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05 May 2012

NLS Illnesses and Cures

Magenprobleme    *    Nausea        *    Lavinia   *
Grippe        *    Influenza    *    Sunflower *
Husten        *    Cough        *    Sunflower *
Schnupfen    *    Sniffles    *    Sunflower *
Meningitis    *    Meningitis    *    Sunflower *
Infektion    *    Infection    *    Maringold *
Borreliose    *    Lyme Disease    *    Maringold *
Lebensmittelvergiftung* Food Poisoning    *    Maringold *
Dar Kosis    *    Dar Kosis    *    No Cure   *
Bazi Pest    *    Bazi Plague    *    No Cure      *

            Medicine Recipes

NOTE: it is important to gather only one item at a time.. stand..
and let the plant re-initialize before picking from it again.
STORE raw materials in Pulverized format (lasts 6 months)

    *Sunflower Saft (lasts 30 days):

Gather sunflower leafs x 4 Pulverize x 4 Process into Saft
(takes 4 Pulverized sunflower to make one Saft) - Requires fire

    *Lavina Saft (lasts 30 days):

Gather lavina leafs x 4 Pulverize x 4 Process into Saft
(takes 4 Pulverized lavina to make one Saft) - Requires fire

    *Marigold Saft (lasts 30 days):

Gather marigold leafs x 4 Pulverize x 4 Process into Saft
(takes 4 Pulverized marigold to make one Saft) - Requires fire

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