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05 August 2012

Working at the Mill ((5 August))

[13:29]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) rises before her Jarl and chain sisters, trying not to disturb them as she slips from the furs. kachina, moves gently across the floor to attend to some duties down at the mill. making sure that there was blackwine made for her Jarl and warm milk for her sisters, she fetches her kirtle and head out the door in silence.

pulling her kirtle over her head, she crosses the dew coated fields to enter the village path. the sun has just started rising and not many were awake yet as she passes between a few cabins to head towards the stream. following the bank towards the mill and garden, she hums softly to herself

[13:32]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) enters the mill she gazes about to see all that needs to be doing. she noted that the need of flour was in demand at the moment. kachina gazes about and spies several bails of the sa-tarna grain that still needs to be grounded down into the fine powder. stepping over she pulls over a few of the bails and places a couple of teh grain stocks within the grind stone.

turning the crank she watches at the wheel slowly lowers. the crunching and grinding the grain echoed in the stillness of the morning as she proceed in turning the bails of grain into sacks of flour. coughing a few times as flour dust rises into the air. her kirtle and tan flesh covered with newly ground flour

[13:33]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) sighs as she stacks up the sacks to the side of the mill shed, gazing about at the slight mess upon the floor. kachina removes her kirtle giving it a couple good shakes to remove the extra flour that seemed to gotten upon it. dusting herself as she steps to the side fetching a broom.

humming softly once more she starts to sweep the extra grain flacks, dust and wasted flour from the floor. she moves the broom in a small dance about the mill floor, her hips swaying lightly as she moves about. giggling to herself at the silliness as she finishes sweeping and the small pile dispose of into a bucket to spread over the garden later that day.

[13:34]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) smiles as she looks about nodding she stops in her tracks hearing the call from the village, turning on her heels she hurries to start the day with the others

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