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02 July 2012

Quote from Assassin of Gor

Gorean Dictionary: L

La (phrase,fem): I am; you are.

Lake Ngao (noun): Lake of Schendi ... meaning "Shield".

Lake Shaba (noun): located in the NE corner of the Schendi rain forest, it is the source of the great river Ua.

Lake Ushindi (noun): Lake of Schendi ...meaning "victory".

Lance, Kailla (noun): black, cut from the poles of young tem trees. They may be bent almost double, like finely tempered steel, before they break. A loose loop of boskhide, wound twice about the right fist, helps to retain the weapon in hand-to-hand combat. It is seldom thrown. Carried in the right fist, easily, and are flexible and light, used for thrusting. They an be almost as swift and delicate in their address as a saber.

lance, tharlarion (noun): weapon designed for use from the rider's mount on a high tharlarion, it is longer and heavier than the kaiila lance, for example.

Language, The (noun): the fierce, sweet, liquid speech of a native Gorean.

lar (adj.): central

larl (noun): a tawny leopard like beast indigenous to the Voltai and several of Gor ranges.

larl, black (noun): predominately nocturnal larl which is sable coated and maned both male and female.

larl, red (noun): predominately day hunting larl which is tawny-red coated and has no mane in either male or female.

larl, white (noun): seen in icy mountains of the Sardar they are the largest of the big cats standing 8 feet; upper canines extending below their jaws very similar to saber-toothed tiger; long tails are tufted at the ends.

larma, applelike (noun): single-seeded applelike fruit; a variation of the succulent juicy larma with a single seed; commonly called pit fruit.

larma (noun): succulent fruit,sometimes sliced and fried, and served with browned honey sauce; offering a larma, real or imagined, by a slave girl to her master is a silent plea for the girl to be raped.

Lar-Torvis (noun; lit. 'central fire'): the sun

lart, snow (noun): a small 4-legged mammal, about 10 inches high, weighing between 8 and 12 pounds. The snow lart has two stomachs and hunts in summer, filling the second stomach in the fall to last the animal through winter. It's pelt is snowy white and thick. They are found in the Polar North.

Last Spear (noun): the last hunter in a band of hunters in the Voltai Ranges to thrown his spear; this spearman is the weakest of the party and will if all spears have not killed the prey and it attacks be the one sacrificed to allow his fellows to escape.

last veil (noun): the innermost of the five veils worn by free women; it is worn under the veil of the citizeness, and is often very sheer.

Laura (noun): east and north of Ko-ro-ba about two hundred pasangs inland from the sea called Thassa on the Laurius River; it is a small trading city, a river port, whose buildings are made largely of wood. It is a clearinghouse for a various goods, a mercantile town.

Laurius River (noun): winding, long, gentle, slow river two hundred pasangs inland from the coast of the Thassa. The free port of Lydius is found at it's mouth. The river is not as broad or brisk as the Vosk River farther to the south. It is located below Ko-ro-ba and above Ar and flows in a generally westerly direction.

leading position (noun; used as a command): posture of a slave girl, bending forward at the waist, with her head at a master's hip, so that he may grab her hair and guide her where he wishes her to go.

leech, marsh (noun): described as rubbery about 4 inches long; it attaches itself to plants in the marsh or float free in the water, waiting for warm blooded animals. They fasten themselves to their victim to suck blood until, satiated, they detach. They can be removed with fire or salt. They are edible.

leech plant (noun): strikes like a cobra, fastening two hollow thorns into it’s victim, the chemical responses of the bladder-like pods produce a mechanical pumping action, and the blood is sucked into the plant to nourish it.

leem (noun):  small artic rodent, 5 - 10 oz. in weight, hibernates in winter.

Legs, Dust (noun): a tribe of Red Savages which inhabits the Barrens; so called because they were the last tribe to domesticate kaiila.

leg spreader (noun): devices of various complexity designed to keep a slave girl's legs spread while being used sexually by her master(s); sometimes used on male captives as an indication of humiliation; used mostly among the Red Savages of the Barrens.

lelt (noun): a small (5-7") blind fish with fern like filaments at either side of the head which are its sensory organs; white, with long fins, it swims slowly, and is the main food of the salt shark; inhabits the brine pits such as those at Klima in the Tahari.

lesha (command; lit. 'leash'): A command where the slave turns from the FreePerson, turning her head to the left for ease in leashing and snapping her wrists behind her back as if for slave cuffs.

liana vine (noun): a rain forest plant which can be used as a source of drinking water.

lice, tarn (noun): marble sized parasites that infest wild tarns.

lit, common (noun): a bird found in the rain forests of the Schendi area.

lit, crested (noun): a bird found in the rain forests of the Schendi area.

lit, needle-tailed (noun): a bird found in the emergent (highest level) of rainforests in the Schendi area.

lo (phrase; masc.): I am; you are

Lo Sardar (phrase; masc.): I am a Priest King

Lock Gag (noun): leather and metal; curved metal bars rounded, about a quarter inch in diameter; fitted to the individual girl by ratchet and pawl arraingment; locks behind neck, leaving the hands of the slave free for duties.

Long Bow (noun): Weapon;  height of a tall man; its back is flat (facing away from bowman); its belly is half rounded (facing bowman); inch and one half wide/inch and a quarter thick at center. - point blank range: fire through a 4" beam - 200 yards: can pin a man to a wall - 400 yards: can kill a bosk - rate of fire: 19 arrows in a gorean Ehn (80 earth seconds) - used in a standing/kneeling position - impractical in close quarters - cannot be kept set/loaded - weapon of peasants

long ship (noun): a swift, maneuverable ship having 2 rudders, 1 removable lateen rigged mast, and a keel-to-beam ratio of 8:1; often used in military actions; some are fitted as ram ships.

longhouse, Torvaldsland (noun): the hall of the Torvaldslander is about 120 Gorean feet in length, with walls formed of turf and stone, some more than eight feet in thickness. It is heated by a fire in it's center, burning in a rounded pit. It's ceiling, supported by posts is about 6 feet in height. At one end is a cooking area and along each side, stones mark sections off into sleeping quarters, furs strewn over an dirt floor. Scattered throughout are tables and benches. The center of the hall proper is about twelve feet in width.

loot pit (noun): a holding place for captured free women awaiting collars and branding during the military occupation of a city.

Love Feast (noun): common name for the 5th Passage Hand, occurring in late summer,  which time is the greatest period for the sale of slaves, esp. slave girls.

love furs (noun): soft furs spread thickly on the floor at the foot of a master's sleeping couch, on which a slave girl is most often raped.

Love War (noun): The Wagon Peoples compete against the Warriors of Turia
on the Plain of Stakes during the Second Passage Hand (May 15th-19th) in
mid-spring, participating in various challenges and ceremonial combats. For Turians, the contest is to win ownership of a slave of the Wagon Peoples. The Four Tribes compete to win high born Turian free women, which will be turned into slaves of the wagons.

Luck Girl (noun): a slave girl who acts as mascot onboard ship; her use is usually reserved for the captain of the ship, but she may be shared with the crew, usually as a disciplinary measure.

lung fish (noun): also called gints; small fish found near half-submerged roots of shore trees or sunning on the back of tharlarion.

Luraz (noun): a minor tribe of the Tahari; they are a vassal tribe of the Aretai.

lure girl (noun): slaves who are set out by their master's to entice men for the purposes of empressing as crewmen or in work gangs. While the man is delightfully distracted, her master's men accost him and hustle him away.

Lydius (noun): free port administered by Merchants, at the mouth of the Laurius where it empties into the Thassa. Goods, primarily rough goods like tools, crude metal and cloth are shipped from this port to many islands and coastal cities.

Lydria (noun): water vessel - high handled for dipping.