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16 August 2012

Quote from Mercenaries of Gor

Stocking the Bakery (15 August)

[04:26 AM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) slips into the bakery in the early morning, shvivering slightly as she hurried to the hearth to feed the struggling fire. Nothing but embers were left of the once cheerful flames and she quickly added dried kindling and more logs, kneeling before the heavy stone hearth to blow on it gently and coax life from it once more.

[04:38 AM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) rubs her hands together and smiles softly, seeing that the fire was blazing strongly now, and gazed into the fire for a few ehn when she tried to wake up. With a hearty yawn she stood and streched her stiff limbs, working out the nights tossing in the furs .

[04:41 AM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) pulls forth two kettles, one for blackwine and one for bazi tea, and filled them with fresh water, then added them to the hooks that hung over the fire. She went through the familiar process of preparing the blackwine beans, crushing them to the just right consistency to drop in the boiling water when it was ready

[04:49 AM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) wipes the counters clean of blackwine bean dust and scattered tea leaves and then makes her way to the shelves of supplies, pulling down pots and clay jars, lifing lids, peering into them and taking mental note of what would need to be restocked for the day.

[04:52 AM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) the flour sac was low, but this was not surprising considering how much bread was baked throughout the day, as was the crock of butter. The cheese wheel was only a small wedge that would not do for the day and all these things she added to her mental list. She calculated swiftly what would need to be churned, prepared, and ground and which bonds would be do what between serving the free.

[04:55 AM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) dropped the blackwine bean packet into the now boiling water, as well as the small metal tea ball, and swept the floors vigorously, then wiped down the tables inside and out while the morning brews steeped. After she finished she put away her cleaning supplies, pulled the kettels out of the flames, and stirred them well. She fished out the used beans and tea leaves and cleaned the tea leaf ball, and then covered them tightly with fitted lids to keep them warm and free of any contaminants.

[04:56 AM]  wahya(tala.moonwing): Collecting two baskets and two sacs she smiled softly as she left the bakery and made her way to the dry storage to collect the needed supplies for the day.

15 August 2012

Blackwine Making (14 August)

[05:46 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas) small feet pad softly to the kitchen as she goes around gathering all the ingredients she needs to make blackwine, running through the Ingredients in her mind as she gathers then, finding the Kettles used to make the blackwine, she puts the water on to boil as she, gets a cloth, the blackwine beans and a rock to smash them with

[05:48 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas) takes the beans and places them in the cloth the takes the rock and begins to smash the beans, the smashing of the beans she realizes helps relieve her stress so she smashes them throughly making sure they are perfectly ground

[05:50 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas) picks up the cloth with the freshly ground blackwine beans and places it in the second kettle, checking to see if the water has begun to boil she then picks up the boiling water then slowly begins to pour it in the pot with the powder stirring it to mix it properly

[05:52 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas) as she slowly pours the hot water into the powder she then continues to stir the mixture until it is completely mixed, she then places it back on the fire to keep it nice and hot

Attending the Hall After the Jarls' Drunken Night (13 August)

[20:34]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) slips into the hall, sighing as she sees the sight before her within the dim long hall, keeping the doors open to let in some light and to air out what seems to be vomit smell she shook her head as she sets to work on the impossible task that was laid out before her by the two drunken Jarls who is now suffering with major hangover this morning, gently she removes her kirtle so not to ruin it she turns abotu and starts by lighting the torches and rekindling the firepit within the hearth to start the morning cooking and such to prepare for the day
[20:37]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) moving closer to the rugs she looks them over, vomit stained the fur and that wasnt going to be easy to clean, for the smell alone was turning her stomach, biting her lip she takes the corners of two of teh rugs and drags them outside, gasping and coughing, she fans the air before her face as she turns back inside for the rest of the rugs, grumbling about the college boys back at her own home world was bad with such, she shook her head again causing the ginger locks of her hair to flow about her shoulders as she moves
[20:43]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) turns about int teh room she gathers all teh dirty dishes and takes them to the sink area of teh kitchen and places them into the basin as she moves and fills the kettle with water to heat for mopping and scrubbing, straightening the benches as she walks about teh hall, she curses loudly as she suddenly trip over a discarded tankard under one of teh benches, wincing she takes it and tosses it to the side, wincing again as the clay strucked the wall, shattering, groans about the added mess she just made, she got back to her feet, hobbles a little as she fetches teh broom and starts to sweep up the mess and dust, disposing the broken takard making a mental note ot have it replaced, she moves back to teh kettle, pouring half into teh sink basin to soak the dishes, while she adds teh other half into a pail to mop the floors, fetching a tospit she gently peels away the sides and squeezes the juice from it, adding a little fresh sent to the water to help freshen the hall
[20:48]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) smiling she goes and gets teh scrub brushes and starts on the task of scrubbing out the floors, moving across the planks on her hands and knees, she hums to herself as she works, smiles as she soon reaches the end of teh floor as she peers out the doors to see the sun rising high, nodding she uses the waterin the pail to help rince some of teh rugs before taking them down to teh river for a good scrubbing as she splashes the water over them, sighing she turns back into the hall and to work on the dishes that was still soaking in teh basin, using a rep clothe she scrubs and polishes each peice til there was no grime to be seen, setting them upon their shelves before deciding that its time to tend to the vomite covered rugs that laid outside
[20:53]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) stepping out she kept the doors open so to let the hall to finish airing out as she grabs the rugs and drags them down to teh river, ignoring the fact that she wasnt wearing a kirtle she tosses the rugs into teh water, cursing as a small wave splashes upon her, rolling her eyes she dunks the rugs into the water several times rinsing out the rugs as she makes sure that the vomit was no longer upon the fur rugs, nodding in approval she drags the heavy soaked furs over to the clothesline for them to drip dry before they have to be replaced for the evening meal
[20:55]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) nodding as she took all in accounted for she heads back up to the hall to fetch her kirtle to dawn back on once she takes a thorough soaking at the water hole and before anyone takes note of her absence

Barn Cleaned (12 August)

[07:18]  Ysamadouce: after talking to chieftain she walks soflty trough the wood to do her daily chore
[07:20]  Ysamadouce: the sun looks as beautifuls as always , touching her sofnesst hair as if he wants to carress her
[07:24]  Ysamadouce: an eagle passes by she stops to observe how he flyes in a round way, his perfect wings moves over the sky "hi brother eagle always in the sky, have you seen the great spirit today?"
[07:26]  Ysamadouce: the eagle look down to see who is the one that suddenly interrupt his fly " Good day beautiful girl of blue eyes and onix hair, do you know that the great spirit is always there?, in everything you see, touch and smells"
[07:27]  Ysamadouce: "He is out and he is inside of you , with every beat of your heart, so dont ask me again if I have seen him today"
[07:28]  Ysamadouce: smiles to the wise eagle that have given her the first lesson of the day
[07:29]  Ysamadouce: approachs to the barn to check is everything is ok
[07:31]  Ysamadouce: good day my sweet butterfly, good day young goat, does mama feed you today?
[07:32]  Ysamadouce: mamagoat moves to her so she can place her hands over her head " sweet mamagoat let me clean your place , give you some food and fresh water"
[07:37]  Ysamadouce: takes a broom and begins to clean the stable
[07:40]  Ysamadouce: collects the dung and places over the basket to get them dry,
[07:41]  Ysamadouce: walks delicately towards butterfly... lets take some milks , you looks great today
[07:50]  Ysamadouce: after milking the dosk she makes the last look and place the fresh water to all animals

rayen within the Long Hall (11 August)

03:06 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas): slowly walking into the long hall seeing the tables and the kitchen
needing tidied up she slowly begins to pick up dishes and take them to be washed,
grabbing a bucket and a rep cloth and some soap, rayen begins to clean the dishes,
making sure each dish sparkles she dries them and puts them away.

[03:07 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas): then going around and whiping down the counters and the shelves and anything else that needs to be wiped clean
she then grabs the bucket the ashes from the burning fireplaces and hearth is kept cleaning out the ashes and
replacing the charred wood for fresh wood she then goes about cleaning all the fire places replacing the ashes with wood

[03:09 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas): taking the bucket back to its rightful place she then begins to brew a fresh batch of blackwine knowing the Jarls and Ladies
might like some at one point or another over the next day or so she then takes the bucket with soap and water and begins to wipe
down the tables and chairs making sure they are all clean for the evening meal.

[03:10 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas): finding the broom she then sweeps the floor of the long hall picking up the furs laying them in a pile next to the door to shake free of
dust she then finds a mop and begins mopping the floors making sure they are clean. Rayen then takes the furs outside and begins to beat
the dust from them knowing they will need to be cleaned as well, knowing she is supposed to take it easy she just can't simply stop at
cleaning the kitchen and tables.

[03:11 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas): making sure she doesn't over do herself she puts the furs back in their place and places all the cleaning supplies back in their rightful
places then smiles as she see's everthing sparkle.

Seeing to the Vulo (11 August)

[08:18]  Ysamadouce: walking with grace seeing the sun" Good day Father sun, you looks radiant today"
[08:19]  Ysamadouce: bless your light that keep the color of my skin tan, and warm my body from the coming coold air
[08:19]  Ysamadouce: as she walks to see her animals she smeel the fresh odor of the grass
[08:23]  Ysamadouce: dances to please the sun, to let him know that he warms her heart, dance to the air that keeps her skin fresh when she is doing her daily chore
[08:24]  Ysamadouce: dances to her animals that so gently helps to keep her body and the body of all the comunity well feeding
[08:29]  Ysamadouce: while dancing she begins to clean the barn ,
[08:31]  Ysamadouce: salutes pinkpit and Mr. roaster " good day she are my sweet boss of the chicken barn? I am fine, my health is back and happy to see you all again"
[08:33]  Ysamadouce: sees graytail and smiles " I am not crazy for dancing, you should do that too, you are getting fat!! smiles"
[08:36]  Ysamadouce: reaches the place where the eggs as she does everyday, pick somes to place them at the bakery
[08:36]  Ysamadouce: keeps cleaning and check each chicken to see if they are fine
[08:37]  Ysamadouce: changes the water vassel and place fresh water
[08:39]  Ysamadouce: after reviewing that everything is fine, she smiles happy to know her chores has been done
[08:43]  Ysamadouce: walks toward butterfly and mamagoat check for fresh water and sees if everything its alright
A friend from other lands came to visit me ( She only speaks spanish)
[08:47]  Ishaluz (ishaluz2): hi
[08:47]  Ysamadouce: hi
[08:47]  IM: Ishaluz2 Resident: jajajja estas bailando una danza tipica
[08:48]  IM: Ishaluz2 Resident: te ves hermosa
[08:49]  IM: Ishaluz2 Resident: ok dale
[08:49]  IM: Ishaluz2 Resident: que es wachiwi
[08:50]  Ysamadouce Resident: wachiwi significa bailarina en cherokee
[08:50]  Ishaluz (ishaluz2): ahhhh perfecto para ti

The Verr are Attended (10 August)

[07:29]  Ysamadouce: coming to see my sweet butterfly,to clean her place so she can be confortable today
[07:30]  Ysamadouce: stand in front of her "good day my sweet butterfly I am cleaning your space, how you feel today?"
[07:31]  Ysamadouce: glad to know you are fine, my health is not good today, I will have to go to see mistress but I will finish my chore first
[07:32]  Ysamadouce: moves toward mamagoat to see how is she today " good day mamagoat how is your baby today? still feeding him I see, so glad to know that
[07:34]  Ysamadouce: begins to remove all the buskdung around butterfly,moves baby let me clean well your space, smiles...yes I love you too
[07:34]  Ysamadouce: embrace butterfly with love knowing she such a good dosk
[07:35]  Ysamadouce: smiles softly to the bosk as she pets it quietly, leading her out to pasture to chew the sweet are hungry I know eat well
[07:37]  Ysamadouce: moves toward mamagoat ,she pets it, leading her out to pasture to chew the grass
[07:38]  Ysamadouce: pass her hands over the goat with her delicate hands and keep cleaning around her
[07:44]  Ysamadouce: finish cleaning all... places some fresh water after cleaning the vassel , "well my sweet babies I will come tomorrow, young roaster you shouldnt be here !! smiles or mamagoat will kick you out!
[07:44]  Ysamadouce: leaves the place happy to know she finish her chore for today

wachiwi tends to the vulos (9August)

[06:39]  Ysamadouce: good morning girls chickens lol
[06:39]  Ysamadouce: any eggs for me?
[06:39]  Ysamadouce: let see...
[06:40]  Ysamadouce: we need to give you names
[06:40]  Ysamadouce: mr. Rooster how are you today?smiles mmmm always so handsome!!
[06:41]  Ysamadouce: many chickens around I see
[06:41]  Ysamadouce: tell me which one is your favorite?
[06:42]  Ysamadouce: rosepik?
[06:42]  Ysamadouce: smile, yes she is always arguing with you
[06:43]  Ysamadouce: well you know Mr, roster there is a period of the month...hahahahah
[06:44]  Ysamadouce: greentail? she is too young Mr.roster
[06:44]  Ysamadouce: you need to have patients with her
[06:45]  Ysamadouce: I see there is a new young roster here!!
[06:45]  Ysamadouce: mmmmm very soon you will have to show who is te chieft here lol
[06:45]  Ysamadouce: the*
[06:46]  Ysamadouce: sorry Mr. roster I know you are the boss here ...hahahahah
[06:47]  Ysamadouce: well done pinkpik many vulo today...I hope I could make a good mead today
[06:48]  Ysamadouce: and you young chicken we need to give you a name..smiles
[06:48]  Ysamadouce: muakk love you all
[06:51]  Ysamadouce: hey mama goat!! how is your baby today? ohhh beautiful I see

Walking toward the garden to collect some grains

[06:52]  Ysamadouce: greetings jarl and mistress may I continue my route to harver?
[06:53]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): tis my rest was wellafter talking to you last night
[06:53]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): greeting girl
[06:53]  Nightsong Voir: it be fine with me girl but it is the jarls choice
[06:53]  Ysamadouce: smiles
[06:54]  Ysamadouce: asking permition to continue Jarl
[06:54]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): turns an looks ,an who are you may i ask
[06:54]  Ysamadouce: I am wachiwi a new bond in training jarl
[06:54]  Nightsong Voir: aye that still need a examine
[06:55]  Nightsong Voir: and slavewine
[06:55]  Ysamadouce: be glad mistress as you wish
[06:55]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): nods an smiles , i be tearsmen an i live about these forest here
[06:55]  Ysamadouce: glad to see you both
[06:55]  Nightsong Voir: we will in the morning tomorrow
[06:55]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): well met wachiwi
[06:55]  Ysamadouce: I ll be here mistress
[06:56]  Nightsong Voir: smiles very well
[06:56]  Ysamadouce: ((sorry if I dont emote well, I am new ))
[06:56]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): you may go on with your choresif you like
[06:56]  Ysamadouce: thanks jarl
[06:56]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): lol np wachiwi
[06:56]  Ysamadouce: see you tomorrow mistress
[06:57]  Einarr Resident (tearsmen): we all got to start somewhere
[06:57]  Ysamadouce: ((ups I am lagii..smiles))

[06:59]  Ysamadouce: harving the wheet, feeling the sand under my feet
[07:00]  Ysamadouce: observing the bright green color of their sleves
[07:00]  Ysamadouce: moves her hands collecting the grains
[07:02]  Ysamadouce: her hair moves in such a delicate way, her hands even made for hard work are small and delicate
[07:02]  Ysamadouce: always smiling at the sun, at the air that refresh her face while doing her chore
[07:03]  Ysamadouce: stop for a minute and kiss with her mind the great spirit that live in her
[07:04]  Ysamadouce: oh great father this heart only beat because of you
[07:04]  Ysamadouce: you are my sun, my air that I breath
[07:05]  Ysamadouce: her skin begins to sweat due to the warm sun light that always want to embrace her
[07:07]  Ysamadouce: smiling wachiwi, ask the sun? yes ...she says, happy to know you let me see the colors of the wood,
[07:07]  Ysamadouce: you let me feel the warm of your light
[07:08]  Ysamadouce: and tan the color of my skin
[07:08]  Ysamadouce: dont be jelous my sun, you bright here as you does in my heart
[07:10]  Ysamadouce: yes you feel the love inside, the place so special I give to you, dont forget that
[07:12]  Ysamadouce: ok my beautiful wheat plants thats enought for today..ohhh you looks so nice today...dressing as queens, any party maybe? mmmmm seraching ...searchin
[07:14]  Ysamadouce: love you all for let me take the grains to make some bread for my chieftain

Healer's Cabin Attended (9 August)

[08:44:21] SolaraLove: Within the early hours of the morning solara left her Jarls cabin promptly after his departure to begin her chores in the village. It had been quite peaceful in the lands today....the sound of nature all about, the gentle waters of the rondvik river flowing as usual
[08:46:23] SolaraLove: taking up her bucket of water from the village well, she put in a scrubbing brush and some wash cloths. solaras tiny feed padded the warm earth as she made her way to the healers office. the front door had been locked so she entered the hall from the side. with no hesitation solara began opening up the windows and doors so that fresh air may circulate the rooms
[08:49:52] SolaraLove: She then carried on to dusting the shelves and whipping down all surfaces. the sound of water splashing and moving could be heard as she worked , making sure not to miss a corner of every room.
[08:52:32] SolaraLove: solara then changed the sheets of the bendding, tossing the other out that it may be done in laundry. Once done solara then pulled her bucket close and began scrubbing the floors. it had been important that this room be cleaned thoroughly as so many illnesses cross paths here. she continued to every corner, cleaning and scrubbing. her back being stretched everynow and then. once completed solara whipped her hair back and took a long sigh.
[08:54:38] SolaraLove: she then carried out the dirty water....throwing it onto the grass and turned about doing into the forest to fetch wood for the fires. solara returned now setting the logs at the door of the office doing a final survey of the room. she gasped as she had forgotten to replace the vase with fresh flowers, running off and returning with a fresh bouquet.
[08:55:07] SolaraLove: solara had now thoroughly cleaned and freshened the healers office, she smiled locking up and tending to her other daily chores.

Laundry (9 August)

[00:07]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) smiles softly as she moves through the village a basket at her hip as she moves through the cabins, she was gathering the linens to take down to the river to scrub and wash, gently she knocks upon the doors after she left her Jarl's with a load already at hand, smiling to each bond, Jarl and Mistress within the village who answered to her knocking, kachina asked politely for the dirty linens to be washed, under the wait of her load she moves across the grounds down by the river, wincing a little as she almost lost her balance by tripping over a few rocks down by the bank, but the act caused her to lose her bundle as it all scattered before her upon the ground, sighing in frustration she knelt and starts to gather them all up into a pile, dragging the basket closer to the edge she takes the scrubbing soap and grate to start doing the wash, grumbles her frustrations and to ease the growing temper as she scrubs hard over several of the clothes and cloth that was given to her, dunking them into the water to
[00:07]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): rise she winces as the cool water splashes over her and soaking through her woolen kirtle, granted the water felt good in the rising warm summer sun, but she wasnt in such a mood for the water fun unlike the other night with anpaytoo when they went to clean the recorder's hut and meeting room, gently after she finished scrubbing all the linens that was given to her she removes her own kirtle to wash, scrubbing it as she starts to hum, distracted with her work, she rinses it out and added it to the pile within a basket to take and hang to dry, smiles as she was pleased with the work she just done, she dragged the basket over to the clothes line she starts to hang them up, the extra water dripping over her tan lithe form, biting her lip as she finishes, she gazes about and hurries back to her Jarl's cabin for a spare kirtle to wear and to dry herself before she gets caught by her Jarl or any of the other Jarls within the village

wachiwi in the Garden ((8 August))

[14:49]  Ysamadouce walks to the garden, her silken black hair as Onyx looks radiant , the sun seems to be captivated by the lighning of her hair, she moves her head in a delicate wave, letting the sun covers her sensual body just like if her jarl were touching her , the sun is jelous for not having hands that could give her a pleasure that only her jarl with lust would give to her.
[14:49]  Ysamadouce begins harvening and collecting some raw material to prepare food at the bakery, while romoving the soul she smells the fresheness aroma of carrots being taking off, her curvaceous hips moves as if she were dancing, her carribean blood even though she lives at the mountains remains her the sensuality of the palms moving by the force of the air, she smiles devilishly knowing the plesure she gives to her jarl while dancing , letting flow all her sensuality through her round lusciuos hips

Solara tackles the Recorder's Office ((8 August))

Today, solara had planned to give the recorders office a good clean. The evening meal prior to today had left her with a new chore since Mistress recorder had been displeased with the grooming of her new work space.

solara carried her supplies from the bakery....a broom, a mop and some wash clothes in a bucket of water. Once she opened the door to the bakery she could feel how musty the room was. it had been long since the village had a recorder, so now it had been time for a major clean up.

Solara began by opening all the windows and doors clearing up the air. her first duty began with the dusting and beating of the fur rugs and the pillows.

Once completed, she moved to her wash bucket, wringing out her cloth and beginning to clean the desks, the windows and shelves. She sneezed once or twice once dusting began, but she followed through as she continued cleaning all surfaces.

before continuing, solara took a major stretch...she chuckled and thought just how underrated a good stretch was.

As the rooms in the recorders hut began to come together....she placed her wash cloths outside of the hut and returned inside...sweeping the first floor and then the second thoroughly. 􀀀

Solara then mopped the entire hut....getting every corner and every space.....moving quick but thorough.

Once the room had air dried, she returned to the hut with fresh wood for the fires, setting them down by the fire place and turning about, closing the doors but leaving the windows cracked slightly so fresh air may circulate.

05 August 2012

Working at the Mill ((5 August))

[13:29]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) rises before her Jarl and chain sisters, trying not to disturb them as she slips from the furs. kachina, moves gently across the floor to attend to some duties down at the mill. making sure that there was blackwine made for her Jarl and warm milk for her sisters, she fetches her kirtle and head out the door in silence.

pulling her kirtle over her head, she crosses the dew coated fields to enter the village path. the sun has just started rising and not many were awake yet as she passes between a few cabins to head towards the stream. following the bank towards the mill and garden, she hums softly to herself

[13:32]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) enters the mill she gazes about to see all that needs to be doing. she noted that the need of flour was in demand at the moment. kachina gazes about and spies several bails of the sa-tarna grain that still needs to be grounded down into the fine powder. stepping over she pulls over a few of the bails and places a couple of teh grain stocks within the grind stone.

turning the crank she watches at the wheel slowly lowers. the crunching and grinding the grain echoed in the stillness of the morning as she proceed in turning the bails of grain into sacks of flour. coughing a few times as flour dust rises into the air. her kirtle and tan flesh covered with newly ground flour

[13:33]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) sighs as she stacks up the sacks to the side of the mill shed, gazing about at the slight mess upon the floor. kachina removes her kirtle giving it a couple good shakes to remove the extra flour that seemed to gotten upon it. dusting herself as she steps to the side fetching a broom.

humming softly once more she starts to sweep the extra grain flacks, dust and wasted flour from the floor. she moves the broom in a small dance about the mill floor, her hips swaying lightly as she moves about. giggling to herself at the silliness as she finishes sweeping and the small pile dispose of into a bucket to spread over the garden later that day.

[13:34]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) smiles as she looks about nodding she stops in her tracks hearing the call from the village, turning on her heels she hurries to start the day with the others

Prepare the Fish for the Bondmaid Gruel ((4 August))

[09:08 PM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) smiles to herself as she enters the bakery and sets down the bucket of raw fish she had fetched from the cold shed on her way back. Having settled wachiwi at the barn milking blue, the large, shaggy village bosk she now hurried to finish her own chores for the night so that she could return to her Jarl's cabin and prepare His furs for the night

[09:10 PM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) with a mischevious glint in her bright gaze, she walked over to the sink and washed her hands well before pulling out two fat, silverfish and slapped them on the scarred, wooden carving board.

[09:12 PM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) chuckled to herself as she remembered that she forgot to warn wachiwi that old blue seemed to favor the taste of brightly colored camisks and kirtles, and many a time she had a lost a favorite outfit to her strong teeth. As a result she often mlked the bosk naked, unless it was two bitterly cold. During the winter months she would distract her with a sac of dried grain tied to her muzzle.

[09:20 PM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) reaches for the kitchen knife attatched to the counter and grasps the first fish firmly, noting the dark stripe down its back. She tilted the knife slightly and began the familiar task of scaling the fish, taking care to remove every one, even around the hard to reach collar. Small silver scales flew everywhere, littering the wooden floor and clinging to the sheer camisk she had donned that evening.

[09:25 PM]  wahya(tala.moonwing): She moved the first fish out of the way and scaled the second fish as well and then started the gutting process. Her mind wandered to the small silver box she had buried in the woods, in her secret place she would often slip away to when her chores were done and the village was quiet with sleep. As she slid the point of the knife into the vent of the fish and dragged it upward toward the head, her eyes clouded in thought. She had not been back to waterfall since the appearance of the mysterious spirit of the woman at the waterfall, partly from fear, and partly because she had been so busy preparing for winter.

[09:28 PM]  wahya(tala.moonwing): Forcing the knife through the bony part of the fish between the pelvic fins and upward to the base of the lower jaw, she sighed softly. She was dying to force open that box, but what would she find? and what if it was valuable? A slave could be put to death for theft, or at the very least have a hand or ear chopped off. And who would believe a spirit gave it to her?

[09:32 PM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) reaching inside the fish her fingers located the guts at the base of its head and yanked them out with long practice, tossing them in the refuse bucket nearby. Sliding the fish over she repeated the process on the second fish as her thoughts continuted to drift away in thought. She had not seen the warrior Thor in many moons. Many suspected He was off hunting or perhaps raiding with nearby allies, but she wondered idly if He had gone to try to save His love, not knowing of her tragic death, and the trap that lay in wait for Him.

[09:34 PM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) uses the knife to scrape out the livers of the fish located near the backbone, and the removed the remains of the bladder, tossing the small white sacs into the refuse bucket with the livers.

[09:39 PM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) worked diligently on the fish, as her mind continued to race with thoughts of the spirit woman and the missing Jarl. Her heart was heavy with guilt and worry and fear and she was hardly aware of the routine she performed two times per hand. Removing the gills from the fish as they would give the gruel and would make the fish spoil faster, she then sawed off the heads and tails and proceeded to chop the fish into small chunks that would be used for the gruel.

[09:42 PM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) tosses the heads, tails and gills into the refuse bucket she washed her hands again and tossed the chunks of raw fish into a large kettle. Adding a bucket of fresh water, another bucket of fresh bosk milk, a small pinch of salt and dried flour to the pot, she lifted it to the hearth to cook, digging out a large wooden spoon to stir it often so it did not stick to the sides and become overly lumpy.

[09:53 PM]  Ysamadouce: tas wahya

[09:54 PM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) sees the kettle of gruel start to boil and uses a cloth to lift the kettle from the flames, grunting with the effort as she carries it over to the counter. Crouching down, her strong legs supporting her firm body with ease, she rummages in the shelves for a lid and finding one settles it on the kettle. Setting it in the corner of the hearth, with the lid pushed down firmly , it would stay warm enough near the glowing coals of the dying fire. Smiling as she sees wachiwi enter the bakery with fresh bosk milk she waved at her "greetings again wachiwi"

[09:55 PM]  wahya(tala.moonwing) brushing a soft tendril of damp hair from her forehead she brushes her hands off on her camisk and shows her where the container for the milk was so that it could be stored and carried to the ice shed to stay cool for tomorrows cooking.

Milking the Bosk ((4 August))

21:04]  Ysamadouce: milks the bosk hearing the sound of it
[21:05]  Ysamadouce: moving my hands trying to take enough milk for all the things we need to have
[21:05]  Ysamadouce: feels the grass under my feets
[21:06]  Ysamadouce: and smells the perfume of the county while milking
[21:07]  Ysamadouce: watchs the verr mother with the little one and how she calls him to be by her side
[21:07]  Ysamadouce: keeps moving my hands
[21:08]  Ysamadouce: at the same moment I place my hand to the bosk telling her
[21:09]  Ysamadouce: dont worry be gentle its me wachiwi
[21:09]  Ysamadouce: I am new I know but it doesnt mind
[21:09]  Ysamadouce: with care I will touch you
[21:10]  Ysamadouce: and with love I milks you
[21:11]  Ysamadouce: I can tell you stories, I can sing to you, while you let me take the precius white liquid that will feed my people
[21:12]  Ysamadouce: feel you like the softness of my hands while touching you
[21:22]  Ysamadouce: keep milkng my sweet bosk, still need a bit more to finish my chore
[21:22]  Ysamadouce: and make my chieftain happy
[21:23]  Ysamadouce: ohh yes sweet as the honey i taste in my mouth
[21:24]  Ysamadouce: have you ever seen his eyes? its like seeing the sun, there is fire in his eyes
[21:24]  Ysamadouce: ohh dont tell me you have never hear his voice
[21:25]  Ysamadouce: when he whispers is like the sound of the water
[21:25]  Ysamadouce: that make you feel relax
[21:26]  Ysamadouce: but be careful if he is not happy
[21:26]  Ysamadouce: his voice becomes a thunder that make you run
[21:30]  Ysamadouce: my body begins to sweat and my hands are getting tird so please my sweet bosk, give me more of your milk so I can relax
[21:32]  Ysamadouce: touches you from behind you are such a good animals that let us calm the hunger while the nourishment satisfies those consumed during the daily activities

04 August 2012

Cleaning the Recorder's Hut ((3 August))

[20:27]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) smiles and waves
[20:27]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau): Greetings sis
[20:27]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): greetings napaytoo...waves hurries to her
[20:27]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) smiles
[20:28]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): where you bound sis, im off to see about scrubbing and dusting the recorders hut
[20:28]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau): i was just gathering a few things but i would help if you need me too
[20:29]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): that be great, you can help with the lesson circle....smiles
[20:29]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) nods
[20:30]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): let me get a pail of water and we both can head on over...smiles as she turns to head towards the well
[20:30]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) waits for her
[20:31]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) slips closer to teh well she pick up the pail and makes sure taht it was hooked upon the rope before tossing it into the well, hearing teh splash she starts to turn the crank to draw the pail back up
[20:32]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas): Greetings Anpaytoo
[20:33]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) looks over watching her fetch the water she calls out "do you need any help?" turns hearing a voice
[20:33]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau): Greetings
[20:33]  wahya (tala.moonwing): boo
[20:33]  wahya (tala.moonwing) chuckles
[20:33]  wahya (tala.moonwing): greetings anpaytoo
[20:33]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) reaching out, she grips the handle, cursing some in her old urth language as some of the water splashed out soaking the front of her kirtle, sighing she removes the pail from the rope and looks over seeing rayen and anpaytoo...nah im fine...smiles lightly
[20:34]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) giggles "Greetings wahya"
[20:34]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas): ooooooh that reminds me
[20:34]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas): wahya sis, i stalked the water but it wouldn't let me add it to the barrel
[20:34]  wahya (tala.moonwing) snickers "that is quite fetching kachina.. the "wet bond look"
[20:34]  wahya (tala.moonwing) smirks
[20:34]  wahya (tala.moonwing): hmmm
[20:35]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) looks down at the kirtle then smirks at wahya...haha dont you have your own task to do
[20:35]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) smiles to wachiwi "Greetings"
[20:35]  wahya (tala.moonwing): mmhmmm
[20:35]  Ysamadouce: smiles , greeting ginger
[20:35]  wahya (tala.moonwing): i will be in the bakery for now if you need me chuckles
[20:36]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): right go on with you then...rolls eyes as she turns towards the recorders hut
[20:36]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) grins
[20:37]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) carries the pail she hip bump the door open, looking about the dimly lit room then smiles to anpaytoo...ready
[20:37]  Now playing: Vangelis-Fields Of Coral - An Gille Ban
[20:37]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) looks around as she slips through the doors behind kachina "Am ready"
[20:38]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): you could tend to the pillows in the next room or help dust the scrolls while i scrub the floor
[20:38]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) places the pail down upon the floor
[20:40]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) smiles up at her as she gently removes her wet kirtle to dry by the door
[20:40]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) reaching for an old rep cloth she nods walking to the the scrolls dusting them carefully "Sure i could that"
[20:41]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): thats good and thanks for helping...smiles as she slips down to her knees grabbing a spare rep cloth she dunks it into the water splashing it everywhere and starts to scrub the floor
[20:42]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) starts dusting the scrolls close to the window she turns giving her a warm smile "I enjoy helping any way i can kachina"
[20:43]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): just watch your step..she warns lightly then smiles to glad and its good that you can...the she winks as she rinses out the cloth to only soak it and herself as she bumps the pail splashing more water, sighing she curses a little under her breath
[20:44]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): i swear its gonna be one of those night...she mutters
[20:45]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) giggles "now now Kachina your cleaning the floors not try to bathe us both" she teases her picking up a dusting scroll coughing a bit
[20:46]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) giggles..oh really are you sure....smirks as she playfully tosses a spare soaked cloth at anpaytoo's back, giggling as the soak rag catches her shoulder
[20:49]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) jumps slightly giggling frantically " ooh no you dont" dips her hand in the pail of water splashing her on her back "Got yuh" turns stepping back a bit hiding behind her rep cloth looking rather silly
[20:50]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) yelps feeling the water...hey...she gasps then looks to you little...looking about she spies one of the cushions and grabs it looks to her...oh anpaytoo...she calls sweetly, just as the girl turns she tosses the cushion at her
20:54]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) shakes her head waving her hands in the air "oooh no nooooooooo those are dustyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" screams once thepillow hit her in the face coughs frantically which then turn into an awkward laugh "Am gonn get you" leans over diving on her hitting her with the pillow as she straddle her giggles then stops crwaling off her body
[20:55]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) falls back giggling, covers her face with her arms, coughing as dust flies every where....ok ok i give.....laying back she giggles some coughing as she tries to regain her composure
[20:56]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) grins as she tries to get back to work "Are you alright" she ask with a smirk as she watched her stand to her feet giggling
[20:58]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) nods still giggling some...yes im fine...smiles to her as she takes the pillow coughing a little...guess i should take these outside and see about removing the dust...wrinkles her nose some then sneezes
[20:59]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) smiles "Good idea i best get back to finishing these scrolls. Did you see Jarl today?' she asking dusting a few scrolls before moving to the next shelf
[21:02]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) sighs softly as she stood in the doorway with twop pillows smacking them i havent, was running errands most of the day after i woke from the furs...she coughed as dust puffs from the pillows
21:05]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) sighs softly lifting a scroll tempted to open it but didt just placing it back. "I hope he is alright " looks at all the dust "becareful there" she teased her
[21:07]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) sneezes again then smirks looking over a slender shoulder...oh im trying but these dust bunnies are putting up a fight....laughs as she fetches the other cushions and pillows, batting them together
[21:08]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) giggles finishing up with the scrolls before moving to the next shelf dusrinf some more "Yea i know what you mean" looks down at the dust all over her "Looks like we would need a bath after this"
[21:10]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): oh but thats the best part...she laughed winks to her...we just run and jump into the stream then hurry off to tackle our Jarl...she teased going into a new fit of both giggles and sneezes as more dust greets her
[21:12]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) looks over at her then giggles ludly before coughing herself " Looks like the recorders home hasnt been clean in awhile we might need more than a dip maybe Jarl could join us" chuckles
[21:15]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone): mmm that actually sounds tempting and sadly we havent had a recorder for sometime, ive been acting recorder for the village and well sorta fell behind...looks to her sheepishly
[21:17]  Athena Firebrand (ginger.boyau) looks surprised "Oh i didnt mean anything by it but i see how that can happen being that this is our new home an all" smiles softly hoping she didnt make her feel bad or anything
[21:18]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) softly laughs she tosses her a freshly dusted pillow...tis alright and no harm, come lets finish this so that we can bathe before our Jarl sees us...winks
[21:28]  Kachina (clysa.dragoone) finishes cleaning the hut, she hurries with anpaytoo to the creak, splashing into teh water, giggling as they clean themselves

03 August 2012

Tends to the Vulos (3 August)

[04:50 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas) yawns and stretches, her eyes slowly opening as she see's the sun begin to rise, she smiles as a bright new day begins, straightening her furrs she gets dressed and begins to exit the kennels slowly making her way to the Vulo pins to fill their water and food pans and collect their eggs , and clean their beddings

[04:54 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas) hums softly to herself as she makes her way over to the Vulo pin she begins to clean out their bedding collecting the eggs as she does so she smiles to herself as she continues to do her daily chores

[04:56 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas) keeping her eyes peeled incase any of the Vulo decide to attack while she is collecting the eggs she giggles softly as she thinks back on a time when she used to be scared of these creatures...shaking her head she goes back to putting fresh bedding down for them to sleep in

[04:57 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas) making her way down to the well she gets fresh water for the vulo then goes back up to the pin and fills up their water pan and food pans, picking up the eggs she carefully carries them back to the kitchen and cleans them then puts them away in their rightful place.

[05:01 PM]  rαуҽղ (xeian.nateas) continues to tidy up the kitchen a little bit then goes on about her day doing her other chores

Tending to the Animals ((3 August))

[16:16] SolaraLove: The wind blew cool against her skin as she walked barefeet through the green grass of Rondvik. As she approached the barn she could see her work was cut out for her. the verr and the bosk needed water......hay needed to be put down. the dung needed to be collected and the pens cleaned. she grinned as a chicken startled her, jumping out from behind the hay. She took the rake and began to clean out the floor.
[16:27] SolaraLove: as she moved about the pens she made various piles of garbage......tossing them out the barn one by one. She then stood amongst the bosks....taking up the bosk dung and putting them into the collecting sacs.
[16:32] SolaraLove: Once this was done, solara took up the empty buckets in the pens and proceeded to the well, filling each bucket with cool water to the brim. a filled bucket in each hand she returned to the pens...a drop of water or two spilling from each side.....she filled up the water supply for both the verr and the bosks
[16:35] SolaraLove: Once that had been done solara laid down a fresh heap of hay before the bosks and verr.....spreading it evenly and neatly. beads of sweat settling at her forehead.
[16:36] SolaraLove: she looked about and seen her job was completed, she headed out towards the bakery to check on cooking chore