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13 July 2012

The Finding of the New Land (from the First Ax)

as i help search for new land an home for are village came across this piece of land that is fill with richness from the soil to farm an full of life that one would know that it will be promising for our family. Rajaah came across alittle null with a waterfall an cave as he spent time in while clearing a place to relax an have his family to sit an enjoy the view over looking the land. as i walk about this new land looking for a place to begin clearing so he an the chefitan Hania can begin to build on this richful piece of land for there people to beging a new life as a village an a new trading post. as days an weeks an many moons go by they together clear part of the land an build for their family with many cuts an bruises an hard sweat with long long hours the land become home for them and now they call apon there family to come to there new home... an now they together will call apond people to come an trade an join there new land an enjoy with the rest of the family...thanks to mighty odin an afew bosks they are bless with many richness that they work so hard to get where they are ... so come one an all an see an rp with the family of Rondvilk Village an Trading Post ...

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