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03 March 2012

Scrubbing Floors (29 Feb)

[18:16]  SolaraLove: As the evening turned to night...many had come in and out of the bakery. the floors seemed quite dull and dirty. Once she had finished setting out the pastries and slicing up the bread, solara filled up an old rusty wooden bucket with soapy water
[18:17]  SolaraLove: once filled, she placed it onto the filthy wooden floors beneath her and grabbed a scrubbing brush from the storage
[18:18]  SolaraLove: "Before i clean the floors my Jarl is there anything i may get You?" solara asked her Jarl as he stood surveying the various pastries and fresh breads
[18:21]  rajaah: looks an smiles pulling her near taking her lips to his tasting her sweetness an nods the food an pastery is enought for now an give her a gently tap on her arse
[18:24]  SolaraLove: solara was pressed up against her Jarl...her hot body delighting in the feel of him against her. Lips ravaged beautifully my her Jarl she was swooned. She longed to be seized up by him right then..yet she knew much work needed to be done before. once their kiss had broken she felt the hard smack upon her round bottom. she chuckled and lowered to her knees to begin her chore
[18:24]  rajaah: then he sit an eats his friut an meat then grins looking at the pie
[18:28]  SolaraLove: she dipped her brush into the bucket and pulled it up dripping with cool water and splashes it about scrubbing with great effort. her breasts were bouncing frantically as she moved about scrubbing...upon knees and hands she moved about the hearth area scrubbing
[18:30]  SolaraLove: solara once finished with the kitchen area, crawled her way about the tables....scrubbing hard and carefully not missing a spot. Every now and then she would stretch out allowing her muscles to be relieved from bending over for so long. The productive scrubbing sounds almost silenced the cows who had been fussing behind the bakery

[18:33]  SolaraLove: more and more solara crawled about...her forehead glistening in sweat. a heat had captivated her all around as she worked. Solara now done, looked into the bucket noticing the water had almost finished. she grinned thankful it had been enough. Once again she filled the bucket with clean water....then returning to the main room splashing the floors free of the slippery soap.
[18:34]  SolaraLove: She did this until the floors were fully rinsed, after which bringing out a dry mop to pick up the excess water.

[18:35]  SolaraLove: Once finished solara looked around quite pleased with herself as she placed the bucket and brush back into the storage...her knees and feet still wet. she stood next to the fire that she may dry herself...the bakery was clean

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