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11 May 2012

Cleaning the Infirmary (10 May)

[09:54]  nadie (dab.snowfield) looks around then lowering her head 'aye Mistress what did you need me to do??'
[09:54]  Nightsong Voir: just a good sweeping and dusting
[09:54]  nadie (dab.snowfield): aye Mistress
[09:55]  Nightsong Voir: i need to check my storage of herbs here
[09:56]  Nightsong Voir: hummmm may have to get more lanvia leafs
[09:58]  Nightsong Voir: and a few more marigold leafs
[09:58]  nadie (dab.snowfield) grabs the broom from the corner as she walks to the corner of the room placing the bristles on the floor as she does a sweep motion seeing the dust and dirt gathering up in a pile, moving the broom along the edge on the wall, sweeping the pile out towards the middle of the floor in a pile she moves back against the wall pushirng the dirt towards the pile she created
[10:02]  nadie (dab.snowfield) hearing the Mistress as she list all the things she needs, moving toward the bookcase she sweeps around it gathering the dirt the collected, reaching the curtain that divdes the area up she moves it slightly as she moves towards the hearth the thoughts she been thinking running in her mind she brushes it off
[10:03]  Nightsong Voir: walks to the curtains taking each one down and walking outside to give them a good shaking
[10:04]  nadie (dab.snowfield) reaching the hearth with the small pile as she pushes it infront of her, gliding the broom across the bottom edge of teh hearth gathering the dirt as the pile becomes bigger and bigger
[10:05]  Nightsong Voir: coming back in to rehang the curtain aftr each one was shaken good and free of dust
[10:05]  Nightsong Voir: with them drap over shoulder starts putting them in place
[10:06]  Nightsong Voir: looking over and seeing the fine work nadie is doing.... it looking nice
[10:07]  nadie (dab.snowfield) moving her feet as she places her foot on the bristles wiping her bare feet she moves her arms side to side in a sway as the bristles moves along the floor pushing the pile alittle more infront of her as she moves along the edge of the heart hto the wall on the other side
[10:09]  nadie (dab.snowfield) walks along the edge of the wall to the door as she opens it and in a quick and stead movement she pushes the pile of dirt out the door feeling the nice warm air as the weather has changed yet another time
[10:09]  Kool Door opened by Dab Snowfield [Clicked: will stay opened till you leave range or click me]
[10:13]  nadie (dab.snowfield) moves back in towards the beds as she pushes the broom underthem pulling the broom back towards her she gets most of the dust under them seeing the floor a slightly different color she looks around then sweeps the dirt out the door once mvre
[10:14]  Nightsong Voir: looks to nadie .. i am sorry i must run
[10:15]  nadie (dab.snowfield): its k Mistress
[10:15]  nadie (dab.snowfield): be safe Mistress
[10:16]  Nightsong Voir: serve with fire and passion child
[10:16]  Nightsong Voir: i will be
[10:16]  Nightsong Voir: you be safe here till i am back

[10:17]  nadie (dab.snowfield) finishing sweeping the infirmrary she looks around as she walks the broom back to the hearth setting against the wall

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