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08 March 2012

The Wash (7 March)

20:19] kyna (rayzel) turns to leave the Jarls speak, heading to attend her chores
[20:21] kyna walks with purpose to the long hall, barely creaking a door open as the bond slips inside and heads to the back, collecting the soiled linen there in a basket, cradling it on her hip
[20:23] kyna (rayzel) slips back through the main doors of the long hall and proceeds through the gates down to the wash basin an clothesline
[20:24] kyna (rayzel) deposits the basket of dirty reps into the sudsy water, turning then light steps lead towards the bakery, thebond certain to find more laundry waiting there
[20:27] kyna (rayzel) gathers the soiled cloth of the bakery into a neat heap in the basket, lifting until the basket rest upon left hip leaving her gait short on that side as back through the doors she goes an out to the washtub
[20:30] kyna deposits all the dirty rags into the washtub, allowing them to soak an turns hearing her Jarl call for her, casting her chore aside for the moment
[17:08] kyna (rayzel) began scrubbing the soiled reps left to soak earlier int eh wash tub, scrubbing each soundly on the washboard before depositing them clean and damp into a basket
[17:14] kyna (rayzel) rose seeing them all well scrubbed and one by one lifted form the basket and clipped to the clothesline to dry in afternoon sun

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