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05 August 2012

Milking the Bosk ((4 August))

21:04]  Ysamadouce: milks the bosk hearing the sound of it
[21:05]  Ysamadouce: moving my hands trying to take enough milk for all the things we need to have
[21:05]  Ysamadouce: feels the grass under my feets
[21:06]  Ysamadouce: and smells the perfume of the county while milking
[21:07]  Ysamadouce: watchs the verr mother with the little one and how she calls him to be by her side
[21:07]  Ysamadouce: keeps moving my hands
[21:08]  Ysamadouce: at the same moment I place my hand to the bosk telling her
[21:09]  Ysamadouce: dont worry be gentle its me wachiwi
[21:09]  Ysamadouce: I am new I know but it doesnt mind
[21:09]  Ysamadouce: with care I will touch you
[21:10]  Ysamadouce: and with love I milks you
[21:11]  Ysamadouce: I can tell you stories, I can sing to you, while you let me take the precius white liquid that will feed my people
[21:12]  Ysamadouce: feel you like the softness of my hands while touching you
[21:22]  Ysamadouce: keep milkng my sweet bosk, still need a bit more to finish my chore
[21:22]  Ysamadouce: and make my chieftain happy
[21:23]  Ysamadouce: ohh yes sweet as the honey i taste in my mouth
[21:24]  Ysamadouce: have you ever seen his eyes? its like seeing the sun, there is fire in his eyes
[21:24]  Ysamadouce: ohh dont tell me you have never hear his voice
[21:25]  Ysamadouce: when he whispers is like the sound of the water
[21:25]  Ysamadouce: that make you feel relax
[21:26]  Ysamadouce: but be careful if he is not happy
[21:26]  Ysamadouce: his voice becomes a thunder that make you run
[21:30]  Ysamadouce: my body begins to sweat and my hands are getting tird so please my sweet bosk, give me more of your milk so I can relax
[21:32]  Ysamadouce: touches you from behind you are such a good animals that let us calm the hunger while the nourishment satisfies those consumed during the daily activities

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