wipe and check remaining pieces of tea set for flaws, testing the rim of each small cup.
             7. Fill the two small sugar bowls with sugars white and yellow.
             8. Get a clean repcloth from the basket under the counter and set it to the tray, placing the 3 small spoons  
                  upon it.
             9. Add the 2 bowls of sugar and 3 small cups to the tray.
          10. Pick up the teapot and swirl it around again to ensure a consistent potency then set to tray.
          11. Carefully carry the tray to Feet and set it to your side.

    Pour:1. Take the 1st small cup and add one small spoonful of yellow sugar ( this cup represents the past, the      
                  bitterness of Youth, mistakes made).
             2. Pour some of the tea from the pot into the cup (do not stir or prove) hold the cup to your heart and say a                       small prayer for the Free's past, then offer it Up.
             3. After they drink the small cup you take it again in your hands and set it upside down on the tray.
             4. Take the 2nd small cup and add one small spoonful of the white sugar ( this cup represents the present,                        the sweetness and happiness of middle age).
              5. Pour some of the tea into the cup (do not stir or prove) hold the cup to your heart and say a small prayer                        for the Free's present, then offer it Up.
             6. After they drink the small cup you take it again in your hands and set it upside down on the tray.
             7. Take the 3rd cup and add one scoop of each sugar (this cup represents the future and the contentment                         and wisdom of old age).
             8. Pour some of the tea into the cup (do not stir or prove) hold the cup to your heart and say a small prayer                       for the Free's future, then offer it Up.
             9. After they drink the small cup you take it again in your hands and set it upside down on the tray
          10. After all 3 cups have been finished you may offer to read the tealeaves in the bottom of each cup if you                        wish, or you may simply end the serve as usual.

Beer, Rence : steeped and fermented from the pith and crushed seeds of the rence plant, it is a drink of the rence growers of the Delta of the Vosk tankards or mugs

BLACKWINE (always warm, ask 1st or second slave serve, 1st is With cream
     and sugar, second is served black)
     stored: large pot warming over fire in hearth in the servery
     kept in: kettle w/ladle inside
     vessel: mug
     texture: made from coffee beans
     prep/pour: For 1st slave:serving tray, small serving kettle,mug,bowls of    
     white and yellow  sugars, 3 small spoons
     For 2nd slave: serving tray and mug
     For Both: Get a small serving kettle from a hook over the hearth, ladle the      blackwine into the kettle and set on                        tray, bring tray to feet and pour into mug.
    From: Thentis Mountains
Breeding wine : a sweet beverage which counteracts the effects of slave wine, making a slave girl fertile; also called second wine, it is made from the extract of the teslik plant, served in goblets

Chocolate : made from beans brought back on one of the early Voyages of Acquisition, this is the same as the chocolate of Earth. It is served in higher class establishments

Falarian Wine : an exquisite, rare, fabulously expensive wine, it's cost would purchase a city. It's existence is only rumored among collectors, served in goblets

Fermented Milk Curds:  Milk that has been allowed to sit out, ferment and curdle.

KA-LA-NA (chilled) usually white
    stored: wine rack in the chilla
    kept in: bottle with a waxed seal from the city of Ar
    vessel: goblet
    texture: red is more typical though if white is asked for serve white ( there is great debate  over the existence of white kalana, it was never mentioned in the books but it was never stated that it did not exist either, when in doubt serve red).
prep/poured: get bottle from chilla, bring to Feet, peel away the wax seal, pop the cork and pour

KA-LA-NA (room temp)
    stored: wine rack in the servery
    kept in: bottle with a waxed seal from the city of Ar
    vessel: goblet
    texture: red is more typical though if white is asked for serve white ( there is great debate
                   over the existence of white kalana, it was never mentioned in the books      but it
                   was never stated that it did not exist either, when in doubt serve red)
    prep/poured: get bottle from chilla, bring to Feet, peel away the wax seal, pop the cork
                             and pour

KA-LA-NA (warmed) usually red
    stored: hearth
    kept in: kettle
    vessel: clay bowl
    texture: ruby red rich and delicate

1. Get a bottle of Kalana from the wine rack remove wax seal and cork then pour into a kettle
2. Heat over the fire
3. Sprinkle nutmeg and cinnamon in the bowl
4. Pour heated kalana into the bowl
5. Set bowl to tray and bring to feet

Mulled ka-la-na : Heated ka-la-na, with mulling spices. Usually garnished with a piece of ka-la-na fruit or tospit, served in a goblet.

KAL-DA (ask with or without garnish)
    stored: hearth
    kept in: copper kettle (heavy pot)
    vessel: clay bowl Masters..footed bowl for Mistresses
1. Get a bottle of cheap Kalana from the wine rack (no seal of Ar) and uncork it and pour into
    copper kettle
2. Get pitcher of citrus juice and a large tospit  from the chilla
3. Add juice to the kettle and set tospit on the counter for now
4. Sprinkle nutmeg and cinnamon in the kettle then set kettle over the fire to heat
5. While the kalda is cooking slice the tospit and set to the side
6. Pour the kalda into the bowl and float a slice of tospit on the top, sprinkle with a bit more
    nutmeg and cinnamon

Liana Vine : a rainforest plant which can be used as a source of drinking water

MEAD (chilled)
    stored: chilla
    kept in: Keg or Cask
    vessel: Horn or Tankard
    texture: fermented honey, water, and spice ( similar to honey lager)
    prep/poured: fill vessel in chilla, serve at Feet

MEAD (warmed)
    stored: servery near hearth
    kept in: cask or keg
    vessel: Horn or Tankard
    texture: dark, amber colored, fermented honey, water, and spice (similar to honey lager)
    prep/pour: get from servery and pour at  feet

    stored: chilla
    kept in: pitcher
    vessel: goblet
    misc: available in powdered form

    stored: wine rack in servery
    kept in: corked bottles
    origin: made from merlot grape
    texture: burgandy wine, less sweet than kalana
    pour/serve: uncork bottle and pour at Master's feet

SA PAGA (chilled) (Brewed from Sa Tarna wheat, amber in color, similar to Whiskey)
    stored: hanging in chilla
    kept in:  dark verr skin bota
    vessel: footed bowl or goblet for Mistress
    pour/serve uncork bottle and pour at Master's feet

SA PAGA (warm)(Brewed from Sa Tarna wheat, amber in color, similar to Whiskey)

    stored: dark glass bottle on shelf in servery
    kept in: dark glass bottle
    vessel: footed bowl, goblet for Mistress
   pour/serve uncork bottle with teeth and pour at Master's feet

SUL PAGA (chilled) (Brewed from suls ( potatos), clear in color, similar to Moonshine/Vodka)

    stored: hanging in chilla
    kept in:  white verr skin bota
    vessel: footed bowl or goblet for Mistress
   pour/serve uncork bottle with teeth and pour at Master's feet

SUL PAGA (warm)( Brewed from suls ( potatos),clear in color, similar to Moonshine/Vodka)

    stored: clear glass bottle on shelf in servery
    kept in: clear glass bottle
    vessel: footed bowl, goblet for Mistress
   pour/serve uncork bottle with teeth and pour at Master's feet

TA-WINE (Chilled) made from grapes

    stored: wine rack in chilla
    kept in: corked bottle
    vessel: goblet
    misc: deep purple in color
    pour/serve uncork bottle with teeth and pour at Master's feet

TA-WINE (warm)
    stored: wine rack in servery
    kept in: corked bottle
    vessel: goblet
    misc: deep purple in color
    pour/serve uncork bottle with teeth and pour at Master's feet
WATER (ask with or without ice)
    stored: chilla
    kept in: pitcher
    vessel: goblet
    prep/pour: if with ice, get ice from bowl of chipped ice on stool just inisde chilla door, pour water in chilla, serve at Master's feet

ramberry juice
larma juice
ta-grape juice
red fruit juice
tospit juice
mixed fruit juice
    stored: cold room
    kept in: pitchers
    vessel: goblets
    prep/pour: in chilla, bring to Master's feet

    kept in: bottle with a waxed seal from the city of Ar
    vessel: goblet
    texture: red is more typical though if white is asked for serve white ( there is great debate over the existence of white kalana, it was never mentioned in the books      but it was never stated that it did not exist either, when in doubt serve red)
    prep/poured: get bottle from chilla, bring to Feet, peel away the wax seal, pop the cork and pour

Palm Wine : drink mentioned briefly; no description available

Sand Kaiila Milk : reddish and salty. High in ferrous sulfate

Slave Wine : brewed from bitter herbs, acts as a contraceptive drank once per month although a girl would not serve this wine a slave would be given this by her Master, later books show a type only needed to be drank once and then needing "second wine" to counteract the effects
Ta-wine : a dry wine made from Ta grapes from the Isle of Cos, served at room temperature, or warm, in a goblet

Turian Liqueur : a thick, sweet liqueur from Turia, served in tiny glasses. These liqueurs are considered the best on Gor

Turian Wine : a thick syrupy wine so sweet and thick that is it said one can see a thumbprint on its surface

Water : spring water from the mountains or from the liana vine or carpet plants from the rain forest area inland of Schendi

White Wine : a wine light in color and taste, it is not described in detail just as white wine