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15 August 2012

wachiwi tends to the vulos (9August)

[06:39]  Ysamadouce: good morning girls chickens lol
[06:39]  Ysamadouce: any eggs for me?
[06:39]  Ysamadouce: let see...
[06:40]  Ysamadouce: we need to give you names
[06:40]  Ysamadouce: mr. Rooster how are you today?smiles mmmm always so handsome!!
[06:41]  Ysamadouce: many chickens around I see
[06:41]  Ysamadouce: tell me which one is your favorite?
[06:42]  Ysamadouce: rosepik?
[06:42]  Ysamadouce: smile, yes she is always arguing with you
[06:43]  Ysamadouce: well you know Mr, roster there is a period of the month...hahahahah
[06:44]  Ysamadouce: greentail? she is too young Mr.roster
[06:44]  Ysamadouce: you need to have patients with her
[06:45]  Ysamadouce: I see there is a new young roster here!!
[06:45]  Ysamadouce: mmmmm very soon you will have to show who is te chieft here lol
[06:45]  Ysamadouce: the*
[06:46]  Ysamadouce: sorry Mr. roster I know you are the boss here ...hahahahah
[06:47]  Ysamadouce: well done pinkpik many vulo today...I hope I could make a good mead today
[06:48]  Ysamadouce: and you young chicken we need to give you a name..smiles
[06:48]  Ysamadouce: muakk love you all
[06:51]  Ysamadouce: hey mama goat!! how is your baby today? ohhh beautiful I see

Walking toward the garden to collect some grains

[06:52]  Ysamadouce: greetings jarl and mistress may I continue my route to harver?
[06:53]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): tis my rest was wellafter talking to you last night
[06:53]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): greeting girl
[06:53]  Nightsong Voir: it be fine with me girl but it is the jarls choice
[06:53]  Ysamadouce: smiles
[06:54]  Ysamadouce: asking permition to continue Jarl
[06:54]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): turns an looks ,an who are you may i ask
[06:54]  Ysamadouce: I am wachiwi a new bond in training jarl
[06:54]  Nightsong Voir: aye that still need a examine
[06:55]  Nightsong Voir: and slavewine
[06:55]  Ysamadouce: be glad mistress as you wish
[06:55]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): nods an smiles , i be tearsmen an i live about these forest here
[06:55]  Ysamadouce: glad to see you both
[06:55]  Nightsong Voir: we will in the morning tomorrow
[06:55]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): well met wachiwi
[06:55]  Ysamadouce: I ll be here mistress
[06:56]  Nightsong Voir: smiles very well
[06:56]  Ysamadouce: ((sorry if I dont emote well, I am new ))
[06:56]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): you may go on with your choresif you like
[06:56]  Ysamadouce: thanks jarl
[06:56]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): lol np wachiwi
[06:56]  Ysamadouce: see you tomorrow mistress
[06:57]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): we all got to start somewhere
[06:57]  Ysamadouce: ((ups I am lagii..smiles))

[06:59]  Ysamadouce: harving the wheet, feeling the sand under my feet
[07:00]  Ysamadouce: observing the bright green color of their sleves
[07:00]  Ysamadouce: moves her hands collecting the grains
[07:02]  Ysamadouce: her hair moves in such a delicate way, her hands even made for hard work are small and delicate
[07:02]  Ysamadouce: always smiling at the sun, at the air that refresh her face while doing her chore
[07:03]  Ysamadouce: stop for a minute and kiss with her mind the great spirit that live in her
[07:04]  Ysamadouce: oh great father this heart only beat because of you
[07:04]  Ysamadouce: you are my sun, my air that I breath
[07:05]  Ysamadouce: her skin begins to sweat due to the warm sun light that always want to embrace her
[07:07]  Ysamadouce: smiling wachiwi, ask the sun? yes ...she says, happy to know you let me see the colors of the wood,
[07:07]  Ysamadouce: you let me feel the warm of your light
[07:08]  Ysamadouce: and tan the color of my skin
[07:08]  Ysamadouce: dont be jelous my sun, you bright here as you does in my heart
[07:10]  Ysamadouce: yes you feel the love inside, the place so special I give to you, dont forget that
[07:12]  Ysamadouce: ok my beautiful wheat plants thats enought for today..ohhh you looks so nice today...dressing as queens, any party maybe? mmmmm seraching ...searchin
[07:14]  Ysamadouce: love you all for let me take the grains to make some bread for my chieftain

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